An old sea dog returning to the seas.

  • Hello fellow Pirates. I picked this up at launch, played it for a month but the notorious "beard" errors drove me away from the seas I loved so much.
    Found myself with a solid itch (might be the scurvy) to get my sea legs back, but doing it alone is no fun. So I am looking to join a crew of like-minded sea dogs looking to have fun doing pretty much whatever (as pirates do). I play Xbox (though I could install on my Alienware if needed), I do have a mic, I'm not a screeching 12 year old, and LOVE to RP this experience. I primarily play in the afternoons and weekends (due to work).
    My gamertag is Gabriel Rayven, shoot me a message in a bottle and lets hit the high seas!

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  • @gabriel-rayven

    I run an SOT Discord group called Rum Runners Republic, with over 190 members deep & counting.

    If your looking for a good group of like minded players to enjoy the game then your more than welcome to join us, we do a mix of both PVE & PVP.

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