Can't look left or right when off ship

  • I was playing for several hours today,. and I could not complete a multi-chapter Gold Hoaders mission, because when I got off the ship I could not look left or right I could only go straight ahead and backwards. Mouse /Keyboard or Controller same effect. Very frustrating. How do I fix this in the future, I don't want to lose the quest like I did tonight.

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  • I've had this happen a couple of times. Only thing that worked for me was logging out and back in, but I am not usually alone. With the new Rejoin Session feature, closing the app rather than quiting from the menu may work if you are solo.

    Visiting the Ferryman didn't help, but this was months ago so it may be worth trying.

  • @archangel-timmy

    Thank you I will try this next time. Leaving the game at the 6th island was depressing.

  • I get this one quite frequently.

    You have to die. Sometimes even die and disconnect re-connect your controller but dying usually clears it up.

  • Had this happen on very rare occasions since launch.

    Drown yourself is the best method.

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