Sea of Thieves On-Going Madness

  • After a while of doing quests and selling them, we see a Fort of the Damned skull in the skies. Our sloop goes to the big skull in the hopes of intercepting whoever is doing the Fort and stealing the Athena & the loot for ourselves. We see the skull from not too far, my partner and I decide to shoot ourselves in the cannons towards the Fort in the hopes of hiding in the island until they finish the fort. Everything goes great, they kill the Skeleton Lord Graymarrow and before opening the door with the key, they spot us and kill us. Once we respawn back on our close-by ship, we decided to sail towards the fort in the purpose of sinking their ship, killing them, get the key, and take it for ourselves. Once arriving, we sink them, thinking that we had won the battle. We dock our sloop next to the entrance of the fort, and then we notice, the door is still closed, and there's no sign of the key anywhere around. We look and look for the key thinking they had hid them, up and down, inside and outside of the island, but nothing. After 5 minutes, we notice they come back in their same ship. We shoot & fight, and guess what, we kill them once more. We keep looking for the key, up and down, inside and outside of the island, and nothing. They once more come back, after 5 minutes... we die. Our ship is respawned faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away. We notice the Reaper's chest moves away from the island. We track it and meet with our already-met fellas. We chase, we shoot, and see the Athena on their ship from afar , with the rest of the loot. We chase, not being able to catch up, we are on the sails and helm fully focused in order to not miss a bit of wind going on our favor. We are still not able to catch up. They drop gunpowder barrels, we miss them, they jump from the back of their ship towards ours, we kill them. They do that, over and over... and over, and over, over & over then over and then some more gunpowder barrels again. They did not manage to get on our ship once, nor hit our anchor once and we still couldn't catch up to them. They head towards Plunder Outpost, just pass by it, one of them drop in the island with the Athena and manages to sell it, their ship is still continuing to sail pass the outpost. They already sold their main objective. We keep chasing, same story. They jump out the back of their ship onto ours, we kill them not letting them get onto our ship nor hit our anchor. We then notice they are heading towards another outpost, guess what, same thing happens, once jumps out with an Reaper's chest, sells it, respawns back into their ship. They did this, 4 times. Us, continuing to chase them, did not manage, EVER to catch up to them. At the end, they sold everything from outpost to outpost and ended up crashing their ship into the last outpost to call us pu**ies and noobs. We had perfect sails, they did too. We had a man on the helm, they did too. They had a big advantage against our crew, why did we have none, some type of power-up boost, or longer grapple rope. We were the underdog, forever. We had sunk their ship twice already, they manage to get back in less than 10 minutes, that's the time you have to stack up planks and bananas onto your ship's barrels. In my experience of playing this game after so long, and continue to see this is a problem the game has, I followed to ALT+F4 from the game. Our main point of this whole story is:

    Why is a ship that has been sunk, able to return to their place of death in so little time? Not sure if it's difficult or not to have someone that has been entirely sunk fully change to a new server.

    Why are we not able to catch up to another ship unless their slow down their sails or hit their anchor? We already have power-up cannonballs that can anchor a ship or make its crew dance. Shouldn't be too hard to implement some type of boost on the ship that's on the back, or simply have longer & better working harpoons when the ship is on the move.

    Why is someone that is being chased, able to leave the helm and their sails and still able to jump out the back of their ship to get to someone else's? Have a reset time of every 15 seconds the sails are unattended, they slowly move to the sides, or even randomized bumps in the water that makes your anchor randomly get dropped off and if you are on the ship you must catch it before it hits the floor of the ocean.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one that has experienced this before in the game after playing it for so long. Hope we can have the devs have a read at this.

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  • @saffronprism952 I completely agree, this is something that needs to be fixed, even more after what he says that he sunk them TWICE, I also love the ideas that he is suggesting at the end of the post. ^^UP VOTE^^

  • @Nabberwar sorry to tag you like this but I quote what you said in a different post that is pretty relevant to this one

    Quote:It doens't sound like you want "balance." For the most part, that is what we already have. Two ships face each other winner takes all. What you are asking for is some form of comeback mechanic. You lost a fight fair and square, why do you need the game to help you reclaim what was lost? Lets break down each suggestion you made.

  • This was a long post, but it is answered by your ship type.
    Sloops are the slowest of all the ships. You can not catch another ship if both are managing their sails and using wind properly. This was does by design.
    The fix is to use the brig. It won't catch a galleon at full billow but it would catch a sloop.
    On your ideas... you never know, they may give us a cannonball that gives a burst of speed. That provides a big bonus to a ship that has it, so it may be rare.

    The game is designed to allow players to jump off their ship and try to board your own or for any other reason. The complaints of mermaid use is large, but what happens when the mermaids stop rescuing us? We'll just have to take a shark bite to the ferry.

    I am really unsure what the issue was outside that you sunk a ship twice at the fort and couldn't find the key. You tried and put up a good fight. If it was unlocked it would be a different story as you most likely would have sold the loot.

    You'll get it another soon enough! Happy hunting!

  • Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like a case of the Rustled Jimmies. Don't worry, although its highly contageous, we all have got it at some point. While certainly you were the underdog, they just played smart. This is especially noticed at key moments in the story. First, they hid the key. They demonstrated some good game knowledge at this point. They swept the island before opening the door, while first clearing the area of ships. Although they lost, their smart choice of hiding the key came into play here. The second moment in the story was simple their sailing and drive by sell-offs.

    Now to address a few points, why do you deserve some form of advantage in this situation? Is it solely due to the numbers? My response is this, if numbers are so important, why didn't you sail on the bigger ship? This is a sandbox game, what you put into it is what you get out of it. This is universal in many other sandbox games. A group of players will always have an easier time over singles and duo's. However, that is how things should be if you want balance. Each individual player is on an equal footing, the minute the players in question have things over another player given to them by the system, you no longer have balance. Having less crew-members isn't great, but no one forces players to sail with fewer people besides themselves.

    The close spawns can be chocked up to luck of the draw. Would it have mattered, if they spawned so far off? Sounds like they had you beat by the hiding spot alone.

  • @d-jaguar said in Sea of Thieves On-Going Madness:

    You can not catch another ship if both are managing their sails and using wind properly.

    Both ships had equal opportunities, both were sloops, both had two skillful players, only difference is that the sloop in front has the chance to drop players off the back of their ship, and the ship on the rear doesn't.

    We are playing a pirate game, as cartoonish it may look, it involves canon fights, sword play, not "try to catch me, and get next to me if you can and you may miss me if I jump off to an outpost to sell an Athena, and my ship will continue to sail."

    I am really unsure what the issue was outside that you sunk a ship twice at the fort and couldn't find the key.

    If a ship has been fully sunk, to a full extent, it'd be good if it could take its crew to a new server or get kicked back to the main menu. It's gonna make you choose your fights a lot better and take care of your ship a lot more, you are a pirate, and everything evolves around your ship.

    I appreciate your input on the topic.

  • Nothing they can do about people coming back quickly, the map isn't huge and the fort is located in the middle of the map so it doesn't really matter where they spawn since they will be back in a few minutes anyway

  • @itz-majman If nothing can be done about not letting them come back so fast to their previous sunk location, disconnect them and put them on a new server.

  • @saffronprism952

    Would be a intresting thing but kinda ruins if you are rolling around with an alliance and you randomly gets sent to a other server.

  • i like the idea of longer harpoons, i have seen this issue a thousand times and i too wish for it to be gone. it is not fun to spend hours chasing ships

  • @itz-majman said in Sea of Thieves On-Going Madness:


    Would be a intresting thing but kinda ruins if you are rolling around with an alliance and you randomly gets sent to a other server.

    I discovered how useful an honored alliance was today because being in 1 prevented us from server merging. After 6+ hours of play, the server was just our 2 ships and we could freely do the FotD without interruption - apparently patience has its rewards. After I left, I received a message from my allies telling me they instantly merged upon my exit.

  • Your same frustration is what those you chased feel every time they loose 2+ hours of work just to have it all gone. Have fun with your wasted time! Maybe team up and get more loot by co-operating next time

    @d4m0r3d said in Sea of Thieves On-Going Madness:

    i like the idea of longer harpoons, i have seen this issue a thousand times and i too wish for it to be gone. it is not fun to spend hours chasing ships

    It's also not fun being chased for hours when all I wanted to do was just chill and do a couple of tall tales for 30 minutes.

  • @saffronprism952 I take it you are new to the game? This was heavily discussed at release. People hated that others could return to forts. Its easier today with rowboats, harpoons, and alliances to load a ship. Before a finished fort took a lot of time. You would check the horizon before opening the vault because we had been been beat before and held on to the fear others were coming while we loaded the loot.

    While I agree if death mattered more the game would have more interesting developments in player's choices, it also loses the edge for those who never give up. Perseverance is a wonderful trait. When the game first released, forts were heavily contested. Sloops would hide behind rocks and pop out as the others loaded their ship (pre-cursed cannonballs).
    The constant back and forth made the fight more epic. As you finish one ship and another arrived. It made the moments of turning in the loot to have higher value. Not because we cared about the gold or rep back then. It was the achievement of beating others on the server as everyone competed for the fort. There were no alliances. If we formed an alliance through communication, we passed out loot or betrayed one another.
    Good times....

    When chasing you have to get creative on a sloop. You'll never catch another well managed ship. Try to predict where they are going and find ways to position yourself to an advantage. Forcing them to turn towards islands and hope they may make a mistake and run aground, etc. Even the best sailors may make a mistake.

    Don't let the frustration of not getting the loot get to you. The loot is not worth much nor is the rep. Its the story you get to tell at the tavern afterward that is the biggest reward.

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