Any tips on getting hit by lightning?

  • I've been trying to get killed by lightning for months and months. That Festival of the Damned commendation continues to elude me.

    I try to get myself down to almost no health, and I hang out in the storm, but... I've never been hit.

    Is there a reliable strategy for getting zapped?

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  • Just keep your sword in your hand. Always works for me

  • @nwo-azcrack Of course! A lightning rod. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.

  • @ruggles-forever
    Seems like anything metal in your hand will attract lightning. But the sword seems to work the best. Also if u stay in the crows nest, it seems like u have a better chance of being hit also

  • @nwo-azcrack I'll climb up there and do my best He-Man impersonation until it happens. Thanks!

  • @ruggles-forever
    Lol the fact that u are old enough to drop that reference made my day. It was my favorite show as a kid

  • Thanks to the new Fort of the Damned update, overall lighting strike chance has been increased, and holding your sword out will now increase that chance even more. Good luck on getting that white flame!

  • Lightning strikes on the edges of the storm not in its eye... if you sail for a while at the storm's edge you'll get hit sooner or later.

  • @ruggles-forever Jump off your crows nest ladder a few times to get your health low. Then stand in the Crows nest it usually hits up there. might take a few lightning strikes but you will die up there.

    its how i got it multiple times in the first event

  • So jump of the crows nest to get your health low. Then sail into a storm and hold out your sword. An update made it so metal objects attract lighting.

  • @ruggles-forever

    Get your sword out and SAY u DONT want to be hit.
    Or start fishing (u dont want to be hit when fishing).
    Somehow i find that once i want something to kill me, it doenst. Once i dont want it to kill me i die 5x times in a row XD

  • @smellyboi696969 sagte in Any tips on getting hit by lightning?:

    So jump of the crows nest to get your health low. Then sail into a storm and hold out your sword. An update made it so metal objects attract lighting.

    You see that this post is 2 months old?

  • [mod edit]

  • @smellyboi696969 sagte in Any tips on getting hit by lightning?:

    @schwammlgott shut the freak up noob

    Wow, someone is really friendly today...

  • Log into my account, I assure you lightning will strike you frequently and when you least need it.

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