Be more pirate! Let’s all come together!

  • Lately I’ve seen a lot of posts with negative vibes and not so constructive feedback or suggestions. I get the feeling that some players are really passionate for Sea of Thieves which makes them feel pushed away from gameplay changes. However I think what every pirate on this forum needs is to be more pirate!

    I’d like everyone who reads this to respond with two things. Let’s keep this as a community and hear from all pirates and remember the code.

    1. What makes you more Pirate!

    2. If you could change one thing what would it be? No need for a long reason why just a sentence or two.

  • 21
  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3
    Well, if I could change one thing it'd be that Darned Armoury UI!
    It's very cumbersome as it is now.
    I'd prefer if it was something like this:
    alt text

  • My longevity and dedication are what makes me more pirate - I've been playing since long before the game's release, and helping others enjoy the game as much as I have every step of the way.

    As for what I would change? I would bring back the ability to quickdraw a firearm off of a sword-block (where you would instant aim down the barrel) and find a compromise for the now overpowered sword speed-changes. The former was the game's only real counter-attack mechanic, and without it, the game's balance in melee shifts woefully in favor of the offense. The latter also favors offensive play while also making blocking all but pointless against anyone who knows how to side-step.

  • The love of sailing with a crew who has fun no matter the story to it. As for change. Think Rare is doing a good job with the updates. Keep it going.

  • I’m no expert, but I’ve always wanted the sword fighting to be like ’Vermintide’ melee fighting. More refined, nuanced and advanced melee.

  • Well, I'm not a Pirate, I'm an Explorer.

    And if I could change 1 thing, I'd remove scaling on skeletons when you level up in OOS and Athena.
    Players don't increase in powerlevel, so neither should the NPCs.

  • Better sea battles for players to actually like to do it instead of constantly ramming, boarding and eventually blowing down other ships or flee like there's no tomorrow.

    Arena mode will not last long if there's no other tactics than using kegs to sink ships.


  • I’m more pirate when I use a Irish pirate voice and say cheesy pirate quotes as I battle other crews for their booty.

    I’d change how many cosmetic options we have. More cosmetics that unlock by completing achievements or actions. Hidden cosmetics randomly spawn on islands based on theme.

  • @meurtrisseur said in Be more pirate! Let’s all come together!:

    Better sea battles for players to actually like to do it instead of constantly ramming, boarding and eventually blowing down other ships or flee like there's no tomorrow.

    Arena mode will not last long if there's no other tactics than using kegs to sink ships.


    If you think boarding or using kegs is the only way to sink a ship, then you're missing out on just how useful CCBs can be - I've sunk galleons in 5 seconds flat with the right combination, and without ever having to step off my boat...

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3 said in Be more pirate! Let’s all come together!:

    I’m more pirate when I use a Irish pirate voice and say cheesy pirate quotes as I battle other crews for their booty.

    I've done this! 😂

  • The love of the sea and the immersion the game offers me makes me more pirate

    I would change the Sloop into being viable as I see no reason for even a solo player to sail as a sloop, when he can solo a brig with the advantages outweighing the hassle by far.

  • what makes me a pirate? apparently playing this game that is themed pirates in the most beautiful deployment of the unreal engine ive ever seen.

    What would I change? I would fire the head developer and replace him with someone with a vision focused more toward pc gamers and openworld combat.

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3 said in Be more pirate! Let’s all come together!:

    I’m more pirate when I use a Irish pirate voice and say cheesy pirate quotes as I battle other crews for their booty.

    I'm that Irish Pirate.. in real life. Kudos to you!!!

    what makes me a pirate? ...... it's in my name, and I try to live the life :)
    what would I change? ........ would love to be able to change vessel type in game, to get mates in the same game.
    I'm sure they will introduce this down the line, they mentioned it was on the road map.

  • @K1LROYw4sH3R3
    Being ready for whatever adventure comes, is what makes me more pirate. I love that there is no guarantee of what will come your way when you set sail... Ye never know which way the winds will blow, so keep yer cutlass ready, and yer cannons loaded!

    Now that I can no longer use my EoR as a swiss army knife and have to constantly update my load out, I am with @Sgt-Palooggoo on what I would change. I really dislike the clunky armory UI.

  • What makes me a pirate is my 25 years of US Coast Guard Service as a Boatswain's Mate. Many patrols to the Caribbean, Bahamas, around South America, the equator, through the Panama Canal and the Bering Sea having been stationed on some great CG Cutters with the most amazing port calls. St Thomas, St Croix, Tortola BVI, Granada, San Juan PR and Curacao to name a few. I was stationed in the Outer banks of NC, CG STA Hatteras Inlet and Ocracoke, where Edward Teach (Blackbeard) lost his head at Teaches Hole. I've received Order of the Ditch, Order of the Spanish Main, Shellback and Bluenose certificates in my travels and hold a 100gt Capt License with towing endorsement. I've been carried back to the ship by shipmates drunk and unable to walk from Rum Runners and Sloppy Joe's in Key West. I've been to Kilauea in Hawaii, Dutch Harbor in Alaska and many points in between. I've seen dolphins that look like comets swimming through phosphorus next to the ship during the mid watch. I've seen stars that stretch from one end of the horizon to the other without anything in the way.
    I've witnessed some of the most beautiful sunsets, some of which with a green flash. (Excellent in the game by the way) I've weathered storms that have listed the ship to the point that you could just about walk on the bulkhead.

    I may not have been an actual pirate but I am without question salty. Now I have sailed the Sea of Thieves and live my days as a deaf Pirate Legend trying to win the love of Olga at Golden Sands Outpost. ; )

    As for my one change request for the game, I wish that they would add a Rum Runner's to Golden Sands Outpost with NPC's that resemble my closest shipmates from over the years.

    Fair winds and following seas!

  • @galactic-geek a dit dans Be more pirate! Let’s all come together! :

    @meurtrisseur said in Be more pirate! Let’s all come together!:

    Better sea battles for players to actually like to do it instead of constantly ramming, boarding and eventually blowing down other ships or flee like there's no tomorrow.

    Arena mode will not last long if there's no other tactics than using kegs to sink ships.


    If you think boarding or using kegs is the only way to sink a ship, then you're missing out on just how useful CCBs can be - I've sunk galleons in 5 seconds flat with the right combination, and without ever having to step off my boat...

    @meurtrisseur a dit dans Be more pirate! Let’s all come together! :

    Better sea battles for players to actually like to do it instead of constantly ramming, boarding and eventually blowing down other ships or flee like there's no tomorrow.

    How lucky you must be to always have the good cursed canon balls anytime you play, or more likely play for so long you can collect them for when you'll eventually encounter a galleon mere filled with noobs unable to counter cursed balls.

    Sadly we common flock aren't as close to RNG god as you are, then for a regular basis, I'm still wishing for better sea battles, even if you can't suffer such a wish.

  • @meurtrisseur Not every sea battle is sunshine and rainbows - just today, I spent 20 minutes trying to line up an anchorball on a pursuing brigantine while I was in a sloop. In that time, they killed me 2x over, boarded, and dumped half my loot overboard (jerks). Still, I sunk them 1st, and bought myself the time I needed to turn in my remaining loot. Afterwards, my crewmate said that was the best time he had ever had since starting out - in the end, that's what really matters.

  • @galactic-geek a dit dans Be more pirate! Let’s all come together! :

    @meurtrisseur Not every sea battle is sunshine and rainbows - just today, I spent 20 minutes trying to line up an anchorball on a pursuing brigantine while I was in a sloop. In that time, they killed me 2x over, boarded, and dumped half my loot overboard (jerks). Still, I sunk them 1st, and bought myself the time I needed to turn in my remaining loot. Afterwards, my crewmate said that was the best time he had ever had since starting out - in the end, that's what really matters.

    I still don't understand the point of keeping us updated with your pirate elife, since it's definitely not the topic of the thread, you think this is instagram or what ?

    Not to mention your bragging is literally completely ludicrous for you have mecanically no time to fire enough balls in 5 secs to sink a galleon, like anyone with half a brain knows it.

    If only pro ebragging compulsive liars could create their own topics... We could have a taste of paradise.

  • I still think I'm more of a privateer.
    A fun option is Team/Alliances Vs PiratevPirate

    I enjoy pirating but I always feel guilty.

  • @meurtrisseur Sinking a galleon in 5 seconds is easy if you're also on a galleon, with all 4 crew on cannons and ready to fire as you approach the rival's 7 o'clock broadside... Which is exactly what happened.

    I may like to boast, sure, but I don't lie. Also, I was simply replying to your post in an attempt to get you to understand that you don't need to rely on gunpowder barrels or boarding to win a ship battle. I'm sorry if that upset you and caused you to feel the need to attack me.

  • I think Rare has been improving a lot since the start can not wait for the mega update.

12 out of 21