Mysterious Journals

  • Finding these out in the world of SoT certainly adds to the richness of our experience.

    Little detached stories & tales we happen upon along our journey.

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    I've had a thought for a while, it would nice to be able to take them with us ( or at least a copy ) to add to our inventory.

    Possibly as a result have a "Collector of Lore" commendation.

    A further thought ( although I'm uncertain how this could be implemented, as we join a new instance of SoT eachtime ), to have a bookshelf in our Captains Cabin gradually over time filled with these Journals.

    A visible collection of journals to reflect back on, to pick up now & again, & thumb their pages.

    Just a thought ( from a lore/story lover )


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  • That's a great idea! I would love to get a collection of books in the captain's cabin, like every time you find one of those journals and you read them, it should be added to the collection and be able to read them again from the bookshelf. Since you always join a new server you start with one book or maybe two and you have space for other books to find, it would be nice to get a commendation like you said, after reaching a certain number of books in your collection.

    In the past when Joe talked about being able to name your ship and more objects to interact with in the captain's cabin, he mentioned a framed picture on the wall, where you could upload your favorite screen shot or moment from your adventures on Sea of Thieves.

    I would like that to be implemented in the game as well, but for now they are focusing on other content and bug fixes. Hope one day they will add those small things that would make the game more immersive and fun!

  • @piratecraggy

    It like them a lot as well. Either be able to actually pick the up or at least add the pages once we find and unlock them to books back on the ship.

  • @biostructr said in Mysterious Journals:

    That's a great idea! I would love to get a collection of books in the captain's cabin, like every time you find one of those journals and you read them, it should be added to the collection and be able to read them again from the bookshelf. Since you always join a new server you start with one book or maybe two and you have space for other books to find, it would be nice to get a commendation like you said, after reaching a certain number of books in your collection.

    In the past when Joe talked about being able to name your ship and more objects to interact with in the captain's cabin, he mentioned a framed picture on the wall, where you could upload your favorite screen shot or moment from your adventures on Sea of Thieves.

    I would like that to be implemented in the game as well, but for now they are focusing on other content and bug fixes. Hope one day they will add those small things that would make the game more immersive and fun!

    We cannot forget a ship or captain log. A book that records our voyages, accomplishments, and exploits. A journal, diary we can also record our stories in. A big leather bound book with parchment pages. A quill we pick up from an ink well next to it which writes what we type.

  • I need a extra page or tab like we have for the commendations. So where i can store collectables and look at or read or interact with.

    A bookshelf to collect those books and discover what its all about.
    A shelf to collect tiny boats from the shipwrecks .and maybe shiplogs to read the story..
    A page where i can transfer gold to so it becomes cosmetic showing a growing pile of treasure which is awesome and fun.
    I could collect tiny statues and the ancient relics and they could have a little story.

    Maybe a commendation page that looks like a little captain cabin, like the dev got in his latest vid ,where all this can be stored and selected to read about or look at the picture.

    And if they could my collection would cosmetically change a boats cabin when i start a game to personalize and show off ^^

    Ok i stop dreaming now :")

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Mysterious Journals:

    I need a extra page or tab like we have for the commendations. So where i can store collectables and look at or read or interact with.

    A bookshelf to collect those books and discover what its all about.
    A shelf to collect tiny boats from the shipwrecks .and maybe shiplogs to read the story..
    A page where i can transfer gold to so it becomes cosmetic showing a growing pile of treasure which is awesome and fun.
    I could collect tiny statues and the ancient relics and they could have a little story.

    Maybe a commendation page that looks like a little captain cabin, like the dev got in his latest vid ,where all this can be stored and selected to read about or look at the picture.

    And if they could my collection would cosmetically change a boats cabin when i start a game to personalize and show off ^^

    Ok i stop dreaming now :")

    Never stop dreaming! Dreams can come true.

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Mysterious Journals:

    We cannot forget a ship or captain log. A book that records our voyages, accomplishments, and exploits. A journal, diary we can also record our stories in. A big leather bound book with parchment pages. A quill we pick up from an ink well next to it which writes what we type.

    Oh yes I'm liking that! Def.. want a big book for me exploits.


    A shelf to collect tiny boats

    That's been mentioned, Joe has even talked about that one. Sorta idea is to maybe have models on the shelves of vessels recently sunk.
    A "Spoils of War" kind of idea.

    They have more pressing stuff to look at I'm sure. But all these little touches I believe would polish things off nicely.

    @Ruigtand-NL ... yip I agree... we can dream, but it would be great!

  • @piratecraggy

    Spoils of war.. this sounds nice yeah i guess its what it is all about :D

  • As a lore lover myself, this would be a wonderful addition. maybe a bookshelf will become a ship customization. The books you find can be linked to your account and will automatically be transferred to the bookshelf every session you join. It could be like a clothing chest, which brings up a hud that allows you to choose your books.

  • @x-crowheart-x That is correct! Was watching Beardageddon
    stream today and he started talking about those things and how he would love to have a journal in your inventory and each time you defeat a kraken, meg, skelly ship for the first time, it would get added in the journal. Then each time you find a book scattered around the map and you read it, the information gets transferred to your journal. Basically you have like 60 empty pages and you start building your character lore and fill those pages.

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