Idle timer?!?

  • So I go on three voyages and get all of the chests and find a skull in the process. The phone rings. It's work. I dock at an outpost. I come back. I'm kicked for idle. I come back and everything I worked for is GONE... how stupid is that?

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  • @jg14cstc Gah I can see why your frustrated. I would be to.

    But believe me when I say it’s so much better than the alternative, they had to add it in because there was players just joining crews and going AFK to just farm of other people’s work and there was no way to remove them.

  • As @KnifeLife mentioned, the timer is sort of a necessary evil to prevent abuse. I'm not sure exactly how long the timer is, but when I need to go AFK I usually try to check back every 10 minutes to avoid getting disconnected. It would be nice if there were an AFK emote of some kind, perhaps with a countdown so you know exactly how long you've got before disconnecting. Food for thought.

    EDIT: As an aside, an outpost is probably the very worst place to go AFK. I mean...I've done it, too, but it's a big gamble. I try to find some out-of-the-way place to hide my ship when I need a little break. Someone else on the forums mentioned he sails to the edge of the Devil's Shroud and anchors out there. Seems like a pretty good idea. I usually like to anchor in big rock formations. Nobody ever has any reason to go there and it provides some concealment.

  • That sucks but pretty much most games have some type of idle timer. I would rubber band your control next time you have to take a call or tend to something so you dont get kicked or just check back up on it every few minutes.

    How about this? I just got back on SOT after a hiatus and got server merged twice within in a couple hours. Ok not a big deal right? Well the second merge happened right when we docked at an outpost. We had loot from a skelly ship and the captains chest that we were just about to cash in. Well the screen gets stuck on the merge and then we both get an error that we were hazlenut beard so we lost everything.

    Thanks for the welcome back Rare lol.

  • Could be nice if the timer is visible.. sometimes walk the dog or make a quik meal.. make it less a gamble i can make sure to return in time if i just know how long i have -.-

  • @jg14cstc said in Idle timer?!?:

    So I go on three voyages and get all of the chests and find a skull in the process. The phone rings. It's work. I dock at an outpost. I come back. I'm kicked for idle. I come back and everything I worked for is GONE... how stupid is that?

    In addition to what others have said, you can also do yourself a favor by turning in treasure more often. Three entire voyages of loot is a bit much to carry around if you are at risk of going AFK for long periods. Also, if you are going to go AFK, stopping in a higher traffic area like an outpost is going lead to heartbreak. The idle timer is about 10 to 15 minutes. Other players will take advantage of the opportunity to sink and rob you. Even if you hadn’t timed out, you were probably going to return to find yourself on the Ferry of the Damned, then porting to a fresh (but empty) boat.

  • I’ve been kicked twice looking at items in one of the vendors shop. Scrolling back and forth debating if I wanted to buy something.

  • @br0crastinat0r said in Idle timer?!?:

    I’ve been kicked twice looking at items in one of the vendors shop. Scrolling back and forth debating if I wanted to buy something.

    Name checks out.

    But seriously, there is no easy fix to this.
    Having someone go AFK the entire time and get rewarded is not something anyone wants.
    Currently, people can rubberband the controller and spin for a while. That nearly circumvents the afk timer anyways, and feel it should be addressed. (more on this later)
    Rare could make it so you can actually kick someone from crew, but will lead to greifing when you are kicked from a crew right before turn-in for all your work.

    I haven't seen this suggestion or checked for it in the other forum, but it seems you could have an AFK detection happen (including spinning) and instead of it instantly kicking the person, the rest of the crew votes to keep or dismiss them. That way a mini break doesn't kick you off if your crew needs you, but also spinning doesn't save you if you just want to leech.
    If you are solo, the last person, you get double the timer, or a prompt (like a Netflix "are you still watching" type of popup).

  • Duuuuudeeeee i go to the toilet and all my stuff i worked all day for is just gone!
    Seriously im so frrkiiiingg done with this game..

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