[CLOSED] Win Wednesday! - 'Spinal' Figurehead (Sea of Thieves DLC)

  • Are you in an alliance and get a message from one of your other crews that they’re under attack? Did your pirate friends find a hoard of treasure but their ship was sank by skeletons? Equip the Admiral figurehead and use the power of the mermaids to teleport you and your ship to aid your allies.

  • Rogue Sea Dog Figurehead

    After the events brought onto the Sea of Thieves by Captain Warsmith, the mysterious enclave of the Order of Souls enchanted the blade of this ominous figurehead to glow in proximity of fallen souls.

    It warns crews of incoming attacks by skeletal fleets that now plague the seas, and guides brave seafarers towards the fortifications of long dead Captains that have escaped the Ferryman's grasp.

    Sailors beware, for death now roams free on the seas.

  • Arrggghhh legend tells that the hungering one figurehead summons for the might hungering one and will attack any random ships it fancy’s......including yours!!!
    Dare ye use this power?

  • the spinal figurehead
    curses the crew turning everyone on the ship to skeletons

    maybe being unable to eat and slowly regens your health back

    happy sailing and good luck :D

  • The Legendary Unicorn figurehead's horn blinks when there are ships nearby.

  • The Hungering One figurehead summons little baby sharkies to defend you from those scurvy pirates who dare board your shloop!

  • @Pikaaroon The hunter figurehead seems to be the one with all the mysterious mystical powers luring others ships into the Devils shroud to be sunken.

  • The Huntress Figurehead becomes a beautiful enchantress that draws unwary ships in for miles and holds them under her spell whilst the crew to whom she belongs plunders their ship. Afterwards, she sends the unfortunate crew which she has just hypnotized and their ship to the depths forever to rest in Davy Jones Locker.

  • @pikaaroon

    I think the Forsaken Ashes Figurehead would give you the mystical ability of not being hit by volcano rocks, maybe this is just wishful thinking!!! :)

  • The Ceremonial Admiral figurehead has the mythical power to watch over and protect all the animals on the treacherous journey to their new homes with the merchant alliance.

  • Arr... some say that the Bone Crusher figurehead be an effective means of warding off the living dead. One look at the skull of an ancient monster, and they'll turn sail and run, lest the same fate befalls them.

  • The legend Unicorn figurehead: Negates compass spin in storms, never punches holes in your ship from storms, and lightning never strikes your ship... But the storms follows you everywhere you go.

  • The Forsaken Ashes Figurehead will protect you form any meteors that try to strike yaarrr ship.

  • The Rogue Sea Dog figure head should cause all normal spawning skeletons on islands to automatically flee from any ship equipping the figure head and the crew! It would hilarious to watch them flee in TERROR!!!

  • The shark hunter figurehead could attract sharks to your ship adding a layer of defense against boarding pirates.

  • The Forsaken Ashes Figurehead can unleash a powerful flame which burns everything infront of it to a crisp.

  • When you equip the crab figurehead, the crabs on any island you visit will help you find more buried treasure than you can possibly handle! They will help you with your treasure maps and dig up unseen trinkets. Occasionally, on a larger island, a king could show up who might not be as friendly...but is hiding a more glorious treasure than you can imagine!

  • @pikaaroon well it's all about the CRAB figure head🦀....I would of course be using my crab sword with my hook claw to be the CRAB QUEEN ( my character is a old lady) and with my crab figure head I will pass out the Crabs all over the sea' s until everyone has CRABS!!!! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀😆😆😆😆😆 and I do mean the sea food not the S*D.....jez such dirty minds 😉😉😉

  • "What strange fog is that on the horizon? It moves as if it has some purpose." Sailing closer we see an image of a ghostly galleon. The wails of the damned can be heard as the figurehead of a ghost bursts forth from the haze. The "galleon" appears, cannons blazing. You laugh whole heartedly as you realize it's a solo sloop. You turn to fire back but it has slipped back into the fog. The ghostly galleon appears to be sailing away. The effect would be a ship "cloak" to make you appear as a different ship class for a short time. Potentially scaring off larger ships or for baiting ships to come to a "smaller" ship.

  • The Ocean Crawler figurehead would let you use Lord Pinch, the crab lord that Captain Morrow fought off when she was marooned on her island, or that what she thinks. When using this figurehead you would be able to command Lord Pinch to pinching your opponents boat, that's what he dose best.

  • The Royal Sovereign Figurehead was supposedly a sign of adventurers who returned from finding the lost city of El Dorado and took the statues from golden paradise as a trophy.
    The great golden Lions are still very much connected to their original location and some sailors have sworn that the Lion's eyes glimmer when the ship is headed towards the lost city.
    Rumours have spread about this quickly over the high seas, causing Shipwrights to scam pirates into buying replicas since the status of the figureheads is of very high value. Let's hope that the Legends are still true!

  • Ghost figurehead=pirate Statue of Liberty

  • The Sea dog mastheads hold a special meaning to the skeletons of the sea of thieves. They skeletons are constantly reminded of their past as rulers, until the first pirates washed ashore, and mounted their ancestors to the hull of their ships. Will the figurehead prevents the giants from return from their eternal grave, the skeleton ship captains would like to have a word with whoever sells that monument to their failure, as soon as they create a cursed cannonball that destroys outposts...

  • @pikaaroon bone crusher figurehead so you could summon and control a skeleton fleet at your will.

  • The huntress figurehead reveals the alien Elvis as an NPC at the top of Ancient Spire across the bridge from the tavern. When spoken to he comments about having a headache...

  • Figureheads of lore grace the Sea
    But one in particular of which I shall tell thee
    The hunter’s blind horse may not look grim,
    But the rider upon him is death, and hell follows him.

  • The Bonecrusher figurehead.
    sips grog, raises eye patch, squints across the tavern.
    "I hear a ship who dons the skull of a kraken may plunge itself into the depths, only to emerge right beside it's prey! Buuuuut.. whispers leak from it's keel hauled skull! Seems to call to someting.. whatever it is drove me crew to insanity!
    I mean not MY crew! Just a rumor I heared..
    No I did not sink me ship an crew."
    lowers eye patch and looks down at the table.
    Awkward silence floods the room.

  • The unicorn figurehead shoots a magical rainbow out of its horn at would be enemy ships causing them to instantly become friendly and join a alliance for a minimum of 5 minutes and not allowing for any type of combat until said alliance is disbanded.

  • I believe that Sea of Thieves should remain a pretty power-even game as it is right now. So I suggest the idea of, instead of power upgrades, a navigation upgrade!

    You could utilize a few enchanted, oOOoo, Figureheads with lights on them, making it easier for you to see through a storm whilst having it equipped on your ship. i.e. Bilge Rat set, Ghost and maybe Forsaken Ashes. (Always being able to add more later)

  • @pikaaroon
    The Legendary Figurehead should allow a crew to sail directly into the Pirate Legend hideout, preferably through a waterfall 😉

  • Personally, I always sail with the Sea Dog figurehead because I always knew its grand power was to raise the Spinal figurehead and bring it to me! :)

  • The Ghost figurehead, with it's glowing lantern, could cut through the fog and warn Pirate Legends of undead dangers in the Sea of Thieves.

  • The admiral figurehead should have the ability to control the waves and lend them to pushing your boat forward

  • @khaleesibot said in [OPEN] Win Wednesday! - 'Spinal' Figurehead (Sea of Thieves DLC):

    Woah woah woah, what's going on here?! You said I'd misplaced those codes!


    Hey! What's that over there? points
    Quick! Scatter!

  • @pikaaroon I believe that the legendary unicorn figurehead would have the power to summon the ships of pirate legends, who were lost at sea, to join in battle against foes on the seas.

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