I hate Cursed Cannon Balls

  • They are like the Griefer's V****a. since they have came out its been the same thing Galleon/Brig comes upto you. 1 shot for your ship anchor dropped 1 shot on you, your now sleeping/ dancing or what ever. your now dead by the time you spawn back in they are on your ship ready. they will get your loot or force you to scuttle and you lose your loot there is no defence against this tactic.
    it happens to me several times a day and im getting sick of it if these damn cursed cannon balls are staying in the game then I will be jumping ship for good.

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  • I am yet to have a bad experience with them but I too hope they become supper rare in the next update.

  • @aclassali for me it happens every day.

  • I am also not a fan. They make PvP a bit too easy and anti climactic. It feels dirty landing some strategic CCBs and watching the battle just screech to a halt. I'll be glad to see the accessibility drop, or at least I hope they do, because it really sucks the fun out of ship battles from either perspective.

  • I find they’re very helpful. A few days ago, I was solo slooping about, looking for washed up items and messages in bottles, when another solo sloop came up alongside me and started peppering my ship. I barely had enough time to hit him with a peaceball and weigh anchor before they gave chase.

    If it weren’t for the CCB, I would have sunk and lost my loot.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in I hate Cursed Cannon Balls:

    I am also not a fan. They make PvP a bit too easy and anticlimactic. It feels dirty landing some strategic CCBs and watching the battle just screech to a halt. I'll be glad to see the accessibility drop, or at least I hope they do because it really sucks the fun out of ship battles from either perspective.

    I agree with this. We tried out some pvp loaded with cursed cannon balls and in skilled players hands, the fight is over before it began. We stopped them with a rigging ball, wounded them with a venom ball, then locked them with a jig ball. It takes the skill out of combat personally and I'll like them in the game if they are as rare as a cannonball crate.

  • @evil-wolf-snipe i do a agree to a extent but what i will say is we do have a crows nest ,we do have kegs, and we do have spy glasses personally i see every boat well before they see me .. at least i think i do.. but the fact is u can defend it just gotta be ready ive used my own cursed cannon balls while at a skull for in towers. 2 were on boat 2 were in towers and man did that work well for boarding

  • @evil-wolf-snipe To be honest..I counter greifers with them..so I kinda like them. Just get them before they get you. Keep your eyes peeled!

  • As I said before, I have not encountered a other crew with them yet (touch wood) that riddled us with them.

    One crew did try but missed us before we destroyed them with an onslaught of our own.

    Only time I have been effected by them was the skeleton ships.

    I would prefer them to get very very hard to find though in the next update.

  • Encountered my first hostile crew armed with them last night.

    We where discussing alliance terms at a skeleton fort when they decided to try and catch us off guard with a ballastball. Luckily I had a cannon trained on them with a wearyball, which gave us the time we needed to get someone downstairs to repair and bail, me to pepper their sloop with regular cannon balls and one other crew mate to detonate a gunpowder barrel on their deck just to ram home that we were not the sort of pirates to be messed with.

    I am not a big fan of PVP but last night was some of the best action I have seen since I started playing, we took on 6 ships over 5 skeleton forts and never lost our ship once.

  • I've never had a bad encounter with them personally but i do know how annoying it can be. But they can be used for fun too!
    Me and my crew encountered a party boat playing music while using the speaking trumpet. And if you didnt dance they would use jigballs on you to force you to dance to the music.

  • @biasedcarton824 sagte in I hate Cursed Cannon Balls:

    I've never had a bad encounter with them personally but i do know how annoying it can be. But they can be used for fun too!
    Me and my crew encountered a party boat playing music while using the speaking trumpet. And if you didnt dance they would use jigballs on you to force you to dance to the music.

    That’s a good one :D and btw I like them :)

  • Since the CCB's were released to the players I have been in countless encounters. Some where CCB's were used or at least attempted to be used, and others where they were not. I can honestly say that out of all those encounters, I believe only 2-3 were decided as a direct result of the CCB's. Most of the others were decided by strong tactics and experience/skill.

  • @evil-wolf-snipe If cursed cannonballs are so OP, then why dont you use them against the greifers? Fight fire with fire.

  • I think that overall, the CCBs are a welcome addition to the game, they spice up PvP battles nicely. With that being said, I think they need to take another look at the frequency at which they can be found. Maybe have some that are rarer than others, we all know that the Anchor ball, Rigging Ball, and Peace ball are by far better than the others.

  • @beanmariocow said in I hate Cursed Cannon Balls:

    @evil-wolf-snipe If cursed cannonballs are so OP, then why dont you use them against the greifers? Fight fire with fire.

    Because I am normally on a sloop sailing solo which is no match for the brig and a crew of 3. even if i see them 1st they cant be out run even sailing into the wind they catch me.

  • It's not just enemy crews either, in-crew griefers go NUTS over these things.

    See, personally, I like to store my CCB's, because I know that WHEN someone tries to start a fight with us, I may not have the luxury of cannon duty. So I like to make them available to my crew.

    Except.... one selfish troll and 5 seconds worth of time is all it takes to lose your ENTIRE stock of them.

    It's like Rare is just HANDING their game to these griefers.

  • I have to admit we (me and my brother) can literally lock down any ship in our brig just the two of us and we take great pleasure in ruining others voyages we have never got so much loot than we do now but it has become boring we used to win 5 out of 10 fights now it's like 9.9 out of 10 it's almost guaranteed skull forts are the best wait til there finnished as soon as they sail lock em up sink them shoot them while the swim to the brig grab the loot and let go again so it stays floating etc and we don't have to kill a single skelly I do feel bad but it's just too easy the only way you are getting away from us is against the wind in a sloop but you can only do that for so long and most end up logging out after 10 to 15 mins it's cringworthingly easy

  • @evil-wolf-snipe They're not my favorite either but it's more because it takes away the "realism" of the ship battle. Feels less like a pirate game to me now. I always am nitpicky about the balance of realism and fantasy in games.

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