My boat cosmetic design. I hope to see it someday.

  • 42
  • @viejvs

  • @viejvs your link's broken.

  • @sir-lotus thanks I fixed I think

  • @sir-lotus
    Cover your eyes!!!

  • @viejvs How could you create such a monstrosity?

  • @logansdadtoo I was inspired by some post.

  • @logansdadtoo I like it to be honest. We could get new NPCs while we're at it. :D

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  • @sir-lotus @Viejvs
    Girlyness overload!!!

  • @logansdadtoo I personally believe that the gaming experience increases. I would never attack a ship like this.

  • @viejvs
    Why not??
    It would either be full of girls or very 'camp' pirates ;)
    Easy targets!!

  • The "My Little Pony" of the high seas... very good :-)

  • @logansdadtoo Please gentleman, I am a pirate but I have my principles.

  • @viejvs
    So how would you respond if it started attacking your rear??

  • @logansdadtoo on the other hand, I'd sail on that thing. Could you imagine being attacked and sunk by something like that?

  • @logansdadtoo I succumb to the charms of this.

  • @sir-lotus
    I would be so humiliated i would stop frequenting the forums ;)

  • You might as well go the whole nine yards....

    Hello Kitty Sailor!!!

    HMS Fearless Kitty

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  • @piratecraggy I have many more ideas.

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  • Nice paint job

  • @viejvs So if you were to captain that eye diabetes of a ship, would you call yourself the Fairy Man.


  • That is without a doubt the most terrifying ship I have ever seen.

    You just know a Pirate who decided to do that to their own boat isn't afraid of anything.

  • @viejvs said in My boat cosmetic design. I hope to see it someday.:

    This boat will need a safe zone.

  • This would be a perfect skin to award all the forum white knights :) :) :) better yet they have to wear this skin 24/7 as a punishment :) :) :)

  • @logansdadtoo Thats where you're wrong.
    They have the power of love and sparkles keeping them afloat. Nothing can sink them.

    Please call it the Friend-Ship

    But please don't put it in game, for the love of god!

  • Customisation like this should be available. That's a massive thing for me, being able to make your ship and sails however you like...

  • I would totally use this boat skin, sinking people in this thing would be the funniest thing ever. The SS Soft Kitty will be feared on these servers!

  • IF this was in the game I would sink it even faster then I ever sunk something before.. ever, even this beer would go down slower then that gallion =D

  • So if you captain that ship then said captain would be the ferry man and I would be extremely worried if it was part of the hungering deep with the entire crew handing each a

  • @viejvs said in My boat cosmetic design. I hope to see it someday.:

    sorry but in my mind Im seeing it:
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    102% of PIRATES will shoot it before any other target

  • PvP for sure on that ship.

  • first it was rainbow flag and now alliances hearts... my dream getting closer :D

  • @viejvs Honestly though, if you ditched the unicorn and the hull was more like a pink/red with white accents (or vise versa) I would totally dig it as a valentines weekly event come February.

  • Id rock this ship all day every day. Havent been sunk in months id love to be feared in this sweeeeet vessel

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