Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc

  • go buy a mouse and keyboard and stop whining about it.
    as posted by another user on another post there is a product called xim Apex which allows you to use a mouse and keyboard on your console. and if you don't want to spend money to get the competitive edge than that's your luck out for not investing in your gaming experience like the pc gamers I would have agreed with you until I knew this product was around but now I say stop whining pc players should not be penalized simply because they spent the money on a decent mouse/Keyboard to play with

  • 88
  • @acid182 These topics are so redundant.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling
    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    These actions can be and are not limited to:

    Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest
    Making off topic posts to derail the conversation
    Excessively using the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish
    Bullying and encouraging users to bully others.
    Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • XIM is still limited by the capped turning speeds of a controller. All the hardware does is pass MKB commands through a controller proxy.

    Don't dish out bad advice.

  • “If you don’t want to spend money to get the competitive edge”


  • @hot-juicy-pie I have the XIM4 and with the last update to the control sensibility, I am now just as quick in turn speed as someone on the PC. I play on both and there is now no difference. Please do research before posting. Cheers!

  • Xim on Xbox? Oh dear my friends, this is the ultimate cry for help...

    Over Here!
    ....The fish are alive in this barrel of water... the shotgun is on the table.

    Let it all out, there there.

    Feeling better?

  • @acid182 Are you describing a pay to win?

  • yes they are. 100%.

    Anyone else feeling embarrassed for the guy?

  • The difference between Kb/m and controller are minimal, especially in this game. I Merc PC players just as often as console players. The people complaining about PC/console parity are just bad at strategy.

  • @lord-sphinktus vs me bro

  • @stephenfarren some people like to play with controllers not at a desk with a mouse, not saying either is right or wrong but idk why everyone is in such a hurry to make controllers obsolete instead of just giving players options, if Microsoft starts selling mouse and keyboard for Xbox and makes most future games crossplay they should all know players who only use controllers want the option to play on a level playing ground. This just happens to be mostly console players, I could care less about console vs pc nonsense.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo

    Actually, It’s painfully ironic that my entire crew are PC players but 2 of them use controllers because they come from games like the Dark Souls series and For Honor. I see them constantly performing trickshots and one of them even calls the Blunderbuss useless and swear by their opinionated superirority of the pistol.

    I even argued with them on voice for half an hour a about having them use a keyboard and mouse instead. Nothing would sway them from their controller. But you know what? Bad farmers blame their tools, the fact that theyve solo’d an entire galleon a few days in a row, wiping up 7 respawns before dying, who am I to complain.

  • @pugmie I don’t see how that proves anything really, I play controller on the bad Xbox one and wipe crews and do “trick shots” too, mouse can still aim and turn faster with every gun lol..

    I will say that tactics and positioning play a bigger role in this game more so than traditional FPS Gunplay, and the ship combat plays a big role but it sometimes comes down to the gunplay to end the ship combat, and pc has an advantage there, if they are equally skilled pc has the advantage.

    The argument was never and has never been about blaming the controller. I love my SoT controller lol. It’s about telling the truth and giving paying Xbox gold customers the option they want and that wouldn’t affect the game negatively.

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @acid182 These topics are so redundant.

    Spamming, Baiting and Trolling
    Posts and threads that are created in order to spam, cause unrest or troll the community will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned.

    These actions can be and are not limited to:

    Creating threads, posts and content for the sole purpose of causing unrest
    Making off topic posts to derail the conversation
    Excessively using the same phrase, similar phrases, or gibberish
    Bullying and encouraging users to bully others.
    Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    His post does not violate these rules. His posts is an informative post and should allow xbox players to upgrade their gaming experience. Please don't spam the thread with irrelevant posts. Thank you.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo

    Well, it proves many things, it proves that some disadvantages can be shrugged off. Yes, it is true that keyboards and mice on an analog level are superior for FPS games similarly to how controllers are superior in 3rd person games like Nier Automata. They’re tools to be used and from what I’ve seen, consoles can use mice too.

  • @pugmie yeah with a 3rd party device that cost 100$ lol...

    I’m not saying anything bad about pc or mouse and keyboard but idk why we can’t be given options other than be expected to buy a mouse and keyboard or 100$ Xim to have a fair playing ground.

  • @jetorchidee97 not at all no but a lot of people are complaining about pc players sensitivity calling it unfair etc etc etc well there is a way they can have that exact same sensitivity with a decent DPI mouse and the xim4 as said above which totally makes the remove cross server argument constantly floating around redundant

  • @acid182 I don't think it is about removing cross servers but to have an OPTION to disable the crossplay.

  • @burtlangoustine not at all talking about pay to win all the kit in the world would not make me good at pvp in FPS games I only own a decent mouse and keyboard because I play a lot of mmorpg's

  • @gsrtrent Talking down to console players and accusing them of crying and complaining multiple times is clearly trying to cause unrest in the community. I'm sure he'll be happy you galloped in on your steed to defend him though, since you know, they can't speak for themselves apparently.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo I don't disagree I like my xbox elite controller but at the same time I could not imagine using it ramped up at the equivalent of 8k mouse Dpi though I'm sure there would be players who could use it at that so I'm also not sure why a way to Manually adjust stick sensitivity is not a thing either

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @gsrtrent Talking down to console players and accusing them of crying and complaining multiple times is clearly trying to cause unrest in the community. I'm sure he'll be happy you galloped in on your steed to defend him though, since you know, they can't speak for themselves apparently.

    Can you please stop posting irrelevant stuff to these forums. I suggest to brush up on the forum rules. Thank you.

  • @gsrtrent Or, you could post the rule i'm breaking as I was able to. You're being argumentative, you know you're wrong i'm sure, but go ahead and get your last word in so you can feel better. Good day.

    Edit: Here, let me help you.

  • @blackbeard-lufy firstly if it came across that way sorry that's not how I intended it secondly I never used the word cry it was whine i.e. constantly complaining about it my point is people should stop constantly posting about it yes a pc with a good dpi mouse can turn fast but its not something that can not be achieved on xbox if people want it instead they are trying to push the developers into changing matchmaking which just needlessly uses resources and man power which could be spent on other things now if xbox was not able by any means to change there sensitivity in line with a pc id have totally been on their side of this argument but that is not the case.

  • @acid182 As the discussion developed I can see your intention wasn't to 'trigger' anyone, so apologies for jumping the gun and assuming that was the case.

    I don't see it as whining if it is a valid complaint though. I certainly don't think the answer is to throttle PC features, but it would be nice if the disparagement was addressed in some way, shape, or form. For every post raising the issue there is one trying to counteract it like this one, hence my original redundant comment.

    Apologies if I came off brusque, i've just been witnessing this forum become more and more unsavory over the past months and so i've resorted to the rules, perhaps I jumped the gun on this one.

  • @blackbeard-lufy said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @gsrtrent Or, you could post the rule i'm breaking as I was able to. You're being argumentative, you know you're wrong i'm sure, but go ahead and get your last word in so you can feel better. Good day.

    Edit: Here, let me help you.

    Please make posts in relation to the OP. Thank you.

  • @acid182 said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    go buy a mouse and keyboard and stop whining about it.
    as posted by another user on another post there is a product called xim Apex which allows you to use a mouse and keyboard on your console. and if you don't want to spend money to get the competitive edge than that's your luck out for not investing in your gaming experience like the pc gamers I would have agreed with you until I knew this product was around but now I say stop whining pc players should not be penalized simply because they spent the money on a decent mouse/Keyboard to play with

    This game doesn't support that on xbox one. Im a pc player and I am tired of these posts as well.

  • @ve111a scroll down to second post sea of thieves is clearly there as a supported game

  • @stephenfarren said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @hot-juicy-pie I have the XIM4 and with the last update to the control sensibility, I am now just as quick in turn speed as someone on the PC. I play on both and there is now no difference. Please do research before posting. Cheers!

    so will this product work to adjust a controller also say if I wanted to increase sensitivity on my elite controller sticks? or is it simple keyboard and mouse only?

  • @acid182 said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @ve111a scroll down to second post sea of thieves is clearly there as a supported game

    That's not Microsoft or Rare. That's a third party application. Some companies have banned for client side modifications like this or overlays as it changes the way the game was designed. I mean I'm all for xbox having proper support but this is a band-aid its not official and if it breaks your game or pc Rare isn't responsible. I use Aurora for RGB unification for games like Overwatch when i used to play I wouldn't use that for an argument that Overwatch has cross company RGB support.

  • @ve111a ok then for aguements sake here is another option they have

  • we good now :D

  • @acid182 said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @ve111a ok then for aguements sake here is another option they have

    I love Hori they make quality peripherals. Been using them since Ace combat 5 for all my 3rd party stuff. And if someone complains that "YOU GOTTA PAY TO PLAY FAIR?!"
    Guess what I paid for my k95 rgb and my logitech g502 too.

  • @ve111a said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @acid182 said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @ve111a ok then for aguements sake here is another option they have

    I love Hori they make quality peripherals. Been using them since Ace combat 5 for all my 3rd party stuff. And if someone complains that "YOU GOTTA PAY TO PLAY FAIR?!"
    Guess what I paid for my k95 rgb and my logitech g502 too.

    There is one fatal flaw in your argument here.

    None of these peripherals linked for console players have RGB.

    Solution: Give RGB peripherals to console, and we'll all be MLG pros.

  • @drunkpunk138 said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @ve111a said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @acid182 said in Too all the people complaining about PC mouse and keyboards turning speeds etc:

    @ve111a ok then for aguements sake here is another option they have

    I love Hori they make quality peripherals. Been using them since Ace combat 5 for all my 3rd party stuff. And if someone complains that "YOU GOTTA PAY TO PLAY FAIR?!"
    Guess what I paid for my k95 rgb and my logitech g502 too.

    There is one fatal flaw in your argument here.

    None of these peripherals linked for console players have RGB.

    Solution: Give RGB peripherals to console, and we'll all be MLG pros.

    You're right I'm against cross play because they can't have an ocean flowing across their peripherals like we do.

21 out of 88