@pugawuga216 a dit dans I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming. :
There are always bad eggs in a group of people doing something. Obviously. Even then, if you aren't PLAYING THE GAMEMODE, maybe you shouldn't progress towards rewards meant for those who have PLAYED THE GAMEMODE. Loss farming isn't playing.
It's tiring to see people quote you while they didn't read what you said.
Was I talking about loss farming ? No.
Ah you mean they made sure the streamers were pleased.... We're still waiting for cross-stamp matchmaking you know, just so we can ACTUALLY HAVE a proper matchmaking, 2 months in.
Matchmaking is never going to get better, if you're complaining abt sbmm.
I am complaining about sbmm. Like many people. Now if you don't see how cross-stamp matchaking is gonna make it better, then why had the DEVS have to come and explain to us how it works and how thhey plan to improve it ?
If you're complaining about q times, the cross-faction fighting has definitely fixed q times by a lot.
Am I complaining about that ? Where ? I actually said somewhere that as a solo slooper in EU, this is really a non issue for me.
And yes, believe it or not, the guy who actually plays the game mode knew that we are still waiting for cross-stamp matchmaking.
Yeah right ? I mean I know, I play the game too. Talk about a coincidence ! Now isn't that exactly what I was saying ?
Well you're making it unfun by not playing and wasting the time of everyone you go up against, as well as wasting your own time. Loss farming is for losers, believe it or not, who can't conceptualize a world where playing more and actually trying will make them better at the game, and make the game more fun for them, because they can actually win some (you know, the real world?).
Ummmm Okaaaaay ? Somehow you must confuse me with a loss farmer, which I'm not. I grinded my curses legit and there's no commendations for losing so I try not to.
As for the rest, I disagree with your visions of loss farmers. They're the winners here. Eventually getting the rewards without the hassle. Smart.
And I'd argue they CAN pretty much conceptualize "the real world". That's the whole reason they play video games and farm losses. To get away from the real painful grind that is life for a while.
You want to suffer in a video game ? Go play Dark Souls. SoT players never signed for this.
And as someone who played this game mode on community day, I'm still having fun, even though I have 500 levels left before I reach my goal. You want to know why? Because the game mode is actually fun to me, and I play it because I like it, not because there is some stupid reward at the end of the grind.
You want to know why I think you're having fun ? Because you're already level 500. If you were hard stuck between 80 and 100 like many, unable to streak, you wouldn't say thhat at all.
And we don't care why you play it. There's no mandatory way to play. We do what we want. If we want to play this mode for the rewards, you are certainly not the one to stop us. I, for once, prefer organic PvP over this repetitive mess. So I'll quit as soon as I reach "my goals" too, it just happens to be some stupid reward, whether you like it or not.
Just next time please, don't confuse me for someone I'm not and assume my way of playing. I did it legit, and even I had been loss farming, noone here has the authority to decide this isn't a valid way to play. Some people don't have thousands of hours to waste only to get better at cannon aiim in a pirate video game, that's fine, and even pretty healthy if you ask me. So they do it while they watch Netflix or something, that's pretty smart. I probably should do it more now that I think about it.