DA Sails issue

  • I know this has been talked about A LOT, but im still gonna say it:
    Dark Adventurer sails are overused. Rare has to do something about them, i almost feel like vomiting whenever i see one of those again, game has a huge variety of cool sails, but noone uses them because of questionable design choice with the DA sails.
    I suggest removing the cutout ot at least lowering it so the DA sails wont be so overused and people would actually use something they like, not what makes them fight better.
    Especially with new pvp update people start using them even more often than usual. This is actually getting ridiculous.

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  • Lowering the cut I think is the most likely. I’d love them to change it because it really kills people’s creativity

  • @ninja-naranja That's what i mean! So many people use them that its sickening, like there's no other sails in the game.

  • The advantage is minimal. I wont ever use them because i know how to step off of the wheel and take 2 steps down to see where im going before grabbing the wheel again, which takes maby a second to do.

  • @goldsmen Advantage is still an advantage, and sweats use anything they can

  • @sanyanevskiy442 said in DA Sails issue:

    @goldsmen Advantage is still an advantage, and sweats use anything they can

    Its as minimal as it gets though. The only person it advantages is the guy who sits on the wheel constantly and never leaves it, when sailing around, odds are theres something better you can do than just sit on the wheel.

  • @goldsmen You can see for yourself that even if advantage is minimal EVERYONE use it only because of it.

  • @sanyanevskiy442 said in DA Sails issue:

    @goldsmen You can see for yourself that even if advantage is minimal EVERYONE use it only because of it.

    Thats up to them, if some one uses something that advantages an already questionable play style, then thats up to them.

  • @goldsmen Still it kills the immersion, seeing everyone use the same sails over and over and over and over again is surprisingly obnoxious

  • Yeah now a days you can see who is in high mmr and who is not by how much of these sails do you see. At this point the sails I have seen so far have been: DA sails, Overachiever sails, NAL sails ...

    Yep so either super sweat sails or DA like this is getting lame I agree.

  • If they're going to change the appearance of sails to stop the overuse of DA sails, then they should change all the other sails to match DA's cut, not the other way around.

  • Dark Adventurer sails are overused.

    Are they?

    Rare has to do something about them, i almost feel like vomiting whenever i see one of those again

    Sounds like a personal issue.

    game has a huge variety of cool sails, but noone uses them because of questionable design choice with the DA sails.

    That on the other pirates using the Sails, if they want to use only a single sail and miss out, it on them.

    Especially with new pvp update people start using them even more often than usual. This is actually getting ridiculous.

    Why does it matter what Sails people use? Im confused how this changes the battle.

  • @burnbacon you're really going to ask me if DA sails are overused? Man, did you even play the game?

  • @burnbacon пишет в DA Sails issue:

    Why does it matter what Sails people use? Im confused how this changes the battle.

    I dont even know how to answer this statement, looks like you're trying to bait me or something.

  • Agreed. There's so many awesome sail designs in this game but people throw the DA sails on just for the microscopic advantage they bring, clutching at straws to gain the slightest advantage. It's funny really because it symbolises where the game lets itself down.

    It's honestly a breath of fresh air when you see veteran crews who use sails that show there gameplay time, personal preferences and skill level such as ghost sails, silent barnacle, ancient vault, NAL, good boy and time limited sails such as wandering reaper.

  • Not saying I disagree with the idea of changing them. However, if they do, I will kindly ask they deposit 8,268,750 gold to every player who has purchased them before the change. They can remove the sails from inventory or keep them at that point.

    This wouldn't just apply to these sails but would be my mindset for any cosmetics I have grinded for and purchased or earned. You spend time getting something because it is exactly what you want only for it to get changed and not compensated? That's a slippery slope to some big dissatisfaction in the community.

  • @kommodoreyenser the only reason people buy them is that microscopic advantage, otherwise noone will buy them. Personally i'll suggest lowering the price for them, but i doubt they'll do ANYTHING at this point

  • @sanyanevskiy442 пишет в DA Sails issue:
    Personally i'll suggest lowering the price for them, but i doubt they'll do ANYTHING at this point

    By "they" i mean Rare

  • Maybe adding more sails with the cut-out is the solution? I'm not sure. However, for ships where the helm can't see anything but the sails, they are a life-saver in combat.

  • @scurvywoof just adding a feature of a cutout? Maybe it'll work but what's the point of the sails if they're all cutouts?

  • @the-old-soul800 said in DA Sails issue:

    If they're going to change the appearance of sails to stop the overuse of DA sails, then they should change all the other sails to match DA's cut, not the other way around.

    I basically agree. But they don’t all need to be cut like DA, they could just make all the sails a little shorter. The biggest reason I use DA is not for advantage over other players but so that I can see where I’m going while I’m driving! There’s certain other sails that give pretty much as good visibility, so when I’m not in the mood for DA I use one of them. Like thriving wild rose on a sloop is great, can see perfect. Still good on a brig too.

    It does annoy me that I have tons of beautiful sails, but I’m limited to only a couple if I want to not have to tuck the bottom all the time to see.

  • Fights are generally won and lost long before someone selects their sails from the shipwright. The cutout is such a small advantage that, particularly on a sloop, no one is winning due to having a cutout vs. not. Finally, the solution is to remove the cutout from DA sails? And not give other sails same cutout....This whole thread is just sour grapes really. lol

  • They give me advantage PVE - Player vs Environment. I am sailing NW in a stormy sea, the sloop is bouncing like a lowrider. With them the vision is a lot more enjoyable.
    I don't mind some balance brought back as you are right they are like the meta for sails. But they did cost 8m, so whatever balance is introduced, it should be a fair one.

  • I would kill 1000 sot snakes while vomiting from consuming their uncooked flesh (sorry @Tartansnake ) to have sail "damage states" as a secondary customisation for all sails.

    Ps: also add the serpent sales so Tartan doesn't remove this post ;) .

  • People are arguing wether the advantage is substantial or not in this thread,

    1. If you are a sloop player, then you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to sails
    2. Hopping off the wheel to check the ship you are fighting may mean that you don't get angle first which in high level play can often mean winning or losing the fight
    3. If the advantage wasn't reasonably substantial then why would 80% of the ships I fight use them?
    4. The original argument is not about how much they help, but it lowers people's creativity in their boats when 80% of people who own the sails use the sails
  • @jojo-buddy-v2 Reading my thoughts, well put together.

  • Just allow us to pay 8 mil to give any sail the DA cut...ez

  • @danbeardluff aye, that would work

  • But sails that are shaped like DA ones arent even supposed to work irl, they get less wind, so what was the point of adding them in the first place

  • @jojo-buddy-v2 said in DA Sails issue:

    People are arguing wether the advantage is substantial or not in this thread,

    1. If you are a sloop player, then you don't know what you are talking about when it comes to sails
    2. Hopping off the wheel to check the ship you are fighting may mean that you don't get angle first which in high level play can often mean winning or losing the fight
    3. If the advantage wasn't reasonably substantial then why would 80% of the ships I fight use them?
    4. The original argument is not about how much they help, but it lowers people's creativity in their boats when 80% of people who own the sails use the sails

    I love you.
    I actually love you.

  • @burnbacon said in DA Sails issue:

    Dark Adventurer sails are overused.

    Are they?


    Rare has to do something about them, i almost feel like vomiting whenever i see one of those again

    Sounds like a personal issue.

    Oh, pls.
    The only thing "personal" about this topic has always been the delusion of those that deny the severity, or worse, the existence of this issue.

    game has a huge variety of cool sails, but noone uses them because of questionable design choice with the DA sails.

    That on the other pirates using the Sails, if they want to use only a single sail and miss out, it on them.

    Dude ... no ... just no.
    I WANT to use other stuff but I DON'T WANT to put myself at a disadvantage because of it.
    That is not "on ME".
    In RL Soldiers wear camouflage not because they want to, but because it gives them an advantage!
    While this comparison might be far-fetched, in principle it is almost the same with the DA-Sails here.

    Especially with new pvp update people start using them even more often than usual. This is actually getting ridiculous.

    Why does it matter what Sails people use? Im confused how this changes the battle.

    If you are confused about this then you don't know what you are talking about.
    Either that or you purposefully delude yourself (which I can understand ... but no longer ignore)
    Even if we ignored the advantage, which I am actually happy to, it is still an insane increase in QoL that I do not want to pass on anymore.

  • @sanyanevskiy442
    I feel you so much ...
    All in all ... the least thing we should hope for at this point is that Rare would at least have the mercy of releasing a statement about this.

    I have been fighting against this DA-Issue for a LONG time as well now and it's getting worse by the month.
    With every skin they release that we cannot use because they don't have a similar cut.
    With every new Pirate-Legend that unlocks them and will most certainly not leave them unused.

    Hell I for my part actually reduced my time in SoT-time drastically over the last ~3 months out of frustration about this issue, festering on the masts.

    Ideally they would release a Sail-Shape-Editor (maybe along with customizable Harpoons and Lanterns)
    But there are other solutions.
    E.g. a solution as simple as re-designing our just outright deleting these sails (Not ideal but at this point better than nothing)

    But seriously Rare.
    Please at least say something about it at this point :/

  • With the new mode I think more DA sails users are getting sunk in fights, since they are against people who actually want to PvP and not new solo pirates digging for castaway chests. I hope they realize that there's really not an advantage to using them.

    I know when I sink a player with DA sails (I'm not great at PvP AT ALL) I give them a "GG" in chat, but inside I laugh and I laugh and I laugh.

  • @maximusarael020 Guess what?
    Not everyone that uses DA-Sails is a PvP-God.

    Yet still a vastly disproportionate amount of ppl use them?!
    And it's gotten worse and worse over the past 6months.

    Feel free to prove me wrong but I bet you are a Slooper -.- and/or don't even own DA-Sails.

    @maximusarael020 said in DA Sails issue:

    With the new mode I think more DA sails users are getting sunk in fights, since they are against people who actually want to PvP and not new solo pirates digging for castaway chests. I hope they realize that there's really not an advantage to using them.

    I know when I sink a player with DA sails (I'm not great at PvP AT ALL) I give them a "GG" in chat, but inside I laugh and I laugh and I laugh.

    And thb ... as I am re-reading this ... this actually smells like a troll-post.

    Cause I don't really think you "laugh and I laugh and I laugh" that much when it comes to these sails, as most ppl that have them are naturally at least very well versed in the fundamentals of SoT and absolutely not the easy prey that some of you like to portray them as.

  • @lormiun said in DA Sails issue:
    ...as most ppl that have them are naturally at least very well versed in the fundamentals of SoT and absolutely not the easy prey that some of you like to portray them as.

    Oh wow. That's hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣

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