Spawned and sunk due to nothing

  • Well I just spawned at a plunder outpost, found and emissary 5 goldhoarders flag, wanted to sell it, but when I started moving out of the water I heard a sound... A sound of a ship that just sunk. Any ideas? I have no idea, didn't saw any kegs or something like that. I didn't even touch my ship, I was in the lobby for like 2 mins lol. Pretty sure it's not a flying keg hacker cus I didn't heard any explosion and didn't saw fire. It just sunk. Also there were like 3 chests that these goldhoarders probably didn't sold due to the same thing that happened to me bruh

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    questionwindows 10feedbackgeneral
  • @trappy-trapp said in Spawned and sunk due to nothing:

    Well I just spawned at a plunder outpost, found and emissary 5 goldhoarders flag, wanted to sell it, but when I started moving out of the water I heard a sound... A sound of a ship that just sunk. Any ideas? I have no idea, didn't saw any kegs or something like that. I didn't even touch my ship, I was in the lobby for like 2 mins lol. Pretty sure it's not a flying keg hacker cus I didn't heard any explosion and didn't saw fire. It just sunk. Also there were like 3 chests that these goldhoarders probably didn't sold due to the same thing that happened to me bruh

    if your boat spawned so quickly theirs was still sinking, you could have hit it. And collision damage may have sunk your boat.

  • @captain-coel That's a nice idea but I was in the lobby for like 2 mins lol, also me and my friend started hearing some random eye of reach shooting/reloading sounds. We r in the same lobby but in the different places. Also there were no players near us, we were sailing. Also skeletons never hold the eye of reach in their hands, and even green ghosts doesn't have it.

  • Someone told me something similar happened to them 3 or 4 days ago

    loaded into a game to their ship sinking and it counting as a sink

  • @trappy-trapp there's an old bug where you sometimes hear other crew's mic's when you're at an outpost. If they don't have push to talk you could maybe have heard them firing the EOR.

  • Had someone sink my ship before while I was across the outpost and didn't hear any kegs or cannonfire.
    I assumed they just bucketed water into my sloop until it sank.
    That was at least definitely them because the guy was there selling and said "sorry!" While I had assumed he just sent my ship sailing into the distance until I mermaided to it.

    Not sure if yours could be the same but I assume you would have noticed the water.

  • @scheneighnay the bucket thing is impossible, cus, as I said I was like 2 mins in a lobby and... Did u even tried sinking a ship with that method? I guess that will take like an hour.

  • @sudsierboar5526 My friend heard it at some random island, and I heard it 1 time at an outpost and while sailing the seas. That's very creepy

  • @trappy-trapp it happened to my friend again and it was very loud and clear. I think I'll become crazy after playing this game for awhile since some update. I turned on my nvidia shadowplay so I can clip that thing XDDD will upload here

  • @trappy-trapp I can't edit so 1 more upd: it sounds like just an in-game sound file, not like sounds from someones microphone

  • @trappy-trapp said in Spawned and sunk due to nothing:

    @scheneighnay the bucket thing is impossible, cus, as I said I was like 2 mins in a lobby and... Did u even tried sinking a ship with that method? I guess that will take like an hour.

    It's not impossible. Took about 10 minutes. I did it to see if I would incur any repair costs for pristine sinking. Possibly could have done it faster if I didn't keep checking 🤔

    No restoration costs btw.

  • @trappy-trapp maybe it was a trap

  • @trappy-trapp Hey matey!

    What are you classing as being in "the lobby"? Are you mean the menu with your crew list?

  • @trappy-trapp said in Spawned and sunk due to nothing:

    @scheneighnay the bucket thing is impossible, cus, as I said I was like 2 mins in a lobby and... Did u even tried sinking a ship with that method? I guess that will take like an hour.

    When my ship got sunk seemingly by that method I was only gone for a couple of minutes to dig up the chest I had buried on the other side of the island on the (correct) suspicion that I would get attacked while selling.

    Sloops don't need much to sink.

  • @musicmee Hi. I meant that I was in the game, not in the menu. Also we now know when this sound happens. Sometimes it's just a 1 part of a reload, sometimes it's a reload with a shot included... I don't know why but this bug always occurs when we get close to our ship and music starts playing. I guess something is wrong with these recent hotfixes. This never happened to us when captaincy update came out

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