I am very annoyed by this community.

  • Let me be clear, I love Sea of Thieves and have been a long time player. I have seen the ups and downs and have witnessed lots of changes on the seas since day one.

    I won't dive into every little thing I dislike but I do want to vent on a particular subject.

    "Limited" items, the community loses their minds when an item removed is requested to be brought back, and Rare listens to the group that can cry the loudest, they even go as far as recoloring sets and releasing them as if that helps. I have almost every cosmetic in the game, have even killed the Shrouded Ghost, I would never reject the idea of any item being brought back, the only reason players reject the idea of items coming back is so that they can flex the items and feel good about themselves, it is selfish, players should be allowed to obtain any item in the game. We have new players joining all the time that never played this game before who will never have access to some of the best items in the game.

    And some items were never meant to be limited but yet they are treated as such, Rare is afraid to upset a few cry babies that they just go along with it. You're a big company who should make your own decisions and not let the community get in your way, the game is great you don't have to cater to players to have them stick around.

    Go ahead and lock this thread I really don't care, but a little criticism is needed here.

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  • they have made some cosmetics decisions that would suggest to me that they aren't afraid of upsetting pretty much anyone lol

    I just think there wasn't a solid plan for how to handle growth and significance, the game took off, and now they just kinda wing it. That's what it seems like to me.

    For me personally I just don't get too fired up about it because I don't want to get involved in bringing negativity into my personal experience. I just wanna chase around big sharks, grumpy tentacle havers, and dead man party ships.

  • @tek-lt, I am very annoyed by this community. içinde yazdı:

    I would never reject the idea of any item being brought back, the only reason players reject the idea of items coming back is so that they can flex the items and feel good about themselves, it is selfish, players should be allowed to obtain any item in the game. We have new players joining all the time that never played this game before who will never have access to some of the best items in the game.>

    Isnt that the whole point tho? I am not Exactly a new player but I am certanly not a veteran. I started playing in season 2.

    Time limited things make a cosmetic more valuable. Not to brag but when you look at it You should be able to say
    "I was there in cursed sails and protected our seas to earn this!". Because non time limited items are always this "I grinded for a day in alliance servers to get this!"

    Yeah, alliance servers can get time limited items too but this way, items still hold value as it shows dedication to the game. Mementos of sorts.

    Sea of thieves cosmetics are there to tell a story. If time limited things are brought back to some commendations they will all tell alliance server grinding that a first day player can do.

  • @thorumsu If an item was limited I have no problem with it not coming back, my issue is there are several items and sets that were never limited that players lose their minds if anyone requests for them to be brought back.

  • @tek-lt While I do agree with this mindset, You Also said this:

    it is selfish, players should be allowed to obtain any item in the game.

    Which I HIGHLY disagree with.

  • You could ignore the community and just play...

  • @tek-lt said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @thorumsu If an item was limited I have no problem with it not coming back, my issue is there are several items and sets that were never limited that players lose their minds if anyone requests for them to be brought back.

    How are these items not limited if they are not obtainable? That literally means they are limited.

  • @tek-lt sagte in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    You're a big company who should make your own decisions and not let the community get in your way, the game is great you don't have to cater to players to have them stick around.

    What makes you think the community came up with the FOMO idea or the decision to hold back cosmetics? It was Rare itself right from the beginning. They’ve implemented this business model and they will probably stick to it.

    Players may share their opinions regarding time limited items in this forum but they certainly have no power at all to hold them back or make them obtainable again.

    Rare already made a decision. They decided to make some cosmetics only obtainable within a certain period of time.

  • We have new players joining all the time that never played this game before who will never have access to some of the best items in the game.

    Best items in the game? But they are all just cosmetics and newer (better) ones come and go.
    and some people view some items better than others. Like those DA sails, I find them ugly and wont buy or use them.

  • Some people in the community can be hard to deal with and I've had my fair share of dealing with people who take decisions too seriously all the way down to what cosmetics you decide to wear. Even people telling me I'm "wrong" for a personal opinion I have.

    However, they're are some great people in this community. I found a lot of the difficult people were on social sites like Facebook Groups. Which is why I use these forums a lot. I feel the best of the community are here, so I tend to ignore a lot of Facebook Groups.

  • tbh I don't have a lot of the year one stuff and I still think it shouldn't be brought back lol

    Cosmetics don't change how you play the game, or shouldn't at least, you should be playing for fun not to 100% every cosmetic. The point of video games is to have fun, a good time, some enjoyment out of the time you put in.

  • @thorumsu said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @tek-lt, I am very annoyed by this community. içinde yazdı:

    I would never reject the idea of any item being brought back, the only reason players reject the idea of items coming back is so that they can flex the items and feel good about themselves, it is selfish, players should be allowed to obtain any item in the game. We have new players joining all the time that never played this game before who will never have access to some of the best items in the game.>

    Isnt that the whole point tho? I am not Exactly a new player but I am certanly not a veteran. I started playing in season 2.

    Time limited things make a cosmetic more valuable. Not to brag but when you look at it You should be able to say
    "I was there in cursed sails and protected our seas to earn this!". Because non time limited items are always this "I grinded for a day in alliance servers to get this!"

    Yeah, alliance servers can get time limited items too but this way, items still hold value as it shows dedication to the game. Mementos of sorts.

    Sea of thieves cosmetics are there to tell a story. If time limited things are brought back to some commendations they will all tell alliance server grinding that a first day player can do.

    Cosmetics have no real inherent value except for how you feel about them, and oh boy, do pirates let their emotions show!

    If it wasn't already made clear, I'm actually in agreement with the OP.

    Pirates need to learn how to better regulate their emotions in regards to the cosmetics - whether or not I have a cosmetic that you have or don't have has no actual bearing on each of us. If you think it cheapens or somehow lessens the experiences you have had, then look at it this way - you will still have a story to tell, regardless of the cosmetics, and I won't.

    By allowing everyone to eventually earn the cosmetics, the Sea becomes more inclusive, varied, and happier overall. Not having it creates pride, arrogance, a divide, and a sense of incompleteness, failure, or even a why bother kind of attitude. One promotes growth; the latter does not.

  • And these new players will enjoy a bundle of new items, just not those that were promised to be time exclusive, were selfish? nah, you are just too lazy to gather thoughts on why we enjoy exclusivity.

    It tells a story about how and when an item was added into the game, a veteran can say "ah you must have participated in the Halloween event" or when a new player asks about the origin of that item you share your moment in it.

    And speaking of whining, its ironic how you said "the community loses their minds" when its those who missed the items are whining and feeling soooo entitled to do so.

    If anything, Rare caved in multiple times to those who whined to get a second chance and the backlash was fearsome, they realized that they cant be respected when angry children change their standing.

  • @faceyourdemon said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    And these new players will enjoy a bundle of new items, just not those that were promised to be time exclusive, were selfish? nah, you are just too lazy to gather thoughts on why we enjoy exclusivity.

    It tells a story about how and when an item was added into the game, a veteran can say "ah you must have participated in the Halloween event" or when a new player asks about the origin of that item you share your moment in it.

    And speaking of whining, its ironic how you said "the community loses their minds" when its those who missed the items are whining and feeling soooo entitled to do so.

    If anything, Rare caved in multiple times to those who whined to get a second chance and the backlash was fearsome, they realized that they cant be respected when angry children change their standing.

    You call others children and think you're not acting like 1 yourself?

    A child wants to keep things for themselves. Older people understand how to share. 😉

    I'll say it again - it's not the cosmetics that have value; it's the stories that come from your experiences. If the story is good enough to share, you won't need a cosmetic piece as a conversation-starter...

  • @galactic-geek Enlight my childsh eyes and show me where I was acting like one?

    These items are shared, with all of those who took part of the event at that time, exclusive that im not a huge fan of is competition rewards (screenshots and stuff like that but Cest la vie)

    Feel free to disagree but this is how I and many others see a story being shared, an item that was obtained only as a part of an event.

    And by all means, if it upset anyone they can flail their hands in tantrum all they want, its just sad how to tell people to share because "its only cosmetics" while making drama over cosmetics.

  • cosmetics NOT tied to events that showed you went through it all & put in the time, OR tied to buying the game itself or hardware (such as pre-ordering/controller and listed as exclusve and limited), should be allowed or recolored in return and I believe Rare has taken that stance going forward. people like to spin it and say they don't understand why anyone wants to keep it for themselves when you could just as easily argue that since it obviously doesn't mean anything to you, then why do you care? if they're just pixels, why do you want them so much? and the answer to that is because others earned it and now you can't have them too.

  • @tek-lt I agree 99%
    One exception: The Pre-Order Obsidian stuff.
    Why: Because I want to KNOW who pre-orderd and then even displays it for all to see.

  • A reminder to keep things civil and not personal attacks aimed at one another. Any further issues in this and we will have to drop anchor on the thread.

  • @faceyourdemon It was the moment you called others by something other than their name. If you start to call people names, then they will happily do the same to you, as I just did. You call them children, and yet you acted like 1 yourself the moment you called them that. I took offense because I fit in the group you mentioned, but I am no child - and you know that; or at least you should by now.

    This is why I don't like negative comments - it starts a spiral of negativity; one action begets another.

    Be better than that. Moving on.

    EDIT: Just saw @Aerotsune's post. 😅

  • @galactic-geek mm ok

  • time limited cosmetics have never been good for a games community in any game, ever. all they do is split people and create fomo going forward. thats good for rares bottom line but thats a different argument.

    also rare have consistently shown they dont care about the community's feelings regarding cosmetics, for example the good boy reward for athena is still in the hands of SoT partners despite not having legitimately unlocked them, despite all the fuss the community had about the arena shutdown and cosmetics around it. rare does not care about you or your feelings towards cosmetics they care about fostering fomo in the community to encourage people to spend more.

  • I couldn't care less about cosmetics in SoT. I just use stuff that you unlock by leveling reputation. I bought the unlocks I wanted and I kinda hate that I have a bunch of stuff now that I will literally never equip because I unlocked it through one of the seasons or something. Just makes equipping the stuff I want take longer.
    The only problem with the community is the silent shoot on sight mentality at all times. Everything else is trivial.

  • @tek-lt I see your point but here's the thing... cosmetics are the only way to really show your progress. It's the only reward you get from... well everything. So yeah.. limited cosmetics items are limited to show off. I also want stuff that I can't get anymore but it's my fault for not obtaining them in time.

  • @galactic-geek said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    A child wants to keep things for themselves. Older people understand how to share. 😉

    A child wants everything others have. Older people understand that you can't have everything.

  • @tek-lt

    The idea that you don't have to cater to people to have them stick around, yet you are complaining that they aren't catering solely to other players? If the game is good enough, why does everyone need to get everything? What is wrong with having some rare items in your collection.

    I agree with the ideology that Rare has to cater to their entire player base, not just a subset of players. Adding these items solely caters to one group, while adding new items caters to everyone. The bigger issue is not that people get those items, but that those additions bring nothing to those that have the items. Recolors, new, exciting...

    That is the reason why Rare should not reintroduce the items, they are supposed to consider everyone and not just one party. Don't worry, they make cool things and those "best" items will still expand. Everyone will find something that they like to use.

  • @lormiun said in I am very annoyed by this community.:

    @tek-lt I agree 99%
    One exception: The Pre-Order Obsidian stuff.
    Why: Because I want to KNOW who pre-orderd and then even displays it for all to see.

    I pre ordered, only way you can tell is by seeing me in game and noticing my Belt, or if I happen to be playing the squeeze box 🪗

  • Ironic how you throw around accusations of people being immature and cry babies. Your thread could be seen in that same light, no?

  • @tek-lt

    My problem with the time limited cosmetics is that the ship cosmetics and the clothing sets are now incomplete.

    For example, the forsaken ashes ship set is no longer available but the cannons, wheel and capstan are still available. I feel the entire clothing and ship set should be all available. The time limited cosmetics should be a collectors version of the sails and figurehead.

    All of the pirate emporium ship sets have a fancier version of the sails and figurehead. The fancy versions can be given at certain events and the regular versions can be available all the time

  • Rare hasn't kept time-limited items due to any "crybabies" or complaining. They chose time-limited cosmetics as something that will occasionally be a part of the SoT experience. The complaining has sometimes been ABOUT that choice. And they haven't changed the fact that they will sometimes include time-limited cosmetics as part of the SoT experience.
    Plenty of reasons to not love all aspects of the community, but this particular case seems to be a matter of you taking issue with the team at Rare's decisions - not the community.

    I, myself, think there are times and places for good use of time-limited things. It gives actual evidence of the passing history of the game world. And I think that's of value, overall.
    I do think there are bad ways to implement such things but, for the most part, I think Rare has done well with this aspect.

  • @fred-fisheye when they rereleased the items as anniversary most ppl started crying so thats why they changed back to listen to the few they had
    imagine now they have over 30mill players and i can say maybe 1 mill have the items and 29 other dont or are not even activily playing so ye it kinda suks
    and tbh i dont know why rare would make a general facepaint that is in everygame obtainable during halloween time limited to never come back
    and u know which one im talkin about

  • why dont u just bring the stuff like the facepaint from halloween which in no game is timelimited for ever but is time limited during halloween
    and some other things with a loooooooooooooooot of grind behind it and then start doing time limited for real cuz in the begining these items were not meant to be time limited

  • probably not even my place cuz im kinda new have been playin for the past 8 months but I rarely see ppl use theyre limited items
    and for me as a new player to not being able to use those items bcoz of some group of ppl its kinda outraging
    plz dont feel attacked .But its a game why not everyone have the same kind of funn when in the end we all are going to die someday
    so plz rare rerelease items with harder commendations to grind for them like 2 or 3 times harder than that time to make it even for older vets
    will all respect have a good one mateys

  • I'm just going to repost my comment from another thread, as I think it sums up my thoughts quite well.

    Here's my thoughts:

    Time-limited cosmetics are a nice way to allow players to have something unique, for a certain event that they took part in; it shows that their character was there, and took part in something interesting for a time. While I understand some of the mindsets against FOMO, I see why many games use it; if everyone had immediate access to every cosmetic, no one would truly be unique.

    Cosmetics are part of our pirate's, and by extension, a part of our story on the Sea of Thieves, and I think it's cool that some items are rarer than others, because it truly makes getting said item special. Not only that, but there is a bit of unspoken prestige that comes with owning such rare items.

    For instance, the original Bone Crusher ship set remains to be one of my favorite OG cosmetic sets in the game, and is truly a unique ship set. I almost never see any other crews sporting that set, but on the few rare occasions that I do, I know they're veteran players. The same could be said with the Forsaken Ashes, and Wailing Barnacle sets, honestly.

    I think we as gamers all understand that life happens, and obviously takes precedence over gaming, and as unfortunate as it is to miss out on events, it sometimes happens. Heck, I missed out on the original Wailing Barnacle weapons, and I regret it to this day, but it is what it is, and I was happy with getting the recolors.

    I do understand where players that miss out on events are coming from, and I understand their desire for x or y cosmetic. Fact of the matter is not everyone is going to be able to get every time-limited cosmetic, and I think that's okay. Keeping the cosmetics special for those that were able to participate is a good way to allow those players to feel like their accomplishments mattered. I think that if everyone was able get every cosmetic at any point, a lot of the storytelling would be dulled down a bit.

    Just my two cents, cheers!

  • cosmetics that are timed or exclusive, are such because you were there... It would be like joining the military of your country of origin and requesting every medal and recognition for past battles & bravery given out to those that endured it... I wholeheartedly recognize this really looks like I'm taking it too far, but when you take a moment and boil it down, they are essentially the same thing as stolen valor. They're pixels to you, but if you were there, it's much more...

  • @drizkillz That may be an extreme comparison, but it honestly nails the point on the dot.

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