Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series

  • Will Xbox Series S&X support Xbox servers opt-out?

  • 43
  • @gaxedas Ahoy matey!

    It will remain as it is currently... the opt out preference is to opt to go to a controller only pool of players.

  • After years of being told part of the reason was because of the hardware "advantage" by pro opt out users, it's great to see that rare doesn't think this is a valid reason by virtue of actions.

  • Old gen soon. Time to consider moving on to next gen or PC if you care that much about a performance disadvantage.. people with SSDs now are still able to load in faster than you currently.. so..?

    Why would we have an opt out? Opt out literally only pertains to input. Kb/M or controller. Nothing to do with internal hardware.

    So we get opt out based on console type and then what... next gen players sail around in empty worlds because majority of people who haven't or couldn't upgrade opt out because they want to think they lost because they're on a different console?

  • I was just waiting for similar posts like this.....You can't have EVERYTHING in LIFE.
    Upgrade it.

    It's like for us PC users, not everyone has everything on Ultra and 144fps (even above).
    Some of us (me) is suffering from 40-60 (on a good day) issues on games....and now 5 years later i will buy a new PC cuz i simply need it.

    Upgrade your bad (wanted to use a harsher word) gaming equipment insted of complaining on that you are "outnumbered" hardwarewise. (IF that was your reason for posting this, that is :P)

  • @musicmee I play the game with PC but enjoy playing it from sofa, which means I play with controller. My wish is that I could join my Xbox friends on their controller only server since the opt out is about controllers, not SSD-loading times, fps etc.. not that my computer is that powerful anyway..

  • @reapinglegion I have pre-ordered Xbox Series console and I just wanted to make sure that I will be able to play with my friends who play on Xbox One

  • @boldmoustache Ahoy matey!

    This is the dream... unfortunately at the moment there are ways PC players can easily switch from controller to keyboard and mouse preventing this from being a foolproof system.

  • @gaxedas said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    @reapinglegion I have pre-ordered Xbox Series console and I just wanted to make sure that I will be able to play with my friends who play on Xbox One

    Understood, thought you wanted to split the playerbase (like one other wanted) even further :P

  • @musicmee figured so. is input detection easy to bypass, or mask m+k to look like controller inputs? when using a keyboard for moving for example the "speed" is from 0 to 100% instantly, this is not the case with controller. maybe this could be utilized to allow controller usage only. other inputs could bring up ESC menu etc.. I know some programming but not your software specifics so cant provide better questions / suggestions. just theorizing. Do you think this new grouping by controllers purely will happen at some point?

  • @musicmee said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    @boldmoustache Ahoy matey!

    This is the dream... unfortunately at the moment there are ways PC players can easily switch from controller to keyboard and mouse preventing this from being a foolproof system.

    Isn't this already happening on xbox though?? Its been happening on console for a long time now and I think even microsoft said there was nothing they could do about it.

    Also how is the series X still going to be allowed in the opt out servers when the hardware disparity is so huge.

    It comes with SSD internally, the frames rates are higher, the graphics are better. Every single thing that the opt out community complained about they now have. This is a little backwards aint it??

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    This is a little backwards aint it??

    No? Because the biggest complaints were always about KB/M advantage and the supposedly rampant PC hackers...Nothing to do with hardware..

    once again.. anyone can still use an SSD on console and load in faster.. if you care that much buy an SSD, take it upon yourself to upgrade something.. PC people are literally in that same boat if their hardware underperforms...

    Frames and graphics don't make you play better, and aren't going to be what decides who wins a fight in this game..

  • @tre-oni said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    This is a little backwards aint it??

    No? Because the biggest complaints were always about KB/M advantage and the supposedly rampant PC hackers...Nothing to do with hardware..

    It was never really about the hackers. The majority of the arguments and reasons used was about the hardware disparity. Players complaining that they lose to PC players because xbox is on 30fps while PC is on 60 or higher fps.

    Also about the hackers, xbox players hack too. They are hacking right now. They are getting into controller lobbies with M&K. Its easy, and its been around for almost 8 years now. They haven't done anything about it nor are they going to.

    Even if we try to advocate that some PC players use controllers, they still argue that load times, frame rates, and whatever gives PC players an unfair advantage.

    Try to tell them graphics and frame rates don't make you a better player and they get even angrier and say "OH you just don't want to lose your easy targets!!"

    once again.. anyone can still use an SSD on console and load in faster.. if you care that much buy an SSD, take it upon yourself to upgrade something.. PC people are literally in that same boat if their hardware underperforms...

    Tell that to the xbox crowd. Load times were always brought up and PC players had to repeatedly tell them to get an SSD if they wanted faster load times and then this is the response "Why should I have to buy an SSD?? This is unfair PC players have faster load times" - Now the Series X comes with an SSD by default.

    By default the series x is incredibly more powerful - which again proves the hypocrisy.

    Frames and graphics don't make you play better, and aren't going to be what decides who wins a fight in this game..

    Yeah, try telling that to the xbox community. Dude I'm on PC and this is what I've been saying since day one. The replies I get are "har har har har, PC players just don't want to lose their easy targets"

    What I want to hear from are those people that say any advantage is unfair and thats why opt out was created. Then what about now?? Seriously.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    Yeah, try telling that to the xbox community. Dude I'm on PC and this is what I've been saying since day one. The replies I get are "har har har har, PC players just don't want to lose their easy targets"

    What I want to hear from are those people that say any advantage is unfair and thats why opt out was created. Then what about now?? Seriously.

    Awfully quiet all of a sudden eh? They can enjoy what they asked for, that case is closed.

  • I still don't understand why so many PC players are bickering about an opt out feature that no longer concerns them.

    It was always about the cheaters for me, not hardware. I have never once complained about cheating since opt out was implemented. And yes, there will be occasions where somebody will be on a PC or Xbox with a K&m in an opt out server. But as you have all been only too keen to remind us all numerous times, opt out is only a preference and not a guarantee.

    It's time to get over this. Don't you think?

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    I still don't understand why so many PC players are bickering about an opt out feature that no longer concerns them.

    It was always about the cheaters for me, not hardware. I have never once complained about cheating since opt out was implemented. And yes, there will be occasions where somebody will be on a PC or Xbox with a K&m in an opt out server. But as you have all been only too keen to remind us all numerous times, opt out is only a preference and not a guarantee.

    It's time to get over this. Don't you think?

    This is about the preference is it?? This isn't Oh hey it says "controller only" in the top left and then merge and its says "sailing with everyone"

    This is the instance of xbox players getting into controller only servers where it says "controller only" and using M&K.

    Unfortunately for you there is no way for PC players to get into those servers. We are locked out. So that is strictly xbox players cheating, which I mean is an weird because I thought xbox players don't cheat right??

    You I have no issues with because you openly said you just didn't want to play with PC players period for whatever reason. You were honest about it so I have no problems with you or your reasons.

    However when people try to defend their hypocrisy thats where I draw the line.

    SIDE NOTE Any claims of players being on PC while on xbox servers might be me and my crews fault though lol. A lot of them are on xbox and not gonna lie, they roll players on xbox servers and when they do they chime in to the chat "man xbox servers are so easy when you are on PC."

    So I might have had a hand in creating that rumor :) but it still proves how big of a skill gap there is between players who actually play games and those who are casuals.

    Xbox players claiming other players are on PC when they are just getting rolled by other console players.

    SIDE NOTE 2 Also a little confession. Sometimes when I sneak onto someones boat with a keg or we are hiding somewhere on the boat without the enemy noticing. While one of us is chasing the ship the other one hiding on the boat will sometimes type into the chat something made up like "Admin//command:teleportplayer/Ship:Galleon" something like that, and we pop out of hiding.

    They think we teleported to their boat. Sometimes if we think we can drop their anchor without being seen we'll type out "Admin//command:Anchor/drop" and they flip out.

    No one is hacking but holy hell do they go crazy mad lololol.


    not going to lie, its funny lolol.

    SIDE NOTE 3 Whoever was that ship I did that too last week, dude that kid on that boat, GOOD ON YOU. All the adults on the ship flipping out thinking we were hacking and the the freaking 12 yearold was the only one with some sense "Oh, no I don't think they were hacking, I just think he already snuck onto the boat" LIKE BROSKI GOOD ON YOU. Stay smart whoever you were.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    What I want to hear from are those people that say any advantage is unfair and thats why opt out was created. Then what about now?? Seriously.

    Couldn't tell ya man.. I've never encountered a hacker once in my entire time playing, and I play console but don't care whether its in a controller only lobby or not..

    All I know is.. in the end, opt outs only use is to separate KB/M players from controller, and it's got nothing to do with internal hardware preferences, anyone who says otherwise thinks opt out is a bigger feature than it actually is tbh lol. Otherwise opt out would do more than literally just that. The only reason PC can't use opt out is because Rare either can't, or don't want to figure out how to prevent a PC player from just switching inputs.. because then we'd still just have tons of "PC are cheaters!" Threads.

    But yeah.. I'd love for someone to show me how FPS, or smoother graphics has benefited their skills in a fight..

    Only real "issue" and I don't even mean issue.. is load times. Not a reason opt out should start getting even more restrictive especially against PC or newer hardware just because..

    It's like you being PC complaining other guys on PC are better because their hardware is better so opt outs should be made for certain GPUs, HDDs/SSDs.. we all know that'd be dumb. Shouldn’t be any different as far as I'm concerned just because the next gen consoles loads faster.

  • Can I get an opt-out for chill players?

    A separate server for players who can just hang?

  • @vaa-hombre said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    Can I get an opt-out for chill players?

    A separate server for players who can just hang?

    For sure! Custom servers will totally allow for people to organize their own chill servers!

  • @bloodybil said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    @vaa-hombre said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    Can I get an opt-out for chill players?

    A separate server for players who can just hang?

    For sure! Custom servers will totally allow for people to organize their own chill servers!

    They absolutely will, everyone wins.

    PvE players get their own "chill" space and regular PvPvE players can still progress and earn rewards in normal adventure with the knowledge they haven't been subverted by a vocal minority whom wish to play with zero risk.

    No risk .... no reward

  • the opt out should stay as it is , there are already huge differences between original XBox, One S and One X , im a lot faster with an X and a SSD when it comes to loadtimes.

    Same for PC some PC´s are faster than others.

    The point was the controlls , and there are still people that use an "Xim Apex" on the Xbox servers , and you can tell that by the movements alone.

  • @bloodybil

    I said "chill", not peaceful. People can sink and rob me and still be chill about it.

  • @vac-hombre said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:


    I said "chill", not peaceful. People can sink and rob me and still be chill about it.

    No, you said "A separate server for players who can just hang". Whatever "just hanging" or "chill"means to you, you will be able to do so in custom servers!

  • @bloodybil said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    @vac-hombre said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:


    I said "chill", not peaceful. People can sink and rob me and still be chill about it.

    No, you said "A separate server for players who can just hang". Whatever "just hanging" or "chill"means to you, you will be able to do so in custom servers!

    It means just playing the game without flipping out over things.

    Or do the custom servers have a "no drama" filter?

    P.S. - In case you haven't caught on yet, I was being facetious. ;)

  • @vac-hombre said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    @bloodybil said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    @vac-hombre said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:


    I said "chill", not peaceful. People can sink and rob me and still be chill about it.

    No, you said "A separate server for players who can just hang". Whatever "just hanging" or "chill"means to you, you will be able to do so in custom servers!

    It means just playing the game without flipping out over things.

    Or do the custom servers have a "no drama" filter?

    P.S. - In case you haven't caught on yet, I was being facetious. ;)

    The no-drama filter is a personal setting as a matter of fact, everyone can find it no matter the potential server type! :)

  • @bloodybil said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    The no-drama filter is a personal setting as a matter of fact, everyone can find it no matter the potential server type! :)

    Alas, if only more players would take the time to toggle it on.

  • @vac-hombre said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    @bloodybil said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    The no-drama filter is a personal setting as a matter of fact, everyone can find it no matter the potential server type! :)

    Alas, if only more players would take the time to toggle it on.

    Just like opt-out, it must be hidden behind too many menus. Some people wish Rare would turn it on by default!

  • @tre-oni The opt out was never about keboard and mouse vs controller. if that was the case and as your trying to say, "nothing to do with hardware" which is inaccurate... then pc players would be able to use their own controllers and play on crossplay servers to begin with. no, instead they have segregated the community and promoted the anti pc player view which is so sadly prominent in sea of thieves. now, with the launch of the series x, the console players have lost there previous excuses. and now, they have people on 120 fps when they are on 30 themselves (one of the strongest arguments made by the community against pc players and supported by rare) on crossplay servers. no my friend, the opt out was never about mouse and keyboard. it was about the fact that the xbox ones could not be upgraded internally and were limited to an external upgrade as well as a controller upgrade to an elite controller only. and the fact that the xbox one system at this point is almost a decade old. tell me, if you had a decade old pc and tried playing modern games, you would be in the same boat as them. 30 fps on sea of thieves if you were lucky. bad graphics and slow loading times. the assumption that opt out is about mouse and keyboard is false, and its only used as a fallback for those who no longer have the reasons to complain as the series x is out, and more powerful than most modern pc in games. lol

  • @pvp-creed nonsense, if anything rare made the wrong move and should have implemented input based matchmaking whilst maintaining crossplay.

    The hypocrisy with regards to hardware differential in the preference is pathetic.

    If you dont believe me just go and check the old mega threads, the hardware differential was one of three primary arguments.

    Keyboard and mouse support for console was also added before the preference was implemented, so xbox users weren't limited at that point with regards to input choice.


  • @troubled-cells

    Forget the mega threads, go back to when the game launched, and within a week all the calls for opt out began because of all the cheating that was taking place back then. Almost every long session was met with somebody using those cheats playing on a PC.
    Yes, those players got culled eventually, but the damage to crossplay was done, and more and more cheats and hacks and exploits found their way into the game thereafter.
    Couldn't care less about the hardware arguments you all cling too, that's not what started it all off.

  • @needsmokes said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:


    Forget the mega threads, go back to when the game launched, and within a week all the calls for opt out began because of all the cheating that was taking place back then. Almost every long session was met with somebody using those cheats playing on a PC.
    Yes, those players got culled eventually, but the damage to crossplay was done, and more and more cheats and hacks and exploits found their way into the game thereafter.
    Couldn't care less about the hardware arguments you all cling too, that's not what started it all off.

    Nah, I wont forget the mega threads, as they were essentially a centralised hub for what was spam and dupe threads.

    The hacks you speak of, they were nerfed pretty fast, with a lot of users just confusing hacks for in game exploits , poor optimisation or players just being better than them.

    The two aguements that started it off for the majority of the vocal minority were hardware differential and input, with the hacks in a distant third.

    For you it may be about the hacks but that doesn't mean it was for the majority of the vocal minority.

  • Servers will be very empty. Not everyone who bought a series X or S play SOT.

  • There is No need for that. Main reason why opt out was added is mouse and keyboard on PC. Really few seconds faster load times is not reason for making another pool of players. And btw after 7 years of Xbox one its time to upgrade console.

  • @fgfoot said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    There is No need for that. Main reason why opt out was added is mouse and keyboard on PC. Really few seconds faster load times is not reason for making another pool of players. And btw after 7 years of Xbox one its time to upgrade console.

    It certainly was the reason, I hate to say it 😉 but I was right to call input based matchmaking being the best and fairest way to go, which rare of course completely bungled.

    If anyone wants to play on xbox one that's perfectly fine, but that doesn't justify requesting a pool on the basis of performance differential because one user had the personal agency to play on lesser hardware.

  • @pvp-creed said in Xbox servers opt-out on Xbox Series:

    tell me, if you had a decade old pc and tried playing modern games, you would be in the same boat as them. 30 fps on sea of thieves if you were lucky. bad graphics and slow loading times.

    And? There are people who play on PC who currently deal with that. That's called PC gaming lol.

    Someone else's inability, lack of interest, availability or funds to upgrade either their PC or console is not everyone elses problem, nor cause to separate even more. It doesn't happen across PC, it's not going to happen across console on a title like this.

    You choose what you play on. Opt out exists for KB/M input. Literally. So that's all its for.

    If you care enough about performance.. which is literally only load times its on you to either upgrade your PC with hardware that will keep up with other players, or upgrade your console to do the same.

    There were no opt outs for One X and I loaded in faster than those on regular Xbox Ones, and anyone using an SSD got a boost.. there arent going to be hardware opt outs.

    Other people on PCs load in faster with SDDs than those without.. there aren't going to be hardware opt outs. You either upgrade or deal.

14 out of 43