Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.

  • I say no, supporting the game and playing it when it released is more important, I do agree that we need more long tasks that have high rewards, like triumphant sea dog, i liked that grind because it was long, and gave good rewards.

    We need more of that, as much as the commendations offer great long term goals to work towards, the rewards (aside from a chosen few) are not impressive

  • @illbushido305 I am aware of these sets yo are referring too. I think they should have all been locked behind events and commendations. Anyone just joining should have been able to get a recolor not the og ones.

  • The current state of the game essentially makes it so whatever theoretical arbitrary grind number you come up with is still too low. The game is no longer in the same state it was at the beginning. New pirates begging for those old cosmetics will never understand the tribulations many of us went through just to get those cosmetics. Essentially the game is too easy now and people can essentially grind in safety unlike what it used to be. Players even have Grind servers, so it is essentially pointless to make a large number for a goal to unlock one of these cosmetics.

    New players also don't understand how hard some of those events were to unlock them. Bone Crusher is by far the hardest cosmetic to unlock out of all the events. Not only did it require playing during that time of the event, but it also required fighting fleets at specific IRL times that changed every week. That wasn't accessible to some people, and many people had to sacrifice a bit just to get them. I was one of those people, it required me to stay up til early hours in the morning just for a chance to fight a fleet of ships I wasn't guaranteed of sinking. Also, those fleets were much harder back then because players had no idea on strategy back then due to these ships being new and the fact that they shot way more curses to.

    The way I see it, is that those old cosmetics are a present to all those original players that stuck with this game when it was struggling. The game was not in a good state at launch, and those cosmetics is our reward. To just unlock them for new players would be a slap in the face.

    Rare should just keep doing what they do now, give new players a variation, but keep the originals locked. This way new players get somethign similar while old players keep their exclusive status. I see no need to compromise any more than what has already happened. Sucks to suck, but anyone not being there who didn't put the time and effort to finish the requirements to unlock the cosmetics get no pity from me.

    There will be new sets for new players to unlock, so stop dwelling in the past and move on.

  • @illbushido305
    While I do agree that it’s mainly the sets that have current pieces you can earn while the rest were past.
    I would like to have the reapers run cosmetics I did miss since I was misinformed about the rewards. Not a big deal tho, my fault for not checking.
    I would like to have the region sails and hungering figurehead, however I accepted the fact that I was not playing yet so they were of no concern to me personally.

  • Old players did already receive a reward for their efforts, between Vanguard items, Launch crew, day 1, year 1 pirate sword, and year 1 Pirate legend items, to name a few. The latter which I have since I started playing a little later.
    Given how easy it is to reach PL and all I understand how the grind can seem minimal.
    However if the requirement was 50million metres sailed & 90% of all commendations earned to unlock the Ferryman Sword for purchase at the cost of 20thousand doubloons, this would keep it for only the dedicated players.
    A simple example of grind.

  • @captain-coel said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:

    @illbushido305 Anyone just joining should have been able to get a recolor not the og ones.

    They never finished the Recoloured sets as well as Recoloured had more than just a colour difference, for example the bone crusher sails being a boar skull, and no green figurehead added.

    I’m also simply looking for more difficult grinds to earn real rewards to finish the sets.

  • @ghostfire1981 said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:

    Nope. If every pirate can get everything, we will soon all look the same.

    Those of us who played the game during the "dark age" should have limited clothes to show that they were there supporting the game. Also we should enjoy the fact that you can recognize an older pirate by just his/her clothes.

    No, just make new limited clothes so that we can see different "generations" of pirates on the sea. More diversity is better.

    You are correct, its cool to show your generation with clothing, however..
    I dont agree we would all look the same as you wear what u want out of preference. But i totally get you not wanting to share time limited cosmetics. Its important to some people i agree.

    You do stand out, have a little piece of SOT nobody else has and i respect that.

    Personally it doesnt bother me though.
    The whole ancestral set became available and i was like “meh”.
    I know its not a day 1 item but still.

    But i do understand where you are coming from!

    If we had a flooding of items in the emporium. Like 100+ outfits and ship sets, even community made and approved stuff, i dont think we would ever really care about it again. we’d all have our our own unique “look” and the time limited stuff would be a little extra something something that we probably wouldnt bother wearing, unless it was personal preference.

    But from what i hear, yeah, the dark ages of SOT were pretty shallow and its probabky the right thing to do keeping those day 1 stuff for the day 1s.

  • @kxng-crooked-i you had your chance and blew it. Doesn't matter how hard they make the challenges, they shouldn't do it for past cosmetics, it should be new stuff so newer players and veteran players have something to do.

  • @kxng-crooked-i said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:

    However if the requirement was 50million metres sailed & 90% of all commendations earned to unlock the Ferryman Sword for purchase at the cost of 20thousand doubloons, this would keep it for only the dedicated players.
    A simple example of grind.

    I don't agree with bringing back Ferryman stuff at all, but let's say they do it under the conditions you presented...

    Anyone who knows this developer and this community knows what will happen - the community will accuse Rare of being grossly insensitive to the single Father of 19 children who works 80 hours a week and only has 30 minutes a month to play. Rare will cave and either nerf the goal into oblivion in some way.

    There's no such thing as a difficult goal in this game because this player base has a problem investing the time and energy required to accomplish said goal.

  • @illbushido305 I do agree if u are going to make a set limited just remove everything so people don't get annoyed about not finishing a set the Halloween update shouldn't of been limited and definitely not forsaken shores but skeleton fleet were hard and deseve to be limited and the hungering deep but the rest no point of being limited all people were are tucking outfits dont know why people don't want old cosmetics back in the game if you are going to disagree on this don't wear a tucker outfit the entire time

  • Ahoy! There are some cosmetics I would love to have although I don’t which is fine. I’m grateful Rare provides the anniversaries/limited times of the year to obtain cosmetics. Thats a way to help newer fans with their completionist endeavors, if they’re paying attention. The problem I believe is this - there aren’t enough items in the game to distract people from these exclusive items. We are kind of already at a point where everyone is dressing the same. Have you seen the “tuck” outfit and Sword of Souls style? There are people that are stacking millions in gold. I don’t think that’s a good thing. We have 3 in game currencies and the only thing we’re able to buy are voyages.

    Edit: There is the Pirate Emporium and the Ancient Skellies but I do feel like much of the focus is on the Emporium rather than uses for gold or doubloons. Love the Shrouded Ghost Blunderbuss, I’ve got it- not many of my fellow crew mates are interested in spending Ancient Coins unless they’ve clashed with enough Ancient Skeletons to afford it. Too many complaints about their gold abundance. The main issue.

  • @alcatraz6 I know but why do rare keep parts of it in game if it is limited

  • @ashen-dragon366 Incentive

  • @kxng-crooked-i said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:

    If you’re referring to the Captain Bone Sword that was a year 1 Pirate exclusive I understand. As someone who earned it I would be fine with it being very hard to earn but available once again.
    I barely ever used it as I don’t like the curved cutlass design personally, and feel I’ve had plenty of time to Flex with it.
    As for the Ferryman Sword (which I don’t own) I also would be fine with it being extremely hard to earn as players have had it for 2 years and the only way to acquire it still is to pay up to $1000 on eBay for a piece of paper.

    I got it for free from a friend who bought the controller and thereforce i diden't buy it.
    I never use any of those Ferryman cosmetics but it was fun to show them of in the beginning, everyone thought i was a pirate legend. (That was when PL meant something on SoT)

    I want the black dog set and day one eyepatch....even the founder sails BUT i accept the fact that i will never get them and that's fine BECAUSE you can't have everything you want in the world, same goes with games.

    So i'll get your saltyness but....yea it is what it is :P

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