Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.

  • First off I’d like to say I understand the Value of having been there the first time and earned something to show for it.
    Once enough time has passed it should not matter anymore, if given the correct application.

    Removing Cosmetic items that were Time-Limited, in a game comprised of only Cosmetics, can be very disappointing enough to make players take time off for awhile.
    For example I did not have enough doubloons at the time to purchase the Wailing Barnacle Capstan & Cannons.

    Giving players an extremely Costly and Lengthy grind to earn many of the previously removed cosmetics would give veteran players even more reason to continue playing after each update.
    This would allow the rerelease of Cosmetic items that are no longer available, even two years after the initial release.
    They would have to be available only through the means of an extensive and costly grind which would still hold value to them.
    It would only devalue many of the EBay scalpers markets which currently sell Ferryman Set Codes for up to $1000.
    The players who would argue that you had to be there or buy it to earn it originally would still be able to hold the argument that they have had these items since their original release up to 2 years ago.
    It would give players who are willing to put in the time, effort and currency a second chance to finish Sets that are not completed for them or they missed out on entirely.
    Another example is the Wandering Reaper cosmetics, I had previously earned the Shipwreck Reapers items however I had missed the other Sails & Hull due to my friend informing me that the cosmetics were the exact same.
    Once you complete a monthly updates commendations & rewards the only thing left to grind for is commendations that simply reward titles and nothing else.
    This would provide another option to grind for and spend currency on.
    Certain items were never removed and yet others have been entirely.
    Case in point the only earnable Scar set is still available to earn to this day (Forsaken Scar set) and yet the Hungering Deep & Cursed sails scar sets have been removed.

    Only a few cosmetics should not follow this I believe since they were only available to a very select few, such as the (Overachiever Sails {even though I was so close} , Loot&Lore Sails, Dev Sails, Rising Sun Sails & Golden Banana Sails).

    This is a topic that requires great finesse in order to not upset those who have most if not all of the previous cosmetics (don’t make them twitch drops or easy event rewards - example - Merricks Drum) as well as provide a means for late players who have put in more time and effort than those before them.

    TLDR - Make previous Cosmetics earnable through extreme Grind & Currency.

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  • Nah. Because then they might as well add the Day one eyepatch, since you had to be there on day one to earn that eyepatch.
    But, I wear it myself to show, I been here since day one.

    You take away something that makes "me a little special" just to please the ones who missed an ingame item. Doesn't work for me.
    I say Nah.

  • Nope. If every pirate can get everything, we will soon all look the same.

    Those of us who played the game during the "dark age" should have limited clothes to show that they were there supporting the game. Also we should enjoy the fact that you can recognize an older pirate by just his/her clothes.

    No, just make new limited clothes so that we can see different "generations" of pirates on the sea. More diversity is better.

  • @burnbacon
    Day one items should remain exclusive to those pirates.
    Even though 90% of those who claim to have them have quit playing entirely. That is an exception that should not change.

    Edit - Certain items such as Launch Crew Sniper, Day one Cosmetics, Vanguard, Overachiever, etc... should likely not be included in this revival of previous cosmetics since they had certainly specific requirements to earn such as being a Day 1 player or Year 1 Pirate legend.
    However I wouldn’t mind personally if the Year 1 PL cosmetics were made available to those who put in the extreme time and dedication to earn certain ones.
    Majority of players who had these items quit the game and only use them as bragging rights to sound Experienced once they have returned to game years after quitting shortly after earning them.

  • @kxng-crooked-i I always enjoy encountering people with the sword they got from having the game year 1 which I dont have. Like they'll notice my PL 20 ghost sword and go run and get their year 1 sword then tell me some story about how they stopped playing the game for 2 years and that's why their highest level is 28 but they still think they're the best player on the planet for purchasing the game when it came out.

    It's even better when someone somehow thinks they're superior because they delivered animals instead of cargo as if that affects the ability to dig up chests, PVE, PvP, or do anything else in the game at all other than deliver animals.

    I dElIvErEd aMiNaLs I aM rEeL pRiAtE lOgEnD

  • @robby0316
    If you’re referring to the Captain Bone Sword that was a year 1 Pirate exclusive I understand. As someone who earned it I would be fine with it being very hard to earn but available once again.
    I barely ever used it as I don’t like the curved cutlass design personally, and feel I’ve had plenty of time to Flex with it.
    As for the Ferryman Sword (which I don’t own) I also would be fine with it being extremely hard to earn as players have had it for 2 years and the only way to acquire it still is to pay up to $1000 on eBay for a piece of paper.

  • @ghostfire1981

    While I understand your desire to be unique and having been there, I feel that your argument is somewhat minimal.

    Certain items required very specific requirements such as playing the beta.
    However in a game that is filled with cosmetics, there would not be a “meta” for best looking items. Pirates would not all look the same.
    If these items were Extremely difficult to earn requiring very extensive requirements including time it would give players more options of customization.
    Players will equip and mix&match random pieces of many sets to make their pirate personalized.
    The lack of options already makes players look the same such as the Sea dog cosmetics or black market cosmetics.
    Furthermore the game has Severely leaned away from Limited Time cosmetics and instead released the Emporium and Black Market in their places.

  • If a player puts in 100x more time and effort than you then they should be entitled to a lot more than they currently are.
    The “Limited Time” cosmetics have been used by players for enough time that they could be released via difficult lengthy means to those who put in the extreme effort.
    Players who had them previously have had “bragging rights” for a Limited Time already.
    These systems have already been abandoned and replaced with the Emporium & Market.

  • I think the game needs to add a lot more new cosmetics and regularly add more options.
    However, I do not believe they should return any of the time-limited cosmetics tied to events and such - because - the intention (and the result) is that pirates on this here sea can tell tales just by the cosmetics on themselves and/or their ships. This is not about what I have - it is about what others have. When I see another pirate, or another ship, with something from one of those events, I know that someone was around during that time period. It informs us of that. New pirates may not know what the cool figurehead, or that jacket, may mean - but 1) seasoned pirates do and 2) new pirates can learn.
    Keeping those items limited to those who were there was intended to allow the game's cosmetics to tell stories, inform others, and even initiate such interactions (asking/learning about the history on the seas).

    Just my opinions (but based on the reasons the developers gave for why they did it in the first place). Although, they have already broken these rules by returning a few old items in the last anniversary event.

    I believe continuously adding new cosmetics - both just in the shoppes as well as through achievements and such - is the way to go, while keeping the old time-limited items the intriguing, infrequently seen, relics they now are.

    Fair sailing!

  • @robby0316 if you didn't deliver animals you are a new school pirate legend. OG status is for people who ran animals.

  • @kxng-crooked-i

    Specifically for the Bonecrusher, Wailing Barnacle, Hungering Deep, and Cursed sails cosmetics, if you look at the older developer updates they specifically say that these cosmetics are here as a reward for players who have played their game for a long time, and that these cosmetics will not get re-released because they are here to reward the veteran players who have stuck with the game before it actually had content and the only thing you could do was a fort that spawned once every 4 hours. That's why those 4 cosmetics sets aren't being re-released, and I would assume that some of that reasoning is being applied to other sets like the Ferryman set, but I don't know for sure.

    That being said, I can almost guarantee that they will eventually bring back the BC and WB cosmetics as there is a big demand for them, but they will be setting the price of them for ancient coins and not gold / doubloons. The longer the game lasts the more of a demand there will be for these cosmetics, and it would be stupid to let these cosmetics be sold for gold and doubloons when almost everyone has 1 million gold and 1 thousand doubloons to drop on anything. So they probably will sell them for actual money, but for right now the reason why they aren't being released is because they were created as a reward for the OG players, and they aren't going to go back on their word and the idea that these cosmetics are here to value their OG players.

  • @kxng-crooked-i what did you waste your doubloons on that you didn't have enough for the waiking barnacle set pieces?

  • @kxng-crooked-i said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:


    While I understand your desire to be unique and having been there, I feel that your argument is somewhat minimal.

    Certain items required very specific requirements such as playing the beta.
    However in a game that is filled with cosmetics, there would not be a “meta” for best looking items. Pirates would not all look the same.
    If these items were Extremely difficult to earn requiring very extensive requirements including time it would give players more options of customization.
    Players will equip and mix&match random pieces of many sets to make their pirate personalized.
    The lack of options already makes players look the same such as the Sea dog cosmetics or black market cosmetics.
    Furthermore the game has Severely leaned away from Limited Time cosmetics and instead released the Emporium and Black Market in their places.

    Well, i do have to disagree a little... 50% of all the pirates i see are dark or black clad tucker pirates. Now with new (new) pirate re-roll potion there are also a lot more very slim dark pirates.

    While i do get your point that removing limitations will get more clothing options, having limited clothing will guarantee diversity. Sadly pirates tend to go for boring dark meta clothing, or they will select mostly the cool stuff and again e bunch of similar looking players.

    These are just my couple of cents on the matter,

  • Where I agree here is with things like Wailing Barnacle and Bone Crusher stuff. I own the bone crusher ship and some of the barnacles one. The problem is that the rest of these sets are available permanently and there is no way to finish them in this cosmetic based progression game. It kinda sucks that some people won’t ever finish the set because maybe they didn’t have the time or crew to unlock these. Things like this should be at either the Ship Wright/ Clothing Shop or the Black Market Archive sometime soon since it has been exclusive for sometime.

  • @ajm123 I became PL 10 on a solo sloop, doing voyages, no skull forts. No LFG, no open crew. No emissary. No Thieves haven runs.

    New pirate legends are the ones getting PL in less than 2 weeks because they're running Emissaries and doing LFG stacking/server hopping and are backpacking all the way to being level 60 in everything.

    I came into the game in late 2019. I wouldn't say that someone delivering animals somehow makes them superior in every way.

    I definitely wouldn't compare myself to the new age PL's that have hit PL by purely being backpacks.

  • @illbushido305 I mean where is the rest of the forsaken set

  • @burnbacon the day one eye patch was not in a event so that should be exclusive but not the rest same as the beta sails they are fine exclusive

  • @kxng-crooked-i yh they should realise that with a xbox series x 2 tab or 5

  • Terabyte

  • @robby0316 it made it extremely harder. You lose 1 crate you couldn't finish the voyage. Unless you ran the clock out which was 4 hours. We had sniper skellies kegs aimbot pistols. All nerfed.

    If your gonna tell me dropping cargo with no intention of delivering is the same

    I simply agree to disagree imo. These new pl don't even know a thing about voyages. Shakes fists

  • @ajm123 I'm talking about merchant voyages in general not athena runs. But I didnt know that about old athena runs. I got my first 5 levels from commendations because I hate athena voyages. That must have sucked having to be forced to deliver animals.

  • @ashen-dragon366 that’s another set that cannot be be completed by new players because of the current cosmetic system.

  • @illbushido305 thats not a problem though.

  • No I've missed cosmetics in the past and although I'm butt hurt I do not have them they should stay away. The people earned them by doing what was necessary to acquire them, and you just want them to be in the game because time has passed no.

    So you want cosmetics to be "Rare" kind of.......not really....... but only for a little bit.....oh now everyone has them yay lol.

    Sot players need to get a grip and stop wanting everything handed to them just because they missed something they want. It's borderline crocodile tears.

    Crocodile tears points

    • I didn't start playing until late
    • I didn't have real money to buy it so make it free ( But make a reallllllllly hard grind to get it face palm)
      *Take out limited time items because I don't get to play a lot to earn said items
      *Cater to me because me me me

    You do the work you get the item

    You chop the tree to get the wood you get it.

  • I miss the time limited cosmetics. I think the amount they had was a little overboard. Most of the cosmetics should be available permanently but 1 or 2 items that you can get for doing a task related to the new event/content for that month would be fine.

  • @kxng-crooked-i

    The devs aren't doing enough to preserve rarity and uniqueness in our rewards, so I do not agree that they should bring back any time limited cosmetics...

    Their biggest issue at that time period was the ratio of time-limited rewards versus permanent rewards - I can understand how a player may have a bad taste in their mouth when a good portion of the cosmetics in the game are not obtainable, however I do not think the oldies should be brought back.

    They have already pretty much put an end to time limited stuff. At this point they should just do better going forward to regularly deliver cosmetics to be earned through in game progress so that the exclusives aren't so sorely missed by the players who don't earn them.

    In my opinion, they've never really done well with their methods and frequency of delivering cosmetics. It's been consistently underwhelming if anything.

  • @captain-coel how is it not a problem that they sell incomplete sets? They can be re sold now after completing the requirements and paying higher gold/doubloons. You got it early as did I for less. Let’s not be greedy, they’re just cosmetics that everyone deserves to have.

  • @illbushido305 everyone doesnt deserve them. werent there not mine or rare's problem, everyone had a fair chance at it. Honestly the whole of those sets should have been locked for people who completed the events/commendations and anyone who wasnt there could have a recolor.

  • Everyone here who is against or upset about this idea clearly keeps forgetting that my intention is to make them difficult to grind for.
    For example, if they’re not going to release new Series X controllers with codes then they could make the Ferryman Sword an earn able item with extreme requirements such as having 1000miles sailed in 1 or more factions, plus being Maxed out in all factions as well as 90% of bilge rat completed. For example.

    I’m not asking for any item to be Given out Lightly.
    Although they already went back on their word by releasing previous items during the Anniversary with easy requirements. I do not think that’s the way it should be handled.

  • @captain-coel said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:

    @kxng-crooked-i what did you waste your doubloons on that you didn't have enough for the waiking barnacle set pieces?

    I didn’t waste doubloons, I simply was not able to earn enough like many others. Since I didn’t have a stockpile from previous events (which removed doubloons after), the only doubloons left available to earn was either the Shrouded Ghost or for Killing 7 more krakens which I could not spawn or have enough time left to complete.

  • @kxng-crooked-i There were plenty of doubloons available that month to earn the set, you didnt need either of those commendations to complete it.

  • @ghostfire1981 said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:

    @kxng-crooked-i said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:


    Well, i do have to disagree a little... 50% of all the pirates i see are dark or black clad tucker pirates. Now with new (new) pirate re-roll potion there are also a lot more very slim dark pirates.

    This is exactly my point. Players will do what they see fit to customize their pirate. 90% of players already the look the same due to lack of customization and no Preset outfit slots except for costumes.

    More earnable cosmetics only available to those who put in the extreme dedication would further diversify those who wish to customize. For example the Triumphant Set have Dedicated grinders more to show off with.

  • @captain-coel said in Removal of Cosmetics shouldn’t be Permanent.:

    @kxng-crooked-i There were plenty of doubloons available that month to earn the set, you didnt need either of those commendations to complete it.

    Right, which is why I as well as many other players I’ve talked to did not complete the full set due to lack of doubloons or time.
    If I had enough then I would have purchased them.
    We did not all have a stockpile from previous events.

  • I don't agree.

    Limited time cosmetics is the only thing that sets people apart, if everything is always available to everyone, there's no true individuality. Grind for your cool items for a limited time.

  • @captain-coel be aware that we don’t mean the reaper run cosmetics, hungering one figurehead Or region sails form the cursed sails update. We are referring to these sets: Bone Crusher, Wailing Barnacle, and Forsaken Ashes. These sets all have a full line of cosmetics that had limited pieces and have more pieces permanently in the game. This makes no sense as it makes them impossible to finish. The other ones I mentioned are ok to be exclusive because they were exclusive stand alone cosmetics that one you completed the said requirements, gave you access to those cool customization parts. Hopefully this helps you understand. It’s not like we are asking for over achiever sails or vanguard sails or something. Just basic sets that are unfortunately incomplete.

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