Nerf the skeleton ships!!!

  • The skeleton ships are broken. It seems every time i get good loot, a skeleton ship spawns or comes and attacks. They spawn and shoot cannonballs non stop. Best example after i complete a fort they always seem to spawn. And are relentless with cannonballs. Especially when your fighting another player ship it's ridiculous. This happens with any ship. You barely have a chance to repair. And they take a long time to sink. This has been a long time problem, they need to be fixed.

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  • Explain again in detail, how they are broken. What are they doing? What ship you sailing, how are you defending yourself?

  • They come when you got alot of ressources or loot I think.
    Sink an unreasonable amount of them and earn the best title in the game if you ask me.

    " Legend of the Sea of Thieves "

  • @odyssee-mit-tee I don't want that title.

  • @lucklessjustis nerf them AGAIN???? They already shoot less cannonballs, less CCB than in the beginning...they can't bail water, knockback from sniper skellies was taken away too...

    So just NO

  • @schwammlgott Our experiences are clearly different. Skeleton ships are relentless!

  • @LucklessJustis Don't want them to shoot you? Here are your options:

    1. crash into them and stay there.
    2. shoot their cannons 1st.
    3. set them on fire.
    4. hit them with a peaceball.
    5. move out of range.
    6. get in the rowboat and flee.

    You have plenty of options! Pick 1!

  • @lucklessjustis sagte in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @schwammlgott Our experiences are clearly different. Skeleton ships are relentless!

    This has nothing to do with experience we made...they have been nerfed...should have seen them when they were CCB after another, EVERY shot was a hit, the sniper skellies hit you everytime and you fell off the ship by that

  • @galactic-geek My version

    1. They shoot cannonballs non stop, not going to damage my ship even more.
    2. It's not that easy to just shoot there cannons
    3. Fire barely works and they are never close enough to even land one.
    4. The peace ball barely lasts, it's useless with them.
    5. You can't escape a skeleton ship easy it's very difficult.
    6. No guarantee i will find one. And is a terrible solution.
  • @schwammlgott This is my experience, they need to be nerfed again bad. I experienced sniper skellies, And now it's non stop cannonballs after another.

  • are you joking? You can take down a skeleton fleet with a 2 man sloop and you're asking to nerf the single skelly ship?

    I hate to say this as often is used as a troll answer but in this case i think you just need to get better at the game...

  • Theres plenty of time to get ready when you hear the music, so almost every time you should
    get the first 5 shots in, if you miss than that's on you. They sink in 10 seconds if you hit most of those first ones. Just stop panicking and they shouldnt be a problem. Coming from a solo sloop player, I'll hoard loot to get more PvE fights and get skele captain items.

  • @ezpeps Talking about the fleet i expect nonstop cannonballs. Regular encounters should not shoot non stop cannonballs. And i'm not just talking about sloops, even though they're the hardest to fight skeleton ships with. I'm talking about all ship types.

  • @tempzeus I'm not panicking, and skeleton ships take a while to sink in my experience. Even if i hit good shots. And when i solo sloop, i barely have a chance to shoot cause i'm constantly repairing.

  • @lucklessjustis alrighty, just saying that for me they barely have time to even return fire. Also I dont think they will shoot their cannons if you are rammed into them if you want to go that route.

  • No! Please do not nerf them again. They are almost as easy as the kraken now! If anyone is struggling with the skeleton ships then they just need more practice.

  • Lol skeleton sloops are the only ship spawns if you are a sloop. One hand full of cannonballs when they breach the water and they are done. They will be lucky to get one shot out on you. You definitely need to be ready and catch them when you hear that horn blow.

    Also pro tip, don’t keep shooting the same spot. Sweep the ship from front to back and then back again.

  • @ghostpaw In my experience they're way worse than the kraken. And if i get shot nonstop by cannonballs, how is that fair? This is not a fleet it's a regular encounter. They're not a player ship.

  • @kommodoreyenser Wrong you have a chance of encountering a galleon to. And don't shoot at the same spot is not a pro tip. And i've been playing the game since before launch. See that is says founder.

  • @lucklessjustis said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @kommodoreyenser Wrong you have a chance of encountering a galleon to. And don't shoot at the same spot is not a pro tip. And i've been playing the game since before launch. See that is says founder.

    Read my post again. Never once mentioned your time in game or that I thought you were new so you can put the “look at my founder title” away, not one person on this forum is impressed.

    Your experiences with Emergent skeleton ship encounters seem unique to yourself as I see no one else mentioning them being “impossible to beat.” It is therefore completely reasonable for most people to disagree with you on a need to nerf them even further than they were in previous patches.

  • @kommodoreyenser You said pro tip unnecessary, should of said tip. I wasn't trying to impress anyone! And i never said impossible to beat, just very difficult. And of course people can disagree and it's not proven that most people disagree.

  • @ezpeps sagte in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    are you joking? You can take down a skeleton fleet with a 2 man sloop and you're asking to nerf the single skelly ship?

    I hate to say this as often is used as a troll answer but in this case i think you just need to get better at the game...

    I even took out a whole fleet solo on a sloop and I know there are more even better solo sloopers out there than me

  • @lucklessjustis sagte in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @kommodoreyenser Wrong you have a chance of encountering a galleon to. And don't shoot at the same spot is not a pro tip. And i've been playing the game since before launch. See that is says founder.

    If you sail near a skeleton galleon, yes...but emergent ships on a sloop are always just skellie sloops

  • @schwammlgott For me it's not always sloops.

  • @lucklessjustis sagte in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @schwammlgott For me it's not always sloops.

    Then you must be something special, I guess some special troll, right?

  • @Schwammlgott I actually have had a galleon spawn on my solo sloop before, so it's possible; it's just exceedingly rare. Or a bug.

    Also, @LucklessJustis, if you're having this much trouble against the skeleton ships, you're not going to stand a ghost of a chance with the next update.

    At this point, I think you're trolling us @LucklessJustis because you've shot down, refused to try, or come up with excuses for every single simple, logical, and sensible solution provided to you.

    So do me, and everyone else here a favor - stop being so stubborn and either step up, or step out.

  • @schwammlgott You do realize everyone's experience is different. And calling me a troll makes you look like a idiot. Why would i lie?

  • @lucklessjustis this whole thread makes you look like one...

    But I try it different now...sail in a curve, when you sail parallel with the skellie ship and you don't shoot them it's obvious they hit you all the as soon as they arrive turn your wheel completely in theyr direction

  • @galactic-geek sagte in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @Schwammlgott I actually have had a galleon spawn on my solo sloop before, so it's possible; it's just exceedingly rare. Or a bug.

    I had once a galleon spawn right next to me, but there wasn't any music before they I think it was a roaming one spawning and I was unlucky to be right at that spot...was there music like it spawned on you or was it the same thing I had?

  • They stated skeleton sloops only spawn to attack sloops and brigs, and skelleons only spawn to attack brigs and galleons. They have not stated otherwise since this, but I as well as others have had skelleons spawn to attack my sloop. I'm convinced it's a bug since the last word from rare said it shouldn't happen, yet it started to happen again a few updates later.

    The point is, some people feel they are too difficult. I'm not one of them though. They are definitely a challenge and something even the most seasoned of veterans shouldn't take lightly, but I don't think they are unbalanced or overpowered.

    With the exception of pvp, skeleton ships probably take the highest level of tactics to overcome in this game. There are many ways to combat them or even evade them. I have taken out more skeleton ships with a bucket and a rowboat than I care to admit.

    I get the impression you've gotten pretty frustrated because of them. Me too. I love them though. Many people have the knowledge and experience to deal with them easily and I'm sure they are willing to help. Instead of saying skeleton ships should be nerfed, ask around the community for tips and tricks to deal with them better.

    Looking back on past builds of skeleton ships and telling yourself "I'm glad they nerfed them. They used to be so impossible to fight." leaves you with a negative outlook on skeleton ships as a whole, while looking back at them and saying "I'm glad I learned how to sink them. They used to be so difficult, but clearly I've improved as a pirate." gives you the right to be proud and feel stronger. Lots of people have issues with them, but lots of people don't. Which do you want to be?

  • @galactic-geek I would never lie about a games flaw. I have tried everything! It's not that easy, in my experience. With them shooting nonstop cannonballs. These are not excuses, and i don't know how you come up with me trolling. The best way is shoot cannonballs and then board which is not always guaranteed.

  • @lucklessjustis said in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    @kommodoreyenser Wrong you have a chance of encountering a galleon to. And don't shoot at the same spot is not a pro tip. And i've been playing the game since before launch. See that is says founder.

    If you have been playing the game that long and are still struggling against skeleton ships then I don't know what to tell you...

    Also don't get defensive when people are offering you advice and disagreeing with how difficult you perceive them to be.

  • honestly the only thing i have against them is skelly gally sleep ball after sleep ball after sleep ball. Otherwise, sustain fire on their cannons and they can shoot. Alternate cannons and lower to sink.

  • @dvlambetking ha detto in Nerf the skeleton ships!!!:

    honestly the only thing i have against them is skelly gally sleep ball after sleep ball after sleep ball. Otherwise, sustain fire on their cannons and they can shoot. Alternate cannons and lower to sink.

    agreed to that. A couple of cursed ball aren't a problem, but sometimes the rng make them shoot too many cc in a row... that's super annoying

  • @schwammlgott I had the music.

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