Sensory disappointed

  • I am in the verge of giving up. Giving up on rare. Limited time cosmetics and events have destroyed this game I’m my opinion.

    Sea of Thieves is so repetitive as is and you take unique things away. It’s a shame because we all know you work hard and then “bam”they are gone.

    Every mercenary event means nothing to someone wanted to join today. Rares mod-do should be”taking content away from a contentless game”. I’m not hating I’m just giving my opinion.

    I see so much potential in Sea of Thieves. To me it seems like your trying to hold on to current players instead of bringing in new players. Just because every pirate has the same chance doesn’t mean it’s a noob friendly game.

    Taking events away that where good and fun is not noob friendly. Noobs missed opportunity’s and feel not included due to the fact that they will never be able to
    tell the story or show the cosmetics.

    Tall tales is a good way to add story because anyone can do it when they please but time limited events/sorts only apply to old players.

    Sea of Thieves is all about adventure but only old players receive portions of it.

    I’m sorry I worded that wrong but you know what I mean. New players missed so much and will never have as much of a story to tell due to the fact that new players only get future updates and old players get old and new updates

    Again worded that badly.

    Thanks for reading.

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  • @justincase2004 how would a new player who didnt participate in an event that came and went and changed the world tell a story about being there? They cant. I'm sorry you missed out on past events, but there are future events coming. Look at next months update. It's going to add to the world and likely come with time limited cosmetics to earn and add to your story.

    Events were not removed to remove content they were removed because that chapter of sea of thieves was over.

    This of the game and adventures as parts of a much larger story. As we play through those chapters they are over. They leave behind memories in the world but the chapter is gone.

    If you can not reconcile with this then maybe this isnt the game for you.

  • @justincase2004
    Rare is working in a way for new players to experience the old content. In their last stream with Pace22 they talked about this. They hear your cries mate

  • Speaking as someone who was their, the events weren't that great justify leaving the game over. Kind of lackluster if I were to be honest nearly everything still exists to be discovered including the journals and the "new" features they added.

    Your kind of making a big deal over something so insignificant.

  • @justincase2004 said in Sensory disappointed:

    I am in the verge of giving up. Giving up on rare. Limited time cosmetics and events have destroyed this game I’m my opinion.

    So give up then, pirate.
    At twenty players spread across six ships per server, we wont even know you were here.

    Rare knew that time limited swag is what generates envy between pirates.

    Post like this continue to prove Rare is right.

  • If you start playing something that's been out for over a year you will obviously miss events & stuff that happends before you were even part of the community and that's how games work, atleast those that rewards you with cosmetics/weapons and equips in general.

    League of Legends, WoW, R6, CS and a bunch of more games have events and stuff that got a timer on them and that's just how it is.

  • As long as you stick with the game now and keep playing and get those cosmetics within those times they're available you'll be caught up with the rest of us older players aswell, the only difference there is that separates the older players from the new in the game is the fact that all the game rewards you with is cosmetics with time limited events.

    If you're a new player, dont be discouraged just bcuz someone has an item you cant get anymore, start collecting, and then once new players join in the future from that, you'll be the one that has stuff the newer players dont. It's a simple system that lets other players know how long others may have been apart of the game, there are those of us out there that will disguise themselves as new/default attired characters but that's a different thing.

    Just keep playing and get the things that are available now and in the future, I'll even help you out if we run into eachother either in game or from LFG posts.:)

  • @justincase2004

    I'll tell it like it is - people who complain about the game being boring due to repetition are playing the game wrong. The quests aren't the main focus of the game, they aren't even the secondary focus of the game. Their sole purpose is to keep you moving from island to island, preventing stagnation in both that feel of progression (the reputation system) and actual movement. They also give something to fight over, but they're not even close to the only way to get that. You are supposed to go and have an adventure on the seas, where each one is a possible new story or several, be it how you won a fight against the odds on your own or how you and your trusty (or not so much so) crew found out something new or engaged in a massive battle, but it's not supposed to be about how you ignored all of the content you could be exploring to only do the missions of the trading companies repeatedly for that ever-slowing increasing number and nothing else. It's the story of the journey there, not the achievement of reaching the destination, that matters.

  • @JustInCase2004 I've been playing since Day 1, as many here have. I've missed an event or two and missed the opportunity to get the time-limited cosmetics myself. For myself, that's the beauty of the game. You see a Pirate in an Arena lobby with event-limited clothing, or you see a ship in the distance with event-limited livery, and while I'm envious they have the event-limited cosmetics that I might not have, I think it's pretty neat they WERE able to complete the event and they added those stories and experiences to the lore of their own Pirate and the SoT World.

  • I seriously hope you stop making the same thread everyday.

  • @JustInCase2004 I came across your other Thread as well. I do understand and see your point regarding giving newer players the opportunity to complete an event they may have missed because they purchased the game at a much later date. While the story-line portion of the event may not be fully in place (e.g. hunting the Meg and calling for it with Merrick's tune or Skeletons posted at the outposts warning of Skeleton Fleets) the core of the event live on in the Sea of Thieves. Rare has made these elements persistent in the world. Megs spawn occasionally, Skeleton Fleets cycle with the Forts, emergent ships come from the depths, cursed cannonballs are found everywhere, the Skeleton thrones are still in place through the world, the Mermaids wail can still be heard in the water, the Reaper's Chests can be seen in the distance, and Ferry of the Damned still contains the torch to collect the different colored flames.

    So while actually event-limited cosmetics and the storyline aren't available, the event components are still in place to participate with. And it does appear Rare is revisiting event-limited cosmetics, putting a twist on them, and making them available via the Black Market.

  • OP - ok, we get it, you don't feel like a real PL.

    You don't want to play the old events. New events are going to be better. Rare have been getting better and better since those old events.

    What you want is to look like you were around when those events were on, but you weren't. You weren't a PL by the anniversary, why should you get to flex like you were?

    You'll get to flex the 2nd anniversary cosmetics, and the pirates who miss out on them will be asking you what they are. Same for the FoTD event, that'll have stuff in it. People who miss the event, people who join SoT afterwards, they won't have those stories to tell like you will if you complete the event.

    The cosmetics aren't participation trophies though, you need to complete the event during the limited time it is on to earn them. I had to jump through some ridiculous hoops to get the bonecrusher set. Battles were linked to RL times, so there were late nights, early mornings and a bunch of stuff that you really, really, should be glad you didn't to have to deal with.

    When we say we earned these cosmetics and our stories of hardship, it's not a lie. Don't try to take that away from us because of your own misguided feelings of inadequacy.

  • @urihamrayne dijo en Sensory disappointed:

    I seriously hope you stop making the same thread everyday.

    AHHAHA!! So true it hurts.

    As this river dog says the same every day, I will just leave the same comment I left in his other post;

    "This just sounds like going to Mc Donalds and order a Happy Meal expecting to recive the toy from 6 months ago. You can complain all you want, but the toy is not in the meal anymore. If you wanted the toy you should have went there before to get your Happy Meal with your desired toy. That's all."

    Are you just unable to understand that this world evolves, and Rare implement all the things old pirates accomplished back then as "The Event/update quest"? For Kraken's Fury... mate, JUST MOVE ON. You will get tons of cosmetics with the future updates!!

    Spread the curse in the seas!!

  • @justincase2004

    A couple of things for you...

    First of all, this thread is a big yikes. Time-limited cosmetics are a silly reason to give up on the Sea of Thieves experience as a whole... I think you're being irrational, but pardon me if it's not my place to say that.

    Those cosmetics from the events are gone, and will never be a part of your story as you say. But you weren't there for that chapter of the game's history so they aren't a part of your story. But you can suck it up, accept it, and earn new time limited cosmetics that come to game and build your legend from here with those pieces to help tell the story of your time on the seas.

    This game is about building your legend. Some of us have been around for a long time, and because of that we have rare and unique cosmetics to show for that. This is a part of our legend. What makes my legend unique if you can earn all of the same cosmetics that I earned over a year ago for my participation in an event? Rare have stated that they are releasing color variants to allow players to get something like the original cosmetics, but they will respect the exclusivity of the originals.

    Don't try to take this away from the veteran players just because you're feeling Excluded™. Just accept that there will be things that some players have and other players do not. There's nothing wrong with rewarding the veteran players with an extra bit of exclusive uniqueness....

    alt text

  • This is ridiculous at this point. OP has 4 threads now on the same exact subject. When one fills up with answers they don't like they just make a new one with a differently worded title. I'm curious to see how they word the next one now.

    "Old players get old and new updates"? Whats an old update that old players are getting?

  • @gutterangel the ironic thing is that if the OP were to follow through and quit, that'd be literally the only way he could miss out on the time limited stuff that's coming. If he were then to ever come back he'll be doubly disappointed.

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