Did they change combat or is this a hack? oh and turn off crossplay already

  • Got on to play the new gunpowder event,
    on a galleon,
    ran into a two man sloop who chased us down whole session. out maneuvered most the time so no big deal. as we are turning in some gun powder they catch up and we finally engage. I get in a sword fight with them, and even on succseful blocks, I am taking damage every strike.
    Ive been playing since day one and know how to sword fight and tell if I hit or miss or blocked successfully.
    Did they change combat so that you take some damage even on a successful block, or were these dudes hacking on us?
    The other boats we ran into during the sesh were obvious pc users as well. I know they have been stating for some time they would add the option to remove crossplay, any word on if they are getting any closer, been somewhat silent on it since they missed the arena deadline.
    Anywho, if combat didn't change, then it seems the hack wave is back for new event.
    If they did change combat so you take damage with swords even when blocking, then, well.... stupid.
    My whole crew got into with them and all of us noticed the same thing, seemed a bit fishy.

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  • I got into the same problem and thought it was a runtime problem in the network. As like I see me blocking, but the server still thinks I am not. Since it always occurred during the session, I wanted to observe it for the next few days.

    However, these time penalties and forced pauses in a sword fight or after some actions are ridiculous and simply bad design. They spoil the immersion and are annoying.

  • @Shuoink People seem to forget how bad the hit registration is in this game or that it's not only for guns and it's been getting worse every update. Almost every day I run into these sorts of problems, whether it's swording 9 times or shooting with hit markers 4 times. I think this is just a case of ping differences and bad hit reg. Also it's easy to call out players to be PC however Xbox has had kb/m support for a little while now. Not to say that they weren't, but assuming them as PC players and there for also possibly hackers is not correct either.
    It is quite amusing how often Xbox players call me a PC hacker when I'm using a controller or even if I am on kb/m I'm still playing on the original slow potato xbone. Removing crossplay is not going to do much, however it's a different story if it's a controller vs kb/m split.

  • @icymethodman Besides Sea Of Thieves I also like to play World Of Tanks. I only mention this to add that there are such bad hit detections due to network latencies in World Of Tanks as well. You drive with the vehicle in full cover behind a big mountain and then get hit - because you hadn't arrived behind the mountain for the server yet. You meet an opponent at a point with a muniton whose penetration power exceeds the armor of the opponent by three times, but the shot simply goes off - because the opponent is no longer there from the server's point of view or your target circle is pointing to a completely different point from the server's point of view. It gets really disgusting when you show the target circle of the server in World Of Tanks. You can do that, but it deviates considerably from your own playing behavior. But it is illuminating how bad the differences between the clients and the evaluating server can be. In this respect, these deviations are a basic problem of any multiplayer online games, not a peculiarity of this game.

  • @goedecke-michel this is absolutely true, it's not only sea of thieves, but arguably it has one of the worst hit reg out on the market right now. And I hope they come out with the fix they mentioned they were working on, to make it better soon.

  • @icymethodman said in Did they change combat or is this a hack? oh and turn off crossplay already:

    @Shuoink People seem to forget how bad the hit registration is in this game or that it's not only for guns and it's been getting worse every update. Almost every day I run into these sorts of problems, whether it's swording 9 times or shooting with hit markers 4 times. I think this is just a case of ping differences and bad hit reg. Also it's easy to call out players to be PC however Xbox has had kb/m support for a little while now. Not to say that they weren't, but assuming them as PC players and there for also possibly hackers is not correct either.
    It is quite amusing how often Xbox players call me a PC hacker when I'm using a controller or even if I am on kb/m I'm still playing on the original slow potato xbone. Removing crossplay is not going to do much, however it's a different story if it's a controller vs kb/m split.

    @goedecke-michel said in Did they change combat or is this a hack? oh and turn off crossplay already:

    I got into the same problem and thought it was a runtime problem in the network. As like I see me blocking, but the server still thinks I am not. Since it always occurred during the session, I wanted to observe it for the next few days.

    However, these time penalties and forced pauses in a sword fight or after some actions are ridiculous and simply bad design. They spoil the immersion and are annoying.

    @shuoink said in Did they change combat or is this a hack? oh and turn off crossplay already:

    Got on to play the new gunpowder event,
    on a galleon,
    ran into a two man sloop who chased us down whole session. out maneuvered most the time so no big deal. as we are turning in some gun powder they catch up and we finally engage. I get in a sword fight with them, and even on succseful blocks, I am taking damage every strike.
    Ive been playing since day one and know how to sword fight and tell if I hit or miss or blocked successfully.
    Did they change combat so that you take some damage even on a successful block, or were these dudes hacking on us?
    The other boats we ran into during the sesh were obvious pc users as well. I know they have been stating for some time they would add the option to remove crossplay, any word on if they are getting any closer, been somewhat silent on it since they missed the arena deadline.
    Anywho, if combat didn't change, then it seems the hack wave is back for new event.
    If they did change combat so you take damage with swords even when blocking, then, well.... stupid.
    My whole crew got into with them and all of us noticed the same thing, seemed a bit fishy.

    As @Shuoink said: "People seem to forget" that they need to reed the release notes. It's in the know issues list. There are currently issues with hit reg. Next time, read patch notes and know issues first. And if it's not in there, create a bug report instead of complaining :).

    "Ranged & Melee Weapon Hit Detection – In areas of intense movement simulation, players may experience firing shots or striking a target that subsequently do not cause damage to their target. Scenarios of ship to ship and water combat are the most affected."

    Aka, they are working on it. And hopefully will be better soon.

  • The hit registration is awful and i always kill blocking pirates as i just run around them and slash them OR i just jump and slash to injure them anyway.

    If they jumped and hit you that's how it works.
    If they stood still then it's something buggy with the game.

  • @shuoink

    Why is the first think you thought is hack or cheat?!
    It's Sea of Thieves we're talking about... We have a lot of Bugs and glitches due to network or even software issues... We have badly balanced features and all sort of visual/audio misplaced effects...
    But the first thing you think about is people hacking...

    Seems right.

    Well, that is a current issue that was introduced to the game some patches ago... If you pay attention, you don't take damage when you successfully defend, only the VFX is shown.


  • @nunoazuldimeter Its not hacks, but rather that sword play has been completely broken in the spirit of 'improving it'. The fluidity of sword play has gone, the skill of sword play has gone and it has turned into whoever hits first wins.

  • @captain-fet okay, but that isn't what the thread is about.

  • @captain-fet
    I fought of a lot who striked me first.
    I was multiple times able to block after one or two cutlass combo's on me, while also using to strive or jump back. I killed some of them who hit me first.

    I for sure do also recognize bad hit reg and all that.
    To me it's ok, i dont make this game a serious PvP thing like Counterstrike.
    To me it's Simulation of 5he inaccurwcy of fireweapons of that time.
    I even suggested to make wet weapons have a chance to jam.

  • Two things could have happened here:

    1.) Latency. Either your end or theirs, latency can be a big factor. Take it from me, I come from a game called For Honor and latency can determine a match like no other.

    2.) They could be hitting you from above by jumping, this can cause you to hit someone’s head even while they’re blocking so if you want to combat this, block high.

  • Had this happen to me as well, but I couldn't tell if I was taking partial damage or not. I doubt it's an intentional combat change as it isn't mentioned in the patch notes or dev blog as an addition.

    Edit: It is worth noting this was on board a vessel, but we were standing on the deck, barely moving.

  • I've noticed that I've been taking damage today even while blocking. It's possible that it's the latency or they could have been jumping which I don't recall.

  • Uh.... no, you just got beaten by better players (this happens in games) and they were most likely on Xbox. Take the L and learn from it.

  • @chilledcola said in Did they change combat or is this a hack? oh and turn off crossplay already:

    I've noticed that I've been taking damage today even while blocking. It's possible that it's the latency or they could have been jumping which I don't recall.

    Yeah, I think they made a change to how blocking works - it no longer blocks 100% of the damage from an attack, you'll still lose a small amount of health - though not nearly as much as if you weren't blocking.

  • No kidding, the relentless assaults by PC players added with the hit registration issue, I can endure no more.

    The cutlass has become useless. PC players like to fly all over my screen with the sword spidey-man tricks. Better to go with two guns, one being ranged, than to cutlass duel

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