[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • @fast-bike94
    Yea, i got the feeling you were satisfied with Rare's current plans. Its just that suggesting pc gamepad users be pooled with Xbox gamepad users feels like the wrong move, for multiple reasons.

  • @l4chsfps said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @natiredgals I thought this was all about "leveling the playing field" but now those who pay for an online service should have extra options? Yes, you chose to buy a console and you, presumably, knew beforehand that using the online services costs money. What does this circumstance have to do with crossplay?

    Extra? No, not extra. Standard. We choose to play on a closed platform and we know that means paying to do so. We're cool with that, and we're even cool with playing with dudes no an open platform, but we should also have the choice to only pay with other dudes who are also paying to play on a closed platform. Thats the standard.

  • @blazedrake100 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Thanks for generizing that we all hate cross play. Same with you @SquaZ05. Not all console players want optional cross play, and not all pc players want cross play.

    Anyway, where in Xbox tos does it say you're paying to not play with pc players? If it does say that, I will either support optional cross play or want that changed, but if it doesn't, please stop using the I paid to only play with xboxers argument.

    You mistake me. I love crossplay, it let me play with friends I havent played with in 20 years. I'd always play with them if they are on. and lol at the silly terms of service argument. It doesn't have to be in the terms of service for it to be a reason that people choose to play on console and are ok paying to do so.

    And no, i'll never stop until they do the right thing and allow paying live subscribers using controller on Xbox to opt out of crossplay. If you can't see whats right about that and support it, groovy. We dont need your support.

  • @squaz05 yes, I'm fine with that

  • Crossplay absolutely should be optional. PC players have a major advantage and it has made the Arena exceptionally unenjoyable.

  • @natiredgals
    But if Microsoft didn't say that you have the right to be alone, they don't have to seperate pc and console. I also believe there's an imbalance, but I'd prefer if Rare worked on solutions that don't involve seperating cross play. Also, this isn't the first cross play game without an Xbox only option. I think we both want the same thing, we just have different ideas on how to achieve balance.

  • @sprinklesxlarue said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Crossplay absolutely should be optional. PC players have a major advantage and it has made the Arena exceptionally unenjoyable.

    Totally agree.
    But it makes for entertaining streams as most stream from PCs and I feel that is why it has yet to be implemented.. Perhaps they care more for views than players.

  • @needsmokes I think that is very true because sea of thieves player base is shrinking I'm running into my friends constantly on arena and on occasion adventure mode

  • @blazedrake100 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    But if Microsoft didn't say that you have the right to be alone, they don't have to seperate pc and console. I also believe there's an imbalance, but I'd prefer if Rare worked on solutions that don't involve seperating cross play. Also, this isn't the first cross play game without an Xbox only option. I think we both want the same thing, we just have different ideas on how to achieve balance.

    No my man, if they are charging Xbox players to play online using Xbox they they owe it to those paying subscribers to give them the best experience possible experience. Forcing them to play with players on open platforms who have advantage, and aren't paying to play is not that best possible experience.

    Crossplay is a great option and I'll continue to use it, and RARE should still make every effort to balance crosplay pvp as best they can, but regardless of all those things the right and fair thing to do is allow paying Live subs playing on console the choice of opting out.

  • News of crossplay will be featured on the Dev update video tomorrow.

  • @needsmokes where did u hear this?

  • What a terrible idea lets hope they decide not to do it.

  • @superdankfrankk

    I was watching the live stream yesterday and it was mentioned after somebody asked for an update on the crossplay situation.

  • If this does unfortunately happen how is it going to work for PC players using the looking for group on Xbox? If people posting are not opted in will PC players not see it at all and be alienated from half the LFG individuals?

  • @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    I was watching the live stream yesterday and it was mentioned after somebody asked for an update on the crossplay situation.

    Yup...that was me in the chat asking the question, and it has been months since it was announced and said to be coming to Arena in May before rolling out to Adventure. Well, May ends in two days so the least they can do after ignoring it to keep the minimal PC base happy whilst the cheats and modders still plague the game.

    Hopefully today's Developer Update video will have a true release date for it.

  • @cokney-charmer Never have I ever met a cheater or "modder" lol.

  • @leper7 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    If this does unfortunately happen how is it going to work for PC players using the looking for group on Xbox? If people posting are not opted in will PC players not see it at all and be alienated from half the LFG individuals?

    I would think that any xboxer that doesn't want to play with pc players, will be putting it in the LFG post. After all, they won't want to waste their time inviting and un-inviting players. I bet within 1 day of the opt-out going live, 95% of LFG will state their preference.

  • @pomalotacusmk3 If that's the case awesome! I'm super pumped about losing potential groups to play with and waiting longer because I'm playing on PC.

  • @leper7 oh so therefore they dont exist then....

    I pray we get good news about opting out today, first I do when it launches is to tick that box and smile.

  • @leper7
    But you are talking about LFG...which is full of tags such as:
    PL Only
    Skelly fleets &megs only
    Fort grinding
    No kids
    No bad mics
    Pvp only, sweats only
    RP only
    Low level OoS only

    LFG is literally the home of discrimination, and you are going to complain about discrimination that might happen there, lol.

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @leper7 oh so therefore they dont exist then....

    I pray we get good news about opting out today, first I do when it launches is to tick that box and smile.

    You will smile and then realise very quickly that you were generally just being beat by better players and you won't know what or who to blame when you get mad.

    But here's an interesting thought for you: If all the casual console players don't opt out as many claim, does that mean that the opt out lobby will have a majority of proficient and skilled console players and the mixed pool would only have a minority of high skilled PC players? That would mean you're going to bump into highly skilled players more often in the opt-out pool then you usually would in a mixed pool, right? I'm wondering which pool is going to be the best for you.

    @pomalotacusmk3 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    But you are talking about LFG...which is full of tags such as:
    PL Only
    Skelly fleets &megs only
    Fort grinding
    No kids
    No bad mics
    Pvp only, sweats only
    RP only
    Low level OoS only

    LFG is literally the home of discrimination, and you are going to complain about discrimination that might happen there, lol.

    There's a difference between what people want to do in the game and what they put in their posts compared to an option that creates a hard barrier dividing the player base.

  • @leper7
    I would consider them all hard barriers.
    If i join a 'skelly ship' lobby, and they decided to do an athena, im gone.
    If i post 'no bad mics' and you join with doritos, game over.
    The only difference is that less time is wasted in the 'xbox only' scenario , coz the pc player cant join to begin with.

    Tl;dr if you cant tick the boxes/dont like the boxes, dont join. Easy.

  • @leper7
    I hope the Xbox lobbies are indeed full of proficient and deadly players.

  • @pomalotacusmk3

    I do too, it will lead to super exciting gaming sessions knowing we can test out SKILLS and not our hardware against eachother

  • @leper7 see, I always find this funny as a PC player retort "you will only meet highly skilled players and still die"......haha

    My crew and I have been playing since the original Alpha my friend, we are the highly skilled Xbox players you speak of, so playing on a fair and balanced sea with other highly skilled xbox players is pretty much the whole idea.

    I have said this before in this thread and will repeat it, I do not care about the PC players complaining about not having a majority of Xbox players to fill their crew or seas. I have no problem with any of you complaining about empty servers or if you indeed meet fellow PC players who do cheat and abuse mods for an advantage above the natural ones you have by playing on PC.

    The ability to opt out of crossplay has been requested before and since the game launched 14 months ago, it took that long for RARE to acknowledge the problems with crossplay which are no longer under debate because they said it would happen, once they did, it means it confirmed everything Xbox players have been saying since launch.

    I dont care if you think this is only about crybabies wanting an easier time because it is a waste of my energy to educate you on the realities of crossplay in this situation. It is also not a coincidence that now that once again all the streamers have moved on and interest has vanished even for Arena and especially Adventure (just look at the Achievement % numbers for Tall Tales) that following two months of complete silence on this topic, it is finally being revisited today, and i hope it will come with a release date for the option for Arena and a sensible time frame for Adventure.

    I welcome the chance to play on only Xbox waters....I dont care if the PC base are unhappy with it nor does it bother me how much you wont accept the reality of why this has to happen or how it will impact your experience with the game as its something that has impacted on mine and my crew's experience for the last 7 months and you didnt care about that.

    I am hoping for good news today, really am. I am not alone in this either.

    Have a good day.

  • @cokney-charmer
    Why don't you tell us what you really think :)

    I completely agree, but im sure someone will say 'the feeling of an even playing field' isnt Rare admitting anything. Just appeasing.

    #Tick the box
    Hat tip to @NeedSmokes

  • @pomalotacusmk3 appeasing, confirming either way if it gets the crossplay opting out option live and in the game.....it works for me.

    It should always have been an option, just as it is for every other game that experiments with Crossplay.

    just need the video to make it a reality or provide more reason not to play till it is :)

  • @cokney-charmer
    Yea if they change their mind, im out for good.

    To quote Bush Jr:
    Fool me once, shame on...shame on you
    Fool me...you can't get fooled again.

  • Xbox Crossplay opt out for Arena - no ETA.....total BS in my opinion. So disappointed in RARE once again and no interest to load the game up until this opt out takes place, they are delaying and delaying this feature from "coming to the game before anniversary update" to "coming to Arena in May before rolling out to Adventure" to...no ETA, still working on it....by the way we are going to E3 to try and sell a game that you either play on games pass or have no interest in by now"

    what a let down....

    Also that nonsense insulting "Crossplay, maybe if we had called it Happy Play people wouldnt be so cross" jibe at the end, well Joe...perhaps if your team could keep their promises and word on features you made a big deal about announcing then bottling it by delaying it more and more to the point that you yourself turn it into a joke, perhaps the majority of your player base would be more forgiving of the failure to deliver on features.

    But then, how could we not be used to lies and just watching more updates released to fix what previous updates have broken in this game eh?

    Think Im done.

  • @cokney-charmer
    Have to agree.
    This has been put off long enough now. Every other Xbox game that supports crossplay has this opt out option as standard. Just how hard can this be to implement?
    Seems to me, they are more desperate for PC streamers getting views still than console players experiences. Because for over 6 months now they have made us aware that we are aware of the disparity. This should be prioritized above everything else now before people lose faith completely.

    PS Rare: Your segment at E3 will be presented at the Xbox segment yes?

    Do the right thing by the players your targeting then!

  • Well.
    That's disappointing.

  • @needsmokes said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    Have to agree.
    This has been put off long enough now. Every other Xbox game that supports crossplay has this opt out option as standard. Just how hard can this be to implement?
    Seems to me, they are more desperate for PC streamers getting views still than console players experiences. Because for over 6 months now they have made us aware that we are aware of the disparity. This should be prioritized above everything else now before people lose faith completely.

    30th January this was announced on Inside Xbox, end of May and its still just at the "oh we made the UI but the backend still needs work" stage....what was the point of this redundant update other than to infuriate the very people this announcement was supposed to appease?

    RARE....lost in their own BS spreading.

  • @cokney-charmer said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    what was the point of this redundant update other than to infuriate the very people this announcement was supposed to appease?

    What's the point? I don't know, you lot have been pestering the forums for the past weeks asking everyday:

    "when Rare? When? when? opt-out when? we need opt-out guys, when is it ready? how come it's not ready already? when tho?"

    And they chose to give you feedback:

    • Still working on it
    • No ETA
    • We haven't forgotten about you guys
    • It's more complicated than anticipated

    To nobody's surprise, pitchforks are raisin and people triggered because today wasn't a surprise release of the opt-out with balloons and confettis. Would you have preferred they say nothing at all and don't raise the subject?

    When even the devs start poking fun at how you lot keep moaning about it, it gives you an idea how ridiculous this all sounds.

    Be patient, the happy-play opt-out will be ready when it's ready.

  • @bloodybil well its been months this this very thread was created....was suppose to happen before the anniversary update.....was supposed to happen in May with Arena.....and oh look, they managed to come up with a UI for the tick box.

    I say that is months of hard work right there wouldn't you?

    So yeah, I and "my lot" are a little let down and disappointed, and rightly so as something promised at the start of 2019 is still not here now halfway through the year and it being "more complicated than anticipated" smells more of keeping the PC streamers happy...which viewing numbers would suggest has failed, just a month after update release, few are bothering with Tall Tales going by Achievement % numbers for completing them, PC Cheats and Modders are all over Arena mode (just look at Twitter to see the people raising this issue).

    So yeah, RARE are failing to keep their word and promise, no surprise there really. I can be patient, I am busy playing every other game that isn't SoT, as is my crew who are equally fed up.

    Peace out, lets see how long it takes for another update on this issue then? Jan 30th - May 29th - ???

  • @cokney-charmer Correct, and that's forgetting that they are inexplicably focusing on the Arena first.

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