Odd interactions with people?

  • Hey all, fairly new to Sea of Thieves, only just started playing regularly and am a PC player. I've enjoyed my time and have had a mix of super friendly people and toxic trolls, which is to be expected with any PVP oriented game, no big. But I've had some...unique interactions, and I'm trying to figure out if it's some sort of etiquette or social thing for the game that I'm just not privy to.

    Anyway, I've been sailing up to ships and asking if they want to join an alliance. Lights on, alliance flag out, slow sailing so they have time to see me coming and leave if they like. But when I arrive and ask, people have been bringing all of their loot over to my ship, and then scuttling their own or blowing up their own ship with a gunpowder barrel. This has happened three or four times now. I literally watched a guy hunt for a chest on an island for 10 minutes, only to bring it over to my ship and then log out after I tried to ask him. I've been solo each time and so far everyone I've approached has always been solo (including a solo Galleon that had some sapphires that he gave to me), so is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm not trying to steal from them but it feels like I'm accidentally performing the world's politest piracy.

    So what gives? Is this some sort of social thing or is something being lost in translation?

  • 14
  • @zeroptimus Loot doesn't have the same appeal as you level. I'm relatively new to the game and recently hit legend. Now most of the time I play I'll drop down a mission, work on commendations, and tend to interact way more with other crews, good or bad.

    I did the same thing today, pulled up and supplied another sloop, gave away from treasure and then sailed away 100ft and keg'd my boat before logging. Was fun!

    Might just be people being friendly on the seas. Take it when you get it - you'll have days that you just can't seem to get a break :)

  • @likavoss Ahh that makes sense, although I'm sad to hear that it loses its appeal. I'll never complain about people being friendly and/or generous though. Thanks for the insight!

  • @zeroptimus the best is when others ask what are you working on (especially a tall tale) and help you on your way. The storyteller was difficult to decipher at first.

    Our actions are dependent on a few things.
    What voyage we are currently on, how you approached, and how the server has been.

    1. If it is an active server with ships constantly attacking one another, trust is low even with an alliance flag. Shoot first, and ask questions later.
    2. If it is a time limited voyage, less of a share as have to reach a certain amount of items to turn in. Otherwise, loot only gets you more skins.
    3. If you approach fast, even with an alliance flag and white or halo sails or any other item new players get, trust is low. Shoot first and ask questions later.

    Approaching slow and using voice chat helps build some trust.

    Overall the rule is trust no one.
    Welcome to the seas!
    Join one of the many discord sea of thieves fleets.
    You'll learn alot in a small amount of time.

  • @zeroptimus I don't mean it loses it's appeal, more so that there is more to do once you hit PL, but I found the pressure was off immediately, so I tend to not grind and enjoy the seas a little bit more. I probably should have said something along the lines of "loot isn't the primary focus, etc."

    Not sure if that makes sense, I've enjoyed the game immensely in the short time I've had it. Even more so now.

  • @zeroptimus In my experience, approaching any ship can end in misinterpreted intentions.

    If they don't see you coming from a long way off and you 'suddenly appear', a lot of people go into panic mode and fight or flight kicks in....which results in either a fleeing ship or a hail of cannonballs/boarding/gunfire.

    If you are able to communicate well in advance of you 'sudden arrival' (from their perspective) you should know their intentions and possible reactions too.

    That being said, if a ship 'comes out of nowhere' saying "I'm friendly" and offering loot or an alliance.... a LOT of Pirates will go with fight rather than flight.

    The Seas are a very pretty but paranoid place at the moment and there is a delicate and confusing balance of friendly, not so friendly and pretend friendly folk bobbing around. Like others have said, trust no one but always be prepared to be surprised.

    Sometimes, friendly Pirates offering you loot ARE just friendly Pirates offering you loot. Other times they are bloodthirsty folk just looking for an advantage!

    That, to me, is part of the beauty of Sea of Thieves!

    (FYI: If you see me on The Seas, I am a friendly Pirate.......or am I...? ) 😬

  • @zeroptimus said in Odd interactions with people?:

    ... people have been bringing all of their loot over to my ship, and then scuttling their own or blowing up their own ship with a gunpowder barrel. This has happened three or four times now. I literally watched a guy hunt for a chest on an island for 10 minutes, only to bring it over to my ship and then log out after I tried to ask him. I've been solo each time and so far everyone I've approached has always been solo (including a solo Galleon that had some sapphires that he gave to me), so is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm not trying to steal from them but it feels like I'm accidentally performing the world's politest piracy.

    So what gives? Is this some sort of social thing or is something being lost in translation?

    Well we do this sometimes. When you own pretty much everything, and have a million or two saved, you dont really need the loot. At the moment i need about 3-4 Athena chests and im maxed out in that. So i really only need the Athena chests and the rest is well... useless so i will gladly donate it. OR arrange it in funny places for others to find.

    However i (and my crew) do steal fish, gems (and other stuff that is needed for the Hunters Call)... so beware and protect your fish if we are around. :)

    Also we steal and hunt "trinkets" (goblets and such for the achievement), or we board and take all the fish and trinkets and leave a bunch of chests/skulls in exchange. :)


  • @ghostfire1981 said in Odd interactions with people?:

    Also we steal and hunt "trinkets" (goblets and such for the achievement), or we board and take all the fish and trinkets and leave a bunch of chests/skulls in exchange. :)


    Seems like a fair exchange to me!

  • I’ve also witnessed nihilistic oddities, I think it’s because the player base on average is roughly 8-12

  • @cooliocam Sweet. I'm not average. Best news I've heard all day! Thanks mate!

  • When you see someone you have to kill them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    I don’t make the rules I just follow them.

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Odd interactions with people?:

    @ghostfire1981 said in Odd interactions with people?:

    Also we steal and hunt "trinkets" (goblets and such for the achievement), or we board and take all the fish and trinkets and leave a bunch of chests/skulls in exchange. :)


    Seems like a fair exchange to me!

    Indeed. ;)

  • @glannigan said in Odd interactions with people?:

    When you see someone you have to kill them as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    I don’t make the rules I just follow them.


    I'm breakin' ALL the rules!

  • I flip a coin....... Heads, we attack. Tails, we flip again. 😂

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