
  • Just a thought, but has anyone thought about spears as another type of weapon? Since we're hitting a throw able stage, it should at least be considered. It could be used as both melee and throw able. Or as a personal marker for leaving a trail for your friends to follow. My idea is it could be similar to canon balls as ammo where they spawn in barrels. Not as damaging as a sword as it does have the option to be thrown where as the sword blocks. Poke holes in the idea if you see any

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  • @wolf11712 Interesting idea. I like the idea of a boarding axe, or daggers over spears though. From a lore standpoint I think it would be harder to implement spears.

  • I'm not against spears at all, on a practical front think if nothing else it would be a good addition for the "Hunters" faction.
    Fishing with the rod is great, if by the introduction of the spear it could expand the fish types, add commendations... well.... I'm up for that.

    Also, the "tools not rules" ethos, it could be used in unexpected ways.

    The Spear itself under certain conditions used as a non-lethal defensive weapon, more like a staff if you like.

    Blocking, disarming, stunning, a knock back, being able to knock pirates off their feet.
    A less brutal weapon.. depending on how it is used. You don't always have to use the "really" pointy end.

    Ultimately..... I fancy myself with a trident... lol.

    Aye.... Boarding Axes.. & daggers on me wish list too.

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