A Solo Sloop Adventure against All Odds

  • Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Coast. i will drop immediatly with the door into your house.
    If, you read this , than be aware that all is written by a Non - English person ,who can't write this beautiful language. One who never learned how to write a story.
    " Did you ever went to school ": i hear you ask. Well, yes , but i can't remember much from it since i was daydreaming all the time...
    Now with that being said , should you decide to read and waste your time , then don't come complaining to me that i can't write because ...i just admitted it ...

    It was Friday , i had done all my chores and had a little two hours time. My usual crew wasn't online that time so i decided to use a Solo Sloop with an open spot for a Friend ( * Whahahaaaa, and ...no one joined...Oh, you're so liked ,moron and that's sarcasm, fool).
    My Pirate awoke at a Table in the Tavern of Ancient Spire. i always see Ancient Spire as the last Outpost before Hell's Gates , better known as the Devil's Roar.
    Like always , i ran around and gathered resources like an outdated squirrel. It didn't took me long before i plundered almost every barrel.
    A little 50 canonball was the reasult of this reaping. i wondered what i could do , in less than two hours one can have an adventure but using a big map while being unable to finish it , becausei ran out of time was not an option...

    i saw a Fortressskull and with the time i had left , that would do for this day. i ran to the map, looked which Fortress could be the usual suspect and then my eye caught a Reaper's Chest symbol , just three squares away from Ancient Spires.
    The whole " Fortress idea " was wiped under the tapestry and i made sail towards a shipwreck.
    i still had to make 2 more Reaper's Chests before i would have the 5 on 5 Commendation from the Dark Relics Quests.

    Oh , i was in a merry mood , a Shipwreck so close and also close to an Outpost . Oh, yes , the SeaGods were on the side of Good Old George ( * Leave that good out of yer nickname, moron , you're the worst Pirate ever , there's nothing good at you ...except that every day you are one day closer to yer grave...punk).
    i closed in on a Massive Rock and behind that rock it wouldn't be far anymore to the wreckage...
    i sailed passed the rock and could hear the smashing of glass in the back of my head ( * What ? how dare ye mocking me, fool? So what , i broke a pint , you break everything you touch, ya crossed eyed no good at all).
    Sea of Thieves has always been a game where a set plan get's altered in the next five minutes...So did mine...My Reaper's Chest Dream got shattered by a Brigantine that closed in at 2 o clock and also set their mind on the Reaper's Chest...

    Yep , another daydream shattered ... i'd knew i could never win but i had a few advantages . i had a nimble ,small hard to hit Sloop , could shoot a few cannonballs in their gullit after a lot of training possiblilties in Arena ...

    No , i wasn't afraid nor was i planning to let them just have the Chest...But they made their first move. They shot a Pirate with their cannon in order to get the Chest from under my nose . i closed in and shot a few cannonballs in their hull , their answer was swift , two cannonballs hit my ship all the rest was aimed to a poor ozonlayer that has already massive holes ...

    i sailed my ship closer , gave another barrage but heard a Pirate swim. i ran up the stairs and saw him but he dove , i ran left and right but he didn't came up... Suddenly, while i was guarding the wrong ladder...He came behind me , i startled ,shot my Flintlock and...missed by a mile ( * Whahahaaaaa, he missed a mile with a distance of one meter between him and the " enemy").
    The enemy had a name i never heard before ,followed by a number. He was called Darth Vader and a number i can't remember ( * Wow, suspence , George can't remember something...That has never happened before ...oohh the tragedy...moron).
    We swashbuckled but ..i had no chance.
    i went off the ship and try to convince a taciturn Ferry Captain to release Old George...The Spooky Man took his time ...In that time the Brigantine had already salvaged , and hauled up the Reaper's Chest ... My spoils were gone...
    i came back in the world and...an Eye of Reach shot just misses my left ear as Darth Vader was standing behind me on my Sloop's canopy...He jumped on me and i died again without a chance ( * You're soooo old and slow , moron, your Granddad is faster than you and...he's dead).

    The Ferry Captain sighted when he saw me again and some moments later kicked me through the Portal Of Reanimated Life...

    Darth Vader was waiting again...Again behind my back and again he missed his snipershot ( * he missed you so many times , one would think you had found a far relative...moron). Another swordfight followed and allthough i could hit him two times ,he didn't backed down and killed me again...
    The thirth time ,he was even better prepared , he had equipped a blunderbuss and was once again in my back when he shot and took more than half my health...two sword strikes later , and i was licking my wounds on the doorstep of the Ferry Captain's Cabin...

    The fourth time i spawned this Darth Vader must have has a Dark Relic in his pocket , again he knew where i spawned and again a Blunderbusshot leeched more than half my health...i could also hear he has trashed my ship on a rock , water was seeping in...i could escape his final blow and scooped up a bucket before another shot placed me crying on the Ferry's Captain's shoulders...

    The sixth time had a similar story but i fought longer and was able to scoop out two buckets of Water...Alas his sword punctured my Heart and i woke up on my knees before a no nodding Ferry Captain...

    The seventh time would be my time . Holy Seven never dissapointed me before and wouldn't do it now either ...For the first time i spawned on the middledeck , Darth was still waiting on my canopy , he jumped off the topdeck ,over the helmswheel ...Wow, one would think he was possessed by some unknown force , heheheh ( * Oh, Jezus , what a joke ...And look at his smile , his wingnut ears are dancing from joy...poor old freak).

    i shot him fully in the chest , he returned fire but he missed me half , i used the mast as my cover and let him come...Suddenly i saw ,water reaching my maproom...i had 5 seconds before sinking...

    In panic i reached to powers i normally never posses , even the SeaGods supported me and a sudden swordlunge thrusted me right through Darth Vader. The sound of a dying Pirate didn't brought me out of balance . There was no time for a victory dance , i grabbed to my bucket in my massive Pirate Trousers pockets and...took my lantern out...Noooooo, i'm gonna sink , a last desperate grab made hold of my bucket.
    Like a windmill i scooped water , the adrenaline was massive . " George never lose a Boat" , i could hear my Best Friend Mr Jay4dio's voice...And i saved it ...The Unsinkable LXII would not be renewed nor renamed the Unsinkable LXIII...

    Now where were they , those filthy thieves ...Alas , they were close to Ancient and i had drifted , during the many fights , towards the South.

    But the SeaGods never forget Old George , he's got the Devil's Luck and they take care of him...Another Reaper's Chest Mardi Grass Plume of Smoke betrayed another Reaper's Chest...

    i turned the Sails and with full speed i went towards a new wreckage...The Plume of Smoke looked strange, i was like it was a double plume but i suspected a glitch and didn't think further ( * Not thinking further ...hmmm....The story of yer Miserable life , idiot?).

    The wreckage was situated before the Northern Shores of Ashen Reaches...
    Finally i reached my destination...And by coming closer i saw two Plumes of smoke ...Would that mean there were two Reaper's Chests ? If that was so , then i could fullfill my Commandation. i dove and found immediatly a Reaper's Chest in the Captain's Cabin. i took it on my Sloop and yes ! ,there was still another one ...
    i dove again and found another Reaper Chest in the hull.i also saw a Ruby Mermaid gem.
    i took the Reaper's chest to the Sloop , scanned the Horizon and felt the courage sink in my shoes .Very far away from me, i saw sails i had seen before ...That dreaded Brigantina was attrackted towards my Chests again...i still had time to take the ruby but wouldn't tempt faith any further...i sailed off ...trying to reach Ancient Spires before they would catch me. i didn't dare to use my spyglass as that could betray my position if they already hadn't seen me...

    But ...They didn't seem to turn towards me ...What were they doing ? They were still cruising towards an empty wreckage ...Were they not looking on the map?
    i did took a look and to my amazement there was still a Reaper's Skull on the spot where i found the wreckage . Did i missed one ? i looked up from the map but couldn't see Mardi grass smoke...
    Strange but a very fortunate event for me...Maybe there were three chests , i will never know ,since i never explored the hold but it did distract my "enemies " from me.
    Quickly i ran towards my helmswheel and tried to figure out if they weren't turning. Nope , they fell for an unexpected trick...

    i was so happy i started dancing and humming a merry tune...In all that joy i forgot to look where i was sailing too. But i saw the rock in time ,turned the helmswheel and just saw a whole lot of shipwrecked barrels dissappear under my bow...

    BOOOAAAAMM, a shockwave travelled over my poor Sloop , the wave snapped the handles of my helmswheel like dead twigs...In Panic ,i jumped over my helmswheel ,ran down and saw already water in the maproom...i must have had 8 holes or something...i must have hit a Megakeg...Oh nooo...Such a tremendous blast must have warned half the Pirates Fleet...
    Like a Tasmanian Devil ( * hihihihih , moron, you looked more like a elderly with Parkinson syndrome) i scooped water out , four buckets water , i hole repaired , i kept repeating this rhtymn and feared the worst ...By the time this Sloop was repaired the Brigantine would have sneaked up on me...i almost had tears in my eyes by the knowledge that i would be just in time be repaired to be just too late...

    Finally , the hull was repaired , i looked throught the windows of my maproom but there was no sign of the Brigantina ... a quick look at the map revealed there was still a Reaper's Skull at the same spot of the wreckage where i found my two Chests...

    Was it a glitch and didn't they found anything or...where they sidetracked by skeletonships, Kraken or Megalodonodon's ? i will never know.

    What i did notice, when i went to middle deck , was that my mast was broken, i pulled it up , repaired it and then repaired my Helmswheel.
    Also the Capstan needed repairs...This little mistake had costed me more than 15 planks...i could miss this kind of misshaps like toothache and finally set sail towards Ancient Spires...

    The Ship went slow , as the wind had turned against my favour...i was still afraid to see the Brigantina , and as i expected , sails were forming on the Horizon...This time i took my spyglass and recognized my old adversary...
    They would too, have the wind against them , so if i could reach Ancient ,i would have time to cash in and leave with the spoils in my pocket...
    Hope rose again...They were gaining but way too little to intercept me...Ancient Spire finally formed before my bowspirit but ...but ...where those rolled up sails?
    The spyglass confirmed my suspicion...There was a Sloop...i didn't dare to take the risk , turned the wheel towards West in the hope of reaching Plunder Outpost...Another postponement and if one of those new Pirates at Ancient would take a glimpse of the map i would become a bird for a cat...

    If that kind of bad luck wasn't enough , i too had to cross a Storm in order to reach Plunder Outpost...
    The Fight with the ThunderGods started , rain was whipping my face. The torque forces that tried to break my ship were getting results. A few repairplanks couldn't withstand the pressure and snapped out of their nails...
    Bailing, patching up ,reading the map to find the bearings again...What happened in ten minutes felt like i was battling the Elements of Nature for hours...Finally the weather cleared up and ...Far in front of me the Pike of Plunder Outpost rised up...
    i was almost there , a tired , but happy smile grew on my Pirate's Face. But the happiness took a little dive as a Roaring Grunt made master of the vicinity...
    A Megalodonodon had heard the Call of Treasure i had , but mostly if you leave these Menaces of Nature alone they leave you be...But ... Not this one...Of course , another one that disliked me and yet again i had to patch the ship...Then all of a sudden , it retreated ...
    This time i was shouting and taunting it from Joy...The Beautiful Peace upon those waves got shattered by my cheers ,i was two minutes away from Plunder Outpost and nothing could take me down, i was out of myself that i outran a Brigantina , survived a Megakeg , a storm a Megalodonodon...

    But my Joy got dampened by another noise , i ran up to the helmswheel turned it around and saw the First Tentacles reach for the sky...A Dreaded Kraken , Really!!!!??? ...

    i looked to the sky and i felt a kind of abandoning feel that Jezus must have felt when he looked to his Father while he was hanging on on the Cross...
    i shouted too to the Gods : " Come on, Let me have my Chests , i found them fair and square "...The Seagods didn't reply . The Kraken did instead, it knocked four whole in the hull...This would cost my last planks...i had 12 left...
    With a desperate tenacity i kept bailing and repairing ...So close and still so far away...That feel made me a bit soulless...

    i was close to the end of the circle and after losing another 4 planks i escaped the Kraken's Seaground...
    i had made it , dropped anchor and ran like a straggler towards the selling point...i had made it and my Reaper's Chest Commandation felled like a Medal on a tired Soldier...

    i am no great Pirate but i find this Story on of my most beautiful Solo trips or adventures that i ever had.
    Literally everything was thrown at me, Pirates , floating kegs , storms , Pirates on the wrong spot at the wrong time; Megalodonodons , Krakens...

    it had teached me one thing...Never give up, keep fighting and playing and you will succeed and get better in time...This is how one becomes experienced ,by falling and getting up again...
    i hope this may inspire all you New Pirates that have the wrong feeling that the world of Sea of Thieves is unfair ...i didn't lost one Ship , got killed six times , but like a stubborn donkey i kept going untill i finally killed him and saved my Ship...
    i lost one Reaper's Chest , allthough i never had it in my hand , but won two Chests later ,just by keep on playing...

    i don't want to be a moralknight , i just hope that my "little odessey" my inspire New Pirates to give this game a chance , even if the game has put you through a hard time...
    Remember that Winners are Losers that Never Gave up...

    Thank you , you few Pirates , for reading ...i hope ( * But we hope not) that i will write more stories, i'm starting to enjoy it again...

    All i want to wish you is, Happy Sailing , may Gold, Gems and Chests be your company in many, many adventures to come and remember : Never surrender nomatter what get's thrown on you...

    The Price of Two Reaper's Chests had the same satisfaction as beating ten Fortresses and that means something...

    Take care ,all of you...

  • 10
  • I really enjoy your stories you are a good community member.

  • @clumsy-george

    Mr George.
    As usual I doff me hat matey!!!

  • @faceyourdemon
    i'm glad you enjoyed it , Sir and yes , i'm finding joy in writing again , i hope it will never leave me again...

  • @clumsy-george Fortuna smile her beautiful smile upon you and your adventures once again.

  • @faceyourdemon sagte in A Solo Sloop Adventure against All Odds:

    I really enjoy your stories you are a good community member.

    One of the memorable and best ones Mr @Clumsy-George :-)

    Love your stories too.

  • @clumsy-george nice mate sorry about that chest and mr. darth vader

  • First too stubborn to die, then happy ending, nice story.

  • @Clumsy-George I love the way you tell stories on this forum. It makes me come back every time to check if you posted a new saga of your adventures on the Seas !!

  • @tattoo-addict30
    Well, thank you Sir …. It would be a bit long to tell you why i do this but if i can bring a smile on someone , while in the game or trying to remember an Adventure from one or more days ago and then try to write it down, then i have a lot more joy from this that you would ever imagine…

    i hope i may write many more down in the future ,and honestly , i don't care if it brings a smile to one or to hundred ( * A hundred ? Dream on, fool) Pirates , as long as one likes it , i will write and if none likes it , i will write the Memorable Adventures down ,for myself , as some kind of logbook...One day my memory will be gone , but then i can reread and maybe trigger a few memories again...

5 out of 10