Hunter's Call Reputation

  • I wanted some concrete answer (preferably from a Rare employee) as to the reputation granted for cooked cooked fish compared to uncooked fish. Not worried about the gold as much as spending the time to cook each fish. Is the reputation granted the same regardless or do cooked fish earn more reputation? Thank you.

  • 7
  • @curbe-winco There was a pretty good system posted by a user in the last few months, because it isn't obvious how much incremental gain you get for cooked fish vs. time lost in doing so.

    Baitless fish: only cook the rare ones.
    Region fish: only cook the rare and trophies.
    Stormfish, Wreckers, and Battlegills: cook them all.

    Seems to work pretty well in maximizing your value in terms of time commitment. If you fish a lot by yourself, you learn pretty quickly that cooking is a huge burden.

  • Is the reputation granted the same regardless or do cooked fish earn more reputation? Thank you.

  • @curbe-winco earned reputation is tied to amount of gold, so yes cooked fish are worth more. But depending on how much fish you have in your hold it may not be worth it to cook them all because the gold and rep gained won't make up for time lost. The recent HC buff has made raw fish a lot more valuable.

  • Will a Rare employee please confirm that gold amount is directly related to reputation amount?

  • @curbe-winco said in Hunter's Call Reputation:

    Will a Rare employee please confirm that gold amount is directly related to reputation amount?

    They don't usually come around these parts.

  • @curbe-winco

    That's just a known fact at this point.

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