
  • ●**Enemies Beyound Skulls*

    I think there should be enemies other than skulls. And I think this would bring countless new experiences to the game!
    As an idea for these new enemies, they could be ghost pirates with almost transparent caravels that sail only in the dark night!
    Also, these ghosts don't have to be stronger than skulls, but a new way of fighting them would be needed.
    As for appearance, they may look like the pirate who stays in the caravel when you die, it would be insane !!

     The text may have some errors, I'm Brazilian and I loved what the game promises, so I'm trying to help by giving some tips on what they could add.
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  • @sseccond well I hate to break it to ya, but skelly boys are dead pirates. They just have lost everything in the brain except their last order or their just reacting on plain instinct. Ghost would be interesting but no pirate wants to be ghosty when, when they are ghost they can’t get the effect of grog! Plus someone must’ve had some real greed to choose a ghost life and then hoard treasure, as most ghost have a vengeance plan to kill someone. And well most deaths in this game would be a sad vengeance for those souls as their enemy can comeback

  • @sseccond when they announced the anniversary update with the new Hunter's Call faction, they talked about hunting things and monsters, then they warned us to be caution due to unforeseen threats that might out our life in danger...

    I swear I thought they were talking about new AI threats there and new stuff ... But nop, same old animals, same old Skellies...
    Really hope they add more stuff..

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