Lack of people

  • I've noticed (pc player here) verrry little amounts of players in the sea. Will there ever be a raised amount of ships per server? It is Soo hard to find people to fight

  • 24
  • There are at max 6 Ships per Server for several reasons from performance to immersion.
    I agree that you sometimes lack to see other player ships, but that's also intended.
    Rare dont want you to see a Ship all the time.
    It's also a matter of region.
    You shouldnt be matched on a west coast server if you are playing in Europe for example.
    The latency would spoil every encounter.
    Wait for xbox crossplay opt out and i say we PC players will have a lonely ocean.

  • @d4king55 i've had over 10 fights with other players (7 unique crews) on my voyage yesterday. I would add max 1 ship more on the server

  • @d4king55

    Yarr!... I'm just over the horizon :)
    You just haven't found me yet, happy hunting.

    Seriously ,I don't find it too much of an issue, esp. with this current event. I guess it can be down to the time of day you login. What peeps are up to, it's a pretty large map, I like the balance personally. Encounters seem about right. I guess it really depends what you are up to or hunting. If you are in a PvP mood, I guess it could appear a little sparse, you are a hunter/killer afterall :)

  • @d4king55 I think there are plenty of people, but I also think that there has always been an issue regarding the servers keeping server population optimised when people log off. For some reason it seems at some stage new players just stop entering the server you are on until only you are left... and when you anchor as last one on server a merge happens.
    This is something I would have thought Rare would have got on top of by now.

  • There are almost always other ships. It's very rare I find a server not full. Sometimes you just don't cross paths. Since I am always looking for a fight, I usually find the others.

  • On each server it's likely you will have several solo sloopers out there.
    And if they are busy questing and are experienced players, they would have spotted you and taken measures to limit the chances of being spotted by you.
    The players are on the servers, just not everyone wants to be encountered.

  • I think the balance is just right - one ship per original outpost. And I'm not sure the server stability could handle even one additional ship.

    If you find you are not running into players, it could be time of day (I find during the day it's mostly sloops going about their own business and avoiding conflicts). In the evenings, I see more brigs and galleons on and far more PvP action.

    Also, check your NAT and Xbox Live Networking (Windows 10: Settings - Gaming - Xbox Networking... it's in Settings - Network on Xbox One). Make sure you've an open NAT so your matchmaking is better.

    Also, drop your anchor more. As others have said, the servers tend to de-populate over time.

  • Honestly some days my crew and I will go all night with out seeing another crew and days like last night we ran into 4 other crew all on different ships too one crew kicked our butts the other we did the butt kicking we had some crazy fights it was great and that’s one of my favorite things about the game you never know how it’s going to go one day you see no one the other your in a fight with every crew Kraken and Meg on the server

  • @bugaboo-bill The ships be out there - the real question is if they are good or not. :)

  • @d4king55
    What they need to do instead is try to keep servers full more.

  • I strongly feel raising the server cap by two ships would greatly improve the balance between "the sea feels empty" and people who are wary of having too many ships around.

    How to do this with 6 Outposts to spawn in at though? Make the Sea Dogs tavern a full fledged outpost, then a second one could be in a new area using the area south of the Ancient Isles. That would give 8 spawn in points.

  • If you are looking for more players to PvP then why not Arena?

  • @contentzilla Because PvP is part of adventure mode. That's like asking a PvE'er "Why don't you just go play Sid Meier's Pirates?"

    This is coming from someone who doesn't usually seek out PvP.

  • @contentzilla said in Lack of people:

    If you are looking for more players to PvP then why not Arena?

    It is a different game. Also, the potential payout for raiding ships in normal mode is much higher in the normal game. In Arena, at best you make less than 5k per round for placing in 1st.

  • @geoffman72 Sea dogs woulf be a horrible starting point qhere do you get voyages from? Supplies are way to limited it would be starting off at a disadvantage

  • I actually think they lowered it when they released the Barrel missions. And I can’t blame them because who wants to hear “This new content sucks everyone keeps attacking me”

    Personally I wish it was full but I’ve done 2-3 sessions of the new “stuff”
    And have seen 1 Sloop.

    Before the patch I was PVP Hunting In adventure Mode and there was no shortage of victims.

  • When I got on today there was a galleon flying a Reaper's Mark, two sloops fighting over a stronghold, another Reaper's Mark on the other side of the map, and me, hunting Megs and not realizing that the Blackpowder Smuggler's run I just "finished" had actually just gone to part two.

  • @blatantwalk4260 I did say "turn it into a full fledged outpost". That means adding GH, OoS, and merchant NPCs. Wouldn't even need the usual GH tent/OoS building.

    As for supplies, adding in some barrels shouldn't be a big deal.

  • Why not add 2 more ships per server to equal 8, then because of the full server problem you’ll have close to 6 ships per server!

  • @britishmango05 the other issue is sessions would almost always crash I have seen the sessions start bearding people when to many get in an area

  • @d4king55 to the arena with you yaaar, guaranteed other ship encounters, fast.

  • @bugaboo-bill it's already lonely because most xbox players have quit I run into 4 times as many pc players than xbox.

  • @danqrl arena doesn't even work in this update

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