I Think Blackpowder Stashes Will Be Fun, But This Still Isn't It...

  • Thanks for another update, Rare! As always I like to start my feedback with my gratitude to Rare for all of the work that goes into Sea of Thieves.

    Blackpowder Stashes is nice. It's an improvement upon the previous Mercenary Voyages which I found to be mundane after they were in the game for around 2 months straight prior to Anniversary. I do also love the spirit behind Reaper Runs, in that they promote more crew to crew interaction. Doing this with gunpowder barrels looks like it will make things interesting

    But this still doesn't fill the void. I still miss the traditional Bilge Rat events. So why are the Bilge Rat Adventures better than Mercenary Voyages?

    I've looked at the commendations, rewards, and voyages available here. Here's how I feel about this so far.

    1. The Commendations Were Better With Old Bilge Rat Adventures

    Traditional Bilge Rat Adventures offered more task specifc commendations that were a lot more fun to pursue for 2-3 weeks... I think back to the gunpowder skeleton event from last June, and I remember commendations designed around chain reactions and getting chain reactions while another crew was at the fort. Things like that are more fun than "complete this voyage 5 times"

    2. The Cosmetics Were Better

    The earnable time-limited cosmetics used to be SO much better. The Bonecrusher Hat and Jacket for one event, and full set of dope looking Bonecrusher weapons for another event, then we got that Wailing Barnacle Jacket and Hat combo for another event, the list goes on. These were things we could actually put on our individual pirates, and not just the ship. We want more of that.

    Nowadays, we're seeing three different iterations of the same Reaper sails and the dripfeeding of the Mercenary Ship set. The Cosmetics have been more lackluster and not nearly as unique as the stuff we used to get.

    I feel like there needs to be more energy and passion put into the time limited cosmetic rewards (and cosmetics in the whole game in general) Why has the intensity let up on this? Sea of Thieves progression is entirely cosmetic...

    3. Voyages Have Been In the Game Forever, Why Make Events Based on Them?

    The old Bilge Rat events were always based on introducing a new mechanic or activity into the game, and that's what made them so much more fun to play. I mean, you simply handed the skeletons gunpowder barrels and made an enitre event out of it that was super fun. Why not do more of that?

    I do like these Reaper Runs for the player interactions they create, but there needs to be more intriguing concepts to these events. I feel like voyages are pretty simple to set parameters for, so why not release these Mercenary Voyages alongside the Bilge Rat events we know and love?

    In Conclusion

    Time after time, so many of us speak up about wanting the old Bilge Rat events back, and time after time, that feedback is met by Rare with "Oh if you miss Bilge Rat stuff, you're gonna be happy with this next update!" and then it's just another Mercenary Voyage... nothing that really strikes us as new.

    Thank you for all you do Rare, but what we want you to understand is that it's the traditional old Bilge Rat events we miss, like Gunpowder Skeletons and The Sunken Curse, and Mercenary Voyages alone just cannot live up to what those were.

    When Rare says "A regular rhythm of updates," I really hope they're not saying *a regular rhythm of Mercenary Voyages..." Don't get me wrong, Reaper Runs have been fun and I don't doubt that Blackpowder Stashes will still be a fun event. But I think we're still missing that charm and new-ness of the Bilge Rat Adventures.

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  • @chronodusk Yeah I personally hate the Mercenary Voyages lol.

  • @chronodusk said in I Think Blackpowder Stashes Will Be Fun, But This Still Isn't It...:

    When Rare says "A regular rhythm of updates," I really hope they're not saying *a regular rhythm of Mercenary Voyages..." Don't get me wrong, Reaper Runs have been fun and I don't doubt that Blackpowder Stashes will still be a fun event. But I think we're still missing that charm and new-ness of the Bilge Rat Adventures.

    First of all: great read, mate, I couldn't agree more. I am also concerned about doing the same thing over and over again. And with that, I mean doing the same thing 5 times in a row.
    You can argue that the thrones or mermaid statues were repetitive, but at least they brought something new to the table. Can't say the same thing about the Mercenary Voyages focussing on, again, the original three factions.

  • @lt-swag-johnson Yeah, it's literally like a gold hoarder voyage with merchant alliance treasure. At least the one type of voyage. I haven't done the other yet.

  • I think they just need to alternate between Bilge Rat Adventures (exploring, finding stuff, doing events) with Mercenary Voyages (which tend to be focused around transporting items with encouraged PvP).

    Doing too many Mercenary Voyages in a row becomes tiresome.

  • @d3adst1ck Agree. But also find some alternative to just doing the same voyage 5 times for the commendations. Maybe have an athena level difficulty one that spawns more, stronger skeletons and that's how you get the legendary commendation?

    Or just leave out the legendary commendation. Why do we always need a legendary commendation. I hate doing the same voyage 5 times for 3 different types of voyage...

  • @d3adst1ck

    Yeah that's my whole thought process. The object is to put a bunch of limited time high value voyages in the hands of players to promote carnage and theft of all of this good loot.

    But when that becomes the norm, can we even call those voyages "high value" any more? Does anyone even care to steal that loot if it's more regularly available due to the over-saturation of these high value voyages?

  • @chronodusk 100% agree. I was worried when they first started mercenary voyages that Rare would not be abme to resist just repeating them instead of continuing the bilge rat updates, and looks like that fear was well founded. When they did the first 2 it was understandable because they were pushing a huge update including a new game mode. Now it's just lazy.

    I also.wished they stuck with the original way of handling the rat cosmetics: if you had the doubloons you could buy them no strings attached. It actually made me feel less willing to spend doubloons, you mever knew what was coming next that you may want, or of you would be able to pick up enough doubloons through achievements to get the items. I was less likely to buy every item and had to balance saving my doubloons for buying levels against getting them. Now you have to finish the events to buy the items, and you recieve enough doubloons amd then some for doing it, so why not blow the extra.

    This and the way they locked the long awaited legend weapons behind arena leave me with the feeling that Rare is doing this to get players who would not normally play these events to do so in order to make their updates look more successful than they are. If the updates cost money I suppose that would be good marketing even if annoying. Since they do t it just comes off as pretty desperate and pathetic.

  • @chronodusk They did surprise me with releasing the mercenary figurehead. I thought that set would go incomplete like the wailing barnacle set.

  • @chronodusk I think the "value" was questionable in the first place because gold has lost value for a lot of high level players. They have tons of it and nothing to spend it on, so throwing out "high value" voyages loses appeal right away and most of the merc run voyages would yield tons of tapped (and unclaimed) chests on the voyage islands.

    No one cared to actually turn in the chests because they don't need the gold.

  • @chronodusk
    Very well made post, very well structured. Easy to read and to understand all your points.

    Personally, I do agree with all you wrote here.
    I'm glad we have the BRA back, but disappointed about what they're doing with it.

    The Year One BRA were based on fun, on having different objectives aside of the regular things we have to do in the world.
    Now it turned into another grinding side faction. With the same objectives as other main factions.

  • @lonegoatknifer said in I Think Blackpowder Stashes Will Be Fun, But This Still Isn't It...:

    @chronodusk They did surprise me with releasing the mercenary figurehead. I thought that set would go incomplete like the wailing barnacle set.

    The whaling barnacle has a Figurehead... It's the mermaid one.

  • @william-flint said in I Think Blackpowder Stashes Will Be Fun, But This Still Isn't It...:

    @chronodusk 100% agree. I was worried when they first started mercenary voyages that Rare would not be abme to resist just repeating them instead of continuing the bilge rat updates, and looks like that fear was well founded. When they did the first 2 it was understandable because they were pushing a huge update including a new game mode. Now it's just lazy.

    Yeah, it was my thinking that this whole Mercenary Voyage thing was for Friends Play Free. Once every small update after that had a different Mercenary Voyage, it just started to feel like a cop out.

    Now like I said, the spirit behind Reaper Runs is cool and fun, anyone who's interacted with me on the forums or in game should know that I'm all about the crazy unpredictable player interaction in this game, but they need use Reaper Runs a bit more sparingly than they currently are. Maybe don't make entire events centered around only that and give us something really interesting alongside it.

  • @lonegoatknifer

    I just can't believe they're only just now giving us a figurehead that goes with a ship set that was put into the game 6 months ago. Talk about dripfeed. I hate the way they handle cosmetic releases, milking individual sets over really long periods of time as a way to avoid creating new sets.

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in I Think Blackpowder Stashes Will Be Fun, But This Still Isn't It...:

    Very well made post, very well structured. Easy to read and to understand all your points.

    Personally, I do agree with all you wrote here.
    I'm glad we have the BRA back, but disappointed about what they're doing with it.

    The Year One BRA were based on fun, on having different objectives aside of the regular things we have to do in the world.
    Now it turned into another grinding side faction. With the same objectives as other main factions.

    Thanks for checking out the post!

    Yep, the current use of the Bilge Rats feels like a cop out altogether... I like Reaper Runs, but it's gotten excessive. Everything about it just feels kind of lazy. From the overall content right down to the lackluster cosmetics...

  • I don't have any negativity about the Mercenary Voyages, nor the Reaper's Runs - except for the continued usage of repeat the voyage X amount of times for the reward - although, I understand why they're doing that and don't hold it against them, as it does yield good results for the intended types of interactions these voyages breed. So long as we get some more varied adventures to do.

    The thing I find myself greatly agreeing with you is with the rewards. We sure did get some wonderful cosmetics back in the day, and, while I like some of the Reaper's stuff, it is so little, limited, and only ship cosmetics. They desperately need to step up the pirate/clothing/weapons/items cosmetic game.

    Anyway, I don't feel like it's a complaint so much as good feedback.
    While I enjoyed all of the Bilge Rat Adventures, there sure were a lot of people complaining that the Skeleton Thrones and the Sunken Curse were not for them. I loved them, but we shouldn't speak as though they were universally loved and are THE perfect answer for content. :) Such is the variance of personal pirate preference, of course, but, yeah, we've had a stretch of these mercenary voyage type adventures/commendations - it'd be nice to see the Bilge Rat style of crazy adventure silliness added in again.

    Not that it's easy to come up with those things, of course.

  • Having the gamble of doubloons make them so much less worth it. If the first was free, or it just cost an obscene amount of gold, they'd definitely be worth it... But losing my precious doubloons that I could need down the road for cool cosmetics? In exchange for yet another spooky sail? It's not worth the risk for someone who prefers a sloop or solo play. The other bilge rat adventures left options open. It's always easier with a larger crew, but if you like to play alone, then you have that option. These Mercenary Voyages, because of their higher risk, don't leave more options for smaller crew players.

  • @chronodusk
    I was hoping theyd fix the bilge rats with this update too. It's disappointing how they keep doing extremely long voyages and making you do them for the cosmetics. I'm fine with locked cosmetics, but not when they're time limited. Doubloons are pretty much useless for me now, because I don't have time to do the reapers runs, so I can't get the cosmetics. I loved how they made it so you could slowly work on the comms and then get any time limited cosmetic back before mercenary voyages.

  • @blazedrake100

    Yeah I understand what you mean. I think the idea is to make sure players are engaging with the even rather than just popping in and buying the cosmetics.

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