Cultural Diversity in Clothing

  • Due the mystical magic of the pirate generator my pirate is Polynesian, and that's awesome! Cultural diversity in gaming, hazar!

    My mind went wild about how to dress him to fit the part of a strong tribal warrior turned pirate; with a penchant for fishing of course.

    I've been lucky with hair, make-up, and some body tattoos... but clothing is very European, so I feel limited with options to achieve this goal.

    It would be really awesome if artists at Rare could add more culturally diverse clothing so players can become e.g. Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, African, Islander pirates.

    ...and in my case, it's strange I can't wear a lavalava and I'm in a Polynesian setting. Cross-dressing unfortunately isn't a workaround substitute, lol.

    Anyone else rocking a non-european pirate? What attire do you wear?

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  • Chinese short dress for my character yes please and make it red with a white rabbit somewhere. Also better headbands like maybe bandana or ninja headband multiple colors or let us dye our clothes.... let us dye our clothes please

  • @odysseyhome admiral stuff red one because I like red on my pirate

  • @odysseyhome

    The official Sea of Thieves art book shows concept art of this really neat Asian based region (Eastern Winds I think it is?)

    The book explains that people in this region would dress according to a mix of "Asian culture" themes and essential pirate themes.

    I really hope to see this in game soon!

    EDIT: Sea of Five Winds, thanks to @ClosingHare208 for the reminder!

  • @chronodusk sea of five winds that's what it is mate

  • @closinghare208

    Ahh that's what it is! Thanks. I just cracked open the Art book again a few nights ago, I don't know where Eastern Winds popped up in my head from.

  • @chronodusk probable a movie mate

  • Man this is a great idea that should have everyone upvoting it. I'd love to see the Punjab (From Annie) type clothing or the Far East silks introduced to the game! It would bring a little diverse class to the motley array of clothing we have now.

  • @odysseyhome said in Cultural Diversity in Clothing:

    Anyone else rocking a non-european pirate? What attire do you wear?

    From top to bottom:
    -ghost eyepatch
    -white beard, white hair, scars
    -shirtless, grog/music/dice tattoos, scars
    -black dog belt
    -ashen trousers
    -legendary boots

    I’d say it’s half western, half hippy style lol

  • @zomb-bunny Dying Clothes would be awesome, especially if we can set patterns like your rabbit or some tribal patterns for me.

  • @chronodusk Really wish I had the art book now, love the art style of this game so much. Fingers crossed for the new map region!

  • @duke-of-spire Thanks! I'd love to see a Turbin hat as well. Always liked the look of Persian clothing and weapons. Part of me wishes that I could have multiple characters so I could try creating a Sinbad pirate!

  • @odysseyhome Exactly! Persian clothing would be great! I'd also like to see a little more (I can't say the word that starts with a G ends with a Y and has a yps in the middle?) (Really?!) type attire that has sequins laced head wear, veils & such. And where are the Capes?! I mean I'm the Duke of a small but thriving Southeastern outpost! I deserve a cape!😀

  • Hey bruddah,
    My pirate sports a poly voyager look as well.
    Dreadlocked hair and half-beard, a glass eye and a slanted eye, sun bronzed skin with good muscle tone, and a slight paunch from a fish, rice, and grog diet. Jewelry tattoo with the triangle armband and wristband.

    Currently rocking the flamboyant Sea Dog jacket and pimpstyle hat.

    I'm all for more diversity, especially items from the Sea of Five Winds.

    /raise tankard

  • Along with this, I would like different ship characteristics.

    They would fall under the same 3 categories, but have didnt attributes to set them apart regionally. An Easter Junk ship is a good example, they come in many different types and sizes that could easily align with the main 3 visually and maintain the exact same specs. This would allow more diversity on the see without having to worry about performance tweaks with new vessels.

  • I'm down for more clothing as long as it still matches the artstyle of the game, AKA no bunny ears or kawaii over the top nonsense like ninja stuff, this is a pirate game after all.

  • i always thought it was a matter of time. ive seen some pics of pirates around promotions that seem like they have somewhat asian shirt. but as a year has passed i think its really time we cry out. i see a lot of clothing based threads and seems obvious as thats the only way to really stand out in this cosmetic based game so they need to pump it up in my opinion. theres so much to draw inspiration from.

  • @von-hellinghof I agree. I really love the art style of this game and watching the awesome GDC talk how it was developed.

    I'd hate to see a level of absurdity like in Fortnite BR. Like a pink bear costume...

    Bunny ears could be used as an alternative to the plumage feathers for a hat. Rabbits foot belt for luck... It could work.

    As for ninja stuff it could work if it's more bandit ninja than traditional shinobi pyjamas.

  • @revanjstone Cry out is bit strong IMO; but I empathise with the year waiting.

    I think Rare has been focusing on the right issues first. They got the tech and game world working at launch so then moved to content updates and patches. I'd prefer adventures to clothing but it would be nice down the road for more diversity in clothing options. Else it'll be a Jack n Jackeline Sparrow convention.

    I see a lot of players in game forums I frequent "demanding" more coesmetics / content like devs are magic genies that can just go "kapoof". I guess people are spoilt by games like Fortnite / Overwatch that are big enough to overwork lots of artists to meet these demands (and expand microtransaction store offerings).

    Not saying you're specifically are doing this; just a ponderation born from your comment. Rare has got guts to buck the trend for MTs for their coesmetics.

    I'm just saying "of the remaining attire additions planned to be added it'd be cool for cultural diversity to be a driving design pillar for their development".

  • I'm not against new clothing options that expand diversity, but there are a few things to consider...

    First, how far can they go before you no longer look like a pirate? There do have to be some limitations.

    Second, thoughtful consideration of other cultures. Some might not be okay with Rare using theirs, some may want permission to be given first, and others may embrace the opportunity to share their cultural fashion.

    Thirdly, you already have lots of options provided your pirate allows for it. For example, I can make my pirate look like a Spaniard, a Britain, an ancient Greek, an American cowboy, a clown, a crossdresser, a homeless bum, and oh so much more... Ask me how (because I like playing Pirate Barbie)!

  • @galactic-geek

    How? There, I asked!

    I've only started so my options are limited, I am looking forward to seeing what I can do later in my legendary career.

    Though "look like a pirate" I find odd. Lots of cultures had pirates and they looked totally different from each other. I get the fear but as long as they're disheveled sea bandits they'll fit.

    Only thought I have is geography. I've only explored Ancient Ilses so that's carribean... Persian pirates I don't think got to that region sailing... but if I think this world isn't as it seems, then they'd still fit.

    How else can we keep coming back from the dead?

  • @odysseyhome What do you want to look like? Give me something (a theme) to work off of.

  • @barnabas-seadog

    I keep banding back between bandana afro or dreadlocks. Chieftain face paint and the fish tattoo for chest. Castaway pants. No gloves or shoes...

    Tried some wraps for arms and feet but didn't seem right...

    All I'd love is a tribal skirt and proper islanders tattoos. I'd be happy then...

    I've named my pirate Thursday as that was the day I played for the first time and with a friend.

  • @galactic-geek

    The examples you listed. Cowboy is my most interested: how did you manage that?

  • @odysseyhome
    You actually have 2 options, but 1st:


    • No peglegs or hooks
    • Eye patch optional; must be either Sea Dog/Rogue Sea Dog eye patch or Bilge Rat/Scurvy Bilge Rat eye patch
    • Executive Admiral Beard
    • Shade makeup if you chose an eye patch or Black Eye makeup
    • Majestic Sovereign Hair
    • Any hair dye from middle row except the far left or right

    Brown Cowboy (option #1)

    • Sovereign Hat
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Shirt
    • Sea Dog Gloves
    • Sailor Jacket
    • Sea Dog Belt
    • Forsaken Ashes Trousers
    • Sea Dog Boots
    • Sailor equipment & double guns only

    Green Cowboy (option #2)

    • Royal Sovereign Hat
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Shirt
    • Corsair Sea Dog Gloves
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Jacket
    • Rogue Sea Dog Belt
    • Rogue Sea Dog Trousers
    • Corsair Sea Dog Boots
    • Ruffian Sea Dog equipment & double guns

    Works best with thinner pirates.

  • @odysseyhome idk if rare was bucking mtx due to guts haha. i think it was more about the huge debacle going on around that time with star wars battlefront and then even some legal actions taken in other countries. they were very wise to hold off on it as sot was already in a mixed review status due to content at launch. over a year later, now is the time. mtx it up, just keep it untied to progression.. but that will be difficult too in a game where progression is tied to cosmetics. so if mtx are purely cosmetic.. hmm. haha. other than pets idk what they could do that wouldnt effect 'progression' in sot. but i digress.

    im just passionate about clothing. so i cry out haha. the way i look at it, people who buy the game have the right to complain however as long as its not death threats or something silly and unrelatedly insulting like 'arrggh you ugly devs! so ugly cause you cant put in cosmetic sets ugggghh' thats uncalled for haha but 'give us cosmetics and give em now!' i think thats fine.

    i like to believe the devs are big boys and girls and know that they mostly serve children and playful adults. hopefully they can set the unconstructive parts of comments from the constructive and get things done based on whats asked for most. i think they do this well. like you said. im way happier with tall tales and arena than id be with 20 more cosmetic sets, but i think now is the time haha.

    maybe its really hard to make cosmetics but i felt like its something that one of their several teams could work on a couple months and put together a bunch of sets to go out.

    EDIT :::::::::::: Also, click the community tab up top. there is a pirate in a blue shirt that looks asian styled to me and is not in the game. WHAT THE HECK!

  • @revanjstone

    That maybe true, I'll need to look and see if any microsoft interviews about their game studio culture exists on the topic and policy on MTXs. Microsoft was the inventor of MTx as a business concept, but I think, as with all new buisness strageties, it was exploited due to lack of laws and regulation. Things are getting better though.

    I'm not really sure MTx would be good for the game nor how to implement it. One approach is a battlepass system where you get access to extra cosemetics during a season based upon your activities in PvE or PvP or PvEvP. I'm not really sold on the idea because it creates a class system within the game. All players are no longer equal. Maybe if it was just for arena players so they can go to vallhala and feel their skill is being properly stroked, while the rest of us sail the seas cooperatively.

    I agree with the etiquette statement except for that customers can demand more content "We want it now!". I'm okay if it's in jest, but actually having a I want it tantrum is just as bad as threats. It's not good manners.

    I notice allot of not in game clothing assests in media for this game recently, I'm looking forward to the E3 reveal of the next year for SoT and see if we'll be getting them in comming updates.

    On the production of virtual clothing, since the pirates are procedurally generated then the clothing needs to be programatically adjusted so it can fit on all body types. I think that's probably why most clothing follows the tricorn hat jacket formula because you can easily reskin it without worry of clipping during animations...

    Skirt physics can be difficult so I'm happy to wait for my lavalava!

  • @odysseyhome haha had to google lavalava . i like it!

    did they say they will tell the next yrs future at e3? ill super look forward to that if thats the case haha.

  • something like the concepts? it would be great.
    alt text

  • @quietrobot wow are these sot concepts made by rare? or something else? either way they look great. i really like the shark mouth belt haha.

  • @revanjstone Yes, of the first art book they published.

  • @revanjstone In a recent Dev stream they said they're going to use E3 to show of the game's updates to a big audience and hopefully hook some skeptical players back or get some new fishies like me to bite...

    I'm also looking forward to it. Been eying off the worm Rare has dangled before me, but I've been hesitant since I don't really have friends that play online games; and I'm learning to talk to people in these social games, no tutorial for that ha!

    ...I need to stop fishing in this game so much, lol.

  • @quietrobot WOW! They really did consider asian pirates. Here's hoping E3 announces that sea of five winds is actually coming in the future.

  • @closinghare208 said in Cultural Diversity in Clothing:

    @chronodusk sea of five winds that's what it is mate

    Its actually the sea of four winds.

  • Agree with the diversity thing. Except I would like to see them stay within a specific universe theme, or rules, to avoid the inclusion of items and clothing which break the norm from what is considered 'pirate attire'.

    Also want to see an option for spinning and zooming your pirate character when trying on a new clothing item (before purchase), so we can get a better look how an item fits with the rest of the planned items

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