Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Rebalance [UPDATED - Read OP]

  • @lt-swag-johnson what did it get extended to? All i see is 24th june.

  • @slayer-one1

    @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:


    We are releasing the re-balance in an update soon, but we are allowing players until the night of 24th July to get to 240 wins for the unique weapon cosmetic.

  • @lt-swag-johnson said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:


    @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:


    We are releasing the re-balance in an update soon, but we are allowing players until the night of 24th July to get to 240 wins for the unique weapon cosmetic.

    Let's hope it wasen't a type0 because the original post is still 24 June.

  • @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:


    We will release images of the weapon before the 24th of July. We want something unique that stands out from other weapons.

    So is it June or July sir?

  • @moronicstraw July or June. Post says June

  • @fyresails said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @moronicstraw July or June. Post says June

    I hope it's July otherwise we would have to win 8 games a day for the next month :O

  • @reapinglegion said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Let's hope it wasn't a type0 because the original post is still 24 June.

    The whole thing seems to be fairly unclear if you ask me. If it weren't for the forums this news wouldn't even be out there. A clear official statement with all the details would be nice.

  • @lt-swag-johnson maybe in the next dev update

  • @danidipp said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @lt-swag-johnson maybe in the next dev update

    Next Developer Update is almost a week from now. This is the kind of thing we need to know sooner rather than later.

  • If you can't get the cosmetic before the 24th, it means you do not qualify for the cosmetic. The whole point of the reward cosmetic is to satisfy people that put a ton of time in PRIOR to the rebalance. If you can't get it by the 24th, you haven't put a ton of time in Arena prior to the rebalance, so you are not even a member of the group they are targeting with this reward.

  • @moronicstraw You should decide wether it's June or July, original post still says June...your postings in this thread is saying July.
    Which one is it MR?

  • @odst-titan said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    If you can't get the cosmetic before the 24th, it means you do not qualify for the cosmetic. The whole point of the reward cosmetic is to satisfy people that put a ton of time in PRIOR to the rebalance. If you can't get it by the 24th, you haven't put a ton of time in Arena prior to the rebalance, so you are not even a member of the group they are targeting with this reward.

    So how are we going to keep track of our progress after the re-balance?
    What if you are half way there? Does that count as enough time and effort?

  • @pocketomi Sorry! It was June.


    Due to the feedback on this thread we are going to remove the date of the 24th June.

    The re-balance of the commendation will still go ahead, but we are going to put in this reward for anyone who reaches the target of 240 wins.

    In Conclusion:
    Legendary Sea dog Commendation at grade 5: 100 wins
    Unique weapon cosmetic: 240 wins

    No deadline date, updating the main thread now.

    Thank you all for your feedback!

  • @moronicstraw

    Wow, I was very excited to just read July 24th, now there is no limit!

    I love long term non-time locked goals, so I can appreciate this.

  • @moronicstraw I love you

  • @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @pocketomi Sorry! It was June.


    Due to the feedback on this thread we are going to remove the date of the 24th June.

    The re-balance of the commendation will still go ahead, but we are going to put in this reward for anyone who reaches the target of 240 wins.

    In Conclusion:
    Legendary Sea dog Commendation at grade 5: 100 wins
    Unique weapon cosmetic: 240 wins

    No deadline date, updating the main thread now.

    Thank you all for your feedback!

    This is awesome. I would love more long term goals like this. Random cosmetics to earn for achievements that aren't time locked but actually difficult to achieve.

    Thank you for listening to the feedback and not making me choose between traveling and a cosmetic. (Spoiler traveling would have won)

  • Must add that since the original announcement, we (wife and I) have attempted 11-12 matches and placed 1st 5 times, 2nd/3rd all but one time with various throw together crews. No way could we meet June 24th due to pre-planned vacations and what not on top of the luck, but July would have been feasible.

    Glad my efforts in TT's and helping others with those isnt going to directly lock me out of something in the other mode.

  • @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Sorry! It was June.


    Due to the feedback on this thread we are going to remove the date of the 24th June.

    The re-balance of the commendation will still go ahead, but we are going to put in this reward for anyone who reaches the target of 240 wins.

    In Conclusion:
    Legendary Sea dog Commendation at grade 5: 100 wins
    Unique weapon cosmetic: 240 wins

    No deadline date, updating the main thread now.

    Thank you all for your feedback!

    Sounds good, but how are we able to keep track of our progress after we have reached 100 wins after the re-balance?

  • Sounds good, but how are we able to keep track of our progress after we have reached 100 wins after the re-balance?
    "Do I have weapon? No. Keep playing"

  • @till-kamakazi said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Sounds good, but how are we able to keep track of our progress after we have reached 100 wins after the re-balance?
    "Do I have weapon? No. Keep playing"

    I imagine that there will be another commendation for that.

  • Conclusion, NO deadline so far. Good :P
    This thread should be locked and forgotten about!

    @lt-swag-johnson said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    Sorry! It was June.


    Due to the feedback on this thread we are going to remove the date of the 24th June.

    The re-balance of the commendation will still go ahead, but we are going to put in this reward for anyone who reaches the target of 240 wins.

    In Conclusion:
    Legendary Sea dog Commendation at grade 5: 100 wins
    Unique weapon cosmetic: 240 wins

    No deadline date, updating the main thread now.

    Thank you all for your feedback!

    Sounds good, but how are we able to keep track of our progress after we have reached 100 wins after the re-balance?

    Hopefully another ÛBER LEGENDARY SEA DOG for 240? :P haha

  • @till-kamakazi said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    "Do I have weapon? No. Keep playing" ;)

    We all know how commendations sometimes don't roll over.

    Every since Rare released re-balances for commendations and achievement I feel like I am losing progress. Why do the counters stop once Grade V has been reached? I would really like to know how many Skeleton Forts I have raided or how many Villainous Skull I have handed in. Statistics page anyone?

  • Few people managed to do it in such a short time makes it suspicious.

    So devs are changing it to make it lower.

    But are rewarding suspicious activity with a unique cosmetic!

  • @archangel-timmy Yesssirrr. Check that LAN cable! Can’t achieve this grind while sitting in black screen. Jokes, Cheers!

  • @moronicstraw I got a question. Why don't you make the commendation go to grade 6 but at grade 5 you get the PL weapons

  • @moronicstraw said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @pocketomi Sorry! It was June.


    Due to the feedback on this thread we are going to remove the date of the 24th June.

    The re-balance of the commendation will still go ahead, but we are going to put in this reward for anyone who reaches the target of 240 wins.

    In Conclusion:
    Legendary Sea dog Commendation at grade 5: 100 wins
    Unique weapon cosmetic: 240 wins

    No deadline date, updating the main thread now.

    Thank you all for your feedback!

    Excellent decision! Good to hear.

  • @lt-swag-johnson said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @till-kamakazi said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    "Do I have weapon? No. Keep playing" ;)

    We all know how commendations sometimes don't roll over.

    Every since Rare released re-balances for commendations and achievement I feel like I am losing progress. Why do the counters stop once Grade V has been reached? I would really like to know how many Skeleton Forts I have raided or how many Villainous Skull I have handed in. Statistics page anyone?

    Oh yes. I 100% would love if my numbers wouldn't stop going up. I maxed out my sword kills (yes I am a terrible person defaulting to slashing) I would love to keep a long term running kill counter.

    I was just teasing. "Here is a great thing y'all asked for in this thread" "yeah... Give me counter now too"

    I just hope they understand we are grateful even though our default to post them giving us what we want is us asking for more.

  • @moronicstraw Much more reasonable, thank you very much

  • Good Rare to make it no time limited.
    All those time limited things in games make people go crazy to try to get everything ingame.

    Be the first companie that stops with those things.
    Some people love the game but have work to do. So no time period is fair for those people. and not only for the people that live in there mothers basement and have nothing better to do then play Games.

    But learn Rare LEARN

  • @moronicstraw What's the point of giving the Unique Weapon when people reach 240 wins anymore? The legendary weapons already exist. This move of cancelling the 240 wins until June/July 24th is devastating to your PvP community, this is the only thing since launch that we could go for that's PvP related. With 240 wins until July it's 4 wins per day which is just 2hrs of gameplay per day (Assuming you win all 4 games.) If you don't win all 4 it's maybe an extra 2 hrs a bit more if PvP is not your forte.

  • @capt-soul-beard said in Legendary Sea Dog Commendation: Re-balance:

    @moronicstraw What's the point of giving the Unique Weapon when people reach 240 wins anymore? The legendary weapons already exist. This move of cancelling the 240 wins until June/July 24th is devastating to your PvP community, this is the only thing since launch that we could go for that's PvP related. With 240 wins until July it's 4 wins per day which is just 2hrs of gameplay per day (Assuming you win all 4 games.) If you don't win all 4 it's maybe an extra 2 hrs a bit more if PvP is not your forte.

    100 wins before 24th June or 240 wins before 24th July, both sounded reasonable enough if you ask me.

  • Cancelling the deadline is fine by me.

    At least now I can still enjoy my life the next 2 months and get the 240 wins commendation lol.

  • @moronicstraw My crew and I think this is a terrible decision. We all have full time jobs, and some have kids so we are only able to play ~2-3 hours every other day or so.

    It's only been a month, and we are 10% of the way there with only 26 matches under our belt with 21 1st places.

    It's quite achievable but will take some time for those with little game time, and that's fine, it's an achievement.

    This decision rewards people who are able to play videogames constantly, while others like my crew and I who are extremely passionate about the game are left behind due to time constraints. We will have to win 7 matches a day for a full month to earn this cosmetic, but only have time for 4 or 5 matches on days we can play.

    Please take this into consideration; we don't want to miss the boat on this cosmetic.

  • @MoronicStraw that sounds fair and takes away the anxiety of feeling like we need to accomplish a monumental feat with a deadline. Thank you for what you and your team are doing with community feedback :)

  • @micahol
    They just updated a few posts ago. The 240 wins earns you the cosmetic, and there's no time limit any more! Enjoy and take your time :)

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