Frank the Skeleton told by a random 9 1/2 year-old

  • So to begin this tale, my wife and I were sailing the Sea Of Thieves. We had awoken from our rest at Galleons Grave and were head to Shipwreck Bay to collect the treasures we had left there. We flew our Reapers mark and went on our way. As we did I noticed another sloop trailing behind us. I gather cannon balls and my blunderbuss in case of a fight. Quickly approaching, the sloop got close enough that I could see the scoundrel. It was a grey-bearded 9 and a half-year-old pirate (or at least that what he sounded like and later told me his age.) " We have no business with you pirate please be on your way and leave us be." I shouted at him. Suddenly the pirate grabbed his canon and aimed it at me.
    "This is your last warning." He dropped the canon.

    "I just want to be friends can I ride on your ship? I am all alone my friends' arn't with me and I can't find Frank." The Young old pirated stated. " Who in the Devil's Roar is Frank?" I replied. " Frank is a skeleton head whom only I can hear what he says. He whispers to me while I sail the seas." My wife and I look at each other with a puzzled look. " A skeleton head..?" My wife brings up a skull that we had found washed up on the shore. " Yes! Yes! Like that one right there let me see it" He took the skull from my wife and started talking to it. " Oh Frank the skull grant me power so that the wind will forever be in my favor." At this point, my wife asks if we should just shoot him and I told her no... not yet. " You have to put up those swords with the skull heads on them Frank doesn't like those and he won't grant us his power." Puzzled we went to our armory box and switched out our swords. "That's better he will now grant us his power and answer questions." My wife being very amused at all of this proceeded to ask. "Does Frank have a girlfriend?" "Of course not! Only chickens can speak to female skeletons!" After, much talking we learned that Frank the skeleton had a friend named Tim who was a "banana-holic." he just loves bananas and Frank actually doesn't like Tim that much because he hogs the bananas. We sailed with this kid on our boat for many hours and sunk two other pirate ships and had a great time.

    I want to say thank you to the Sea of Theives for making these awesome encounters possible.

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