Rowboat is best ship.

  • Last night, my brig crew was getting supplies to take a skelly fleet up between Smuggler's Bay and Sailor's Bounty. While stocking up at a nearby fort, we saw that a galleon was trying their hand at the fleet first.
    "No problem, we'll just swoop in and sink 'em on the final ship... cr**, that was the last ship we gotta go NOW!"
    We set off and an idea popped into my head.
    "Guys, i'm gonna take the rowboat with a keg out there."
    "Alright, we'll fight and distract them."
    They fight a bit, the galleon runs West, North of Sailor's Bounty. I had already adjusted and was going to intercept them. I jump off the rowboat with the keg and start swimming. Music queue, water turns black, the Kraken appears! Excellent! I easily board them with my gift keg and safely get to cover. Galleon goes down, survivors are in the ink, piling their treasure into their rowboat. I lurk in the inky depths and snipe the last 2 crew as they try to row out of the Kraken. They die, the Kraken gives up, I hop in the rowboat and start going South.
    "Where are you going? come to the ship!"
    "Listen, 200 IQ move. I row all the way to Golden Sands and you guys stay in this area. The Galleon is looking for you, but they'll never see me!"
    laughs "DO IT!"
    I set off South towards Crescent Isle, then East to Golden Sands as my Brig runs interference. The Galleon comes back, absolutely [mod edit] off. They board us, yelling in rage.
    "Yeah, we attacked you."
    "WHERE THE [mod edit] IS THE LOOT!?"
    "Our homeboy is selling it as we speak."
    "WHAT!? HOW?"
    "He took the rowboat to Golden Sands while we distracted you. BTW, those Precious Gemstones sold for 1,182."
    screeches [mod edit]
    I stand on the pier of Golden Sands, waving to the silhouette of the Galleon as it sails off, then scuttles in a furious ragequit.
    whistles We Shall Sail Together

  • 15
  • I agree. Rowboats are the best.

    There are two sapphires buried in there and a second banana crate too.

  • @testakleze niiiiiiice

  • @testakleze also, is that a fabled Sea Clown in your boat as well?

  • @clav1cus haha 100% agree! On my first ever Athena's voyage, I had a crew tucking very skillfully on my ship and lurking on the horizon to keep an eye on me. I ended up scuttling at Plunder Valley, rowing to Snake Island to collect the chest, then rowing to Dagger Tooth to sell. Row boat best boat all the way! :)

  • @Clav1cus We like to say he is Captain Ronald McDonald

  • I dropped off @alarito999 on shipwreck bay for the rum runner voyage and sailed our sloop to crooks hollow. As I was taking out a couple of mermaid statues I noticed a brigantine heading my way next to crows nest fortress. I dropped the rowboat and sent my ship sailing west. The brig immediately turned to make its way around the south side of the island to cut off the crewless sloop.

    I dug up my chest, loaded my stuff onto the rowboat and started heading towards snake island. Then I see the brig coming back my way. I turn north towards old boot fort to avoid them but apparently they see me and chase me down, taking sniper shots at me and firing a man out of the cannon, but I reverse direction causing them to almost beach themselves on the fort. By the time they turned around, I was using the seapost as cover. @alarito999 died so I stashed my treasure on snake island, parked my rowboat around the corner, and took a mermaid back to the ship while the brig pulled into crooks hollow.

    We spawn at daggertooth and he fires himself onto shipwreck as I sail past heading south. I see the brig at crooks and I see a skelleon at old boot fort. I decide to pick a fight with the skelleon and pull him towards the brig, but it takes off before I can get close. As I pass old boot, I turn the wheel slightly and jump off on the fort. The sloop ends up sailing straight to where the brig was parked. It would have collided with them if they didn't move. Meanwhile I'm using a cannon on the island to fire myself to snake island.

    I get there, dig up my chest, collect all my stash and put it in the rowboat for a trip back to shipwreck. I show up just as he is finishing up the voyage and we load everything into the rowboat to take to daggertooth.

  • @testakleze i hope more people get inspired to pull of their own 200 IQ rowboat plays.

  • my friend did that also slightly, him manning his own sloop he had a galleon pull up and try to attack him so after battling and killing them his ship sank so he hopped on the rowboat and sailed a decent distance until he sold the chests

  • Hahahaha Amezing story! XD love it!

  • @Reedski another one for the legends - you love a good Fort/Rowboat session!

  • @clav1cus this is an absolutely AWESOME story, another reason that I love this game, please don't get it take down - get rid of the starred out profanity and it will squeeze by the mods matey!

  • Cool story bro

  • Once used a rowboat to pull off my ultimate heist. So normally those Box of Wondrous Secrets are the rarest things ever. Was solo slooping one day when I noticed a galleon was in the Devil's Roar nearby, taking cover by some sea stacks. I noticed that there was a fair bit of glowing from the back of their ship and rowed my rowboat in to see what goodies they had. Sitting on their table was not one, but two Box of Wondrous Secrets, with a variety of skulls on the shelf, chests on the bed, and crates nearby. I knew they would've noticed if I took anything, but I was too greedy and grabbed both of them. I darted for my rowboat with the second one and dropped it as they began to sail once more. I rowed around the nearest sea stacks and hopped in the water to see what they were doing. I notice that halfway to the nearest isle they dropped anchor and tried to turn, they realized someone stole from them. I quickly rowed for Marrow's as they sailed in the direction of my sloop which was docked at a nearby isle. As I got into Marrows I saw that they had turned once more and were riding the winds to the outpost. I dashed with the first box, hit a geyser and nearly died as I reached Grace. Quickly downed some bananas and ran for the last chest. I got it and as I'm turning it in, several EoR rounds barely missed me as the chest disappeared from my hands. With that heist over I danced on the spot, as the other pirates ran up and sliced at me, killing me before shooting where I died. As I celebrated on the Ferry, one of them showed up and began cursing me out, but I just clapped and cheered before running out the door to my sloop.

    Rowboats are easily this game's best feature. They can save you when your ship is sinking in kraken ink, help you deliver a keg (preferably stronghold), or steal some loot.

  • @clav1cus Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code

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11 out of 15