Cutlass Combat

  • Hi, I'd like to start off by saying that I know every cutlass trick thats been found and I would consider myself to be really good with the cutlass. Right now the cutlass is worse than double gun. When you removed the slowdown on the swing it allowed for people to just run at you spamming. If you are trying to fight more than 1 person at a time it is extremely hard because you have to be constantly running away to avoid being slashed resulting in a poor balance. This isnt good for combat especially with arena coming up. Now with the march 20th update you allowed for light attacks to be cancelled at any point. Due to this you can literally have an endless chain of cutlass attacks as seen here:
    I get you want to change the cutlass so I came up with a compromise of sorts. Roll back the cutlass to its original state except now allow for 3 swords slashes to be swung regardless of contact with enemy. If i remember correctly while swinging the sword and hitting players you would still be slowed a small bit. If you genuinely care about the pvp in this game I encourage you to make these changes or just roll back the cutlass completely. If you need any information on the cutlass please get into contact with me because like I said at the beginning I will be able to find a lot more with it than a normal player.

  • 47
  • 1+ for rolling it back.

  • Agreed, evidence is there. It will be used and abused. 1+ for rolling back to original state. - roseblood

  • It's absurd how changes to the Cutlass are made with what seems like no consideration on how the new mechanics will be abused.

  • @siriondb Glad we can agree on this. Personally I wish they'd change everything back to normal, except keep the hipfire inaccurate on the sniper

  • @xithgk sniper hip fire needs to be somewhere between where it is now and where it was - you can be 2 feet behind a guy and hip fire and it'll miss.. but yea OG cutlass for sure this new cutlass stresses me out, so unbalanced.

  • @topdog021 I think it should stay the way it is currently, and only because that is the easy counter to double gun how it used to be

    If anything, having this kind of hip fire would still make double gun possible, but you'd need much more skill. And at that point, I say good on those who can pull it off.

  • The difference between a 3Slash without swaps and the 3Slash with swap is insane.

    This needs to be addressed ASAP

  • @siriondb did you manage to get the exact timing for each? Im gonna hop in game and check out some other things

  • @siriondb I made a vid showing the swap cancel after the first swing, second swing, and the thrid swing. Then the normal slashing at the end. Such a massive difference. Its in 360p xD

  • Well that is bad. I also wanted to point out that with it being able to be cancelled mid-swing, you could now pop off 2 slashes then switch immediately to the blunder or your weapon of choice.

    This is much more annoying though.

  • On that video you linked of my vdieo "Sword canceling Deux". I want to particularly point at 2:16.

    That was 2 swing cancel into 3 swing, both of those combos were so seamless that it looked like 5 swings.

    1:19 as well. 2 swing after 2 swing. The person couldnt retaliate strike me as he got hurt. The only reason he hurt me because I stopped.

    Also, this may be easier on a controller. For M&K, you may have to keybind things weirdly to get a seamless consistency.

  • I do think they need to go back to the old design I HATE PvP at this point I used to fight well with a cutlass but now its just who gets a lucky hit.

  • Yes pls. Swords are broken rn

  • yea pls bring the old sword play back

  • They also need to get rid of the stun lock when you get hit by the sword

  • happy to upvote so Rare sees this as it's imo very game breaking. my only qualms is the showboating

  • Joe daddy notice us! ! ! !

  • @fyresails said in Cutlass Combat:

    or just roll back the cutlass completely.

    Has my vote, I loved it the way it was before it got buffed.

  • @octopus-lime that would ruin swordplay also because you could easily run away while they are slowed down so... That would make it worse for someone who uses a sword but for some one with a blunder or pistol that would be great for them to kill you

  • @fyresails said in Cutlass Combat:

    @siriondb I made a vid showing the swap cancel after the first swing, second swing, and the thrid swing. Then the normal slashing at the end. Such a massive difference. Its in 360p xD

    Activate yerrrr Windows license, you scurvy pirate!!

  • @bigbootysmack20 Yes but why shouldn't they be able to do that?

  • Agreed! Give us back the old cutlass, it was balanced and required a lot of practice to use efficiently and situational awareness. We never wanted sword to be OP, we just wanted instakilling to be removed from the game. I do NOT want the slowdown negated, having that penalty for missing a slash forced me to reconsider my attacks before hacking and slashing like a crazed fruit ninja. My favorite thing about the combat in this game is it's not too much to take in, but it still requires skill and precision. Playing this game like DMC should see you get punished. I take a lot of pride in honing my craft with the cutlass. Rare making that a weapon anyone can button mash with no consequences undermines my skills.

            ~ An Xbox casual
  • @octopus-lime said in Cutlass Combat:

    @bigbootysmack20 Yes but why shouldn't they be able to do that?

    Because there should be no instakilling in this game and players should be definitively rewarded/punished based on how they perform in a fight. That is the only way they will learn how to improve. If you remove the stun, every fight becomes 50/50 and all strategy goes out the window.

    I should have peace of mind to know "Okay, if I slash this guy I can dictate the fight. I can play offensively or defensively." if you get rid of that, player combat will become more impulsive. Whoever gets the first slash will often win an encounter. People will rush less and try to run away more, which will hurt PvP. We want to encourage players to engage with each other, not dismay them. The way cutlasses were prior to this, I could have 10% HP and still mount a comeback if I can get a good slash in.

    If I can get close enough to slash you, you need to parry or block-jump. People will use these tactics less and less if they can just slash their way out of a fight. Then it becomes every button-masher ever. Combat in this game is suprisingly elegant, despite it's rudimentary approach. I wish more games followed the same sword mechanics.

  • @dat-boy-killjoy I hope you're talking about the combat prior to the update - right now offense wins hands down, because if they connect (whether you were hurt or successfully blocked), you effectively lose due to the severity of the stun-lock.

  • and to top it off folks. Double Gunning is back baby!

  • @fyresails said in Cutlass Combat:

    and to top it off folks. Double Gunning is back baby!

    With the inaccuracy of the EoR as it is now while hip-firing, no not really. It's not really back at all...

  • @fyresails No it's not back, as stated EoR inacurracy made doubleshooting useless.
    Honestly they could just remove the delay and keep eor nerfed.

  • @vulgrim-pvp @Galactic-Geek its definitely still viable, just got on a ship to see if it was bad or not. I was never a double gunner but i was still able to make use of the reset with a sprint. Its so easy. Sunk a galleon and a sloop while solo while doing something im not used to doing.

  • @fyresails Just because you can do it doesn't mean that it's going to be very effective...

  • @dat-boy-killjoy said in Cutlass Combat:

    @octopus-lime said in Cutlass Combat:

    @bigbootysmack20 Yes but why shouldn't they be able to do that?

    Because there should be no instakilling in this game and players should be definitively rewarded/punished based on how they perform in a fight. That is the only way they will learn how to improve. If you remove the stun, every fight becomes 50/50 and all strategy goes out the window.

    I should have peace of mind to know "Okay, if I slash this guy I can dictate the fight. I can play offensively or defensively." if you get rid of that, player combat will become more impulsive. Whoever gets the first slash will often win an encounter. People will rush less and try to run away more, which will hurt PvP. We want to encourage players to engage with each other, not dismay them. The way cutlasses were prior to this, I could have 10% HP and still mount a comeback if I can get a good slash in.

    If I can get close enough to slash you, you need to parry or block-jump. People will use these tactics less and less if they can just slash their way out of a fight. Then it becomes every button-masher ever. Combat in this game is suprisingly elegant, despite it's rudimentary approach. I wish more games followed the same sword mechanics.

    I don't think I could disagree with this anymore than I already do. At the moment, when you board a ship all the crew has to do is rush you like lemmings, slashing wildly, then as soon as you're hit once, you get stun locked and that's it GG.

  • @octopus-lime you win some you lose some, you shouldnt be able to just board and walk thru a guy your being slashed by. the stun is fine just get better at blocking and jumping.

  • Swordplay is just not fun now. The first landed hit wins as the stun makes blocking impossible. Falling back to cutlass in a pinch was so fun and I was decent with it but now this mechanic makes me want to double gun which I doubt was their intention.

    Fix or revert Rare. Cutlasses are just annoying now. And swordplay is a huge part of Pirate lore.

  • @fyresails said in Cutlass Combat:

    @octopus-lime you win some you lose some, you shouldnt be able to just board and walk thru a guy your being slashed by. the stun is fine just get better at blocking and jumping.

    Except you can't move when successfully blocking nor can you jump while doing so.

  • @fyresails Well I would of thought that you would know that you cant actually walk through enemy player models....

10 out of 47