FPS dropping/throttled?

  • Hey friends. I finally got SoT last week after being gifted a laptop that should be able to run it better than my old potato PC while I save up for a new one.

    Now, this isn't a gaming laptop by any means so I'm fine with running on the lowest settings if it gets me in the game. My issue is, when I log into the game I'm at about 30fps, but within minutes it drops down to 9 and holds steady. I can't tell if something might be throttling it or what might be the issue

    I'm at Cursed settings. 540p. I've set the laptop to "high performance" and I've flagged SoTgame.exe as high priority in both the task manager and the graphics card. I turned my anti virus off, and made the exception with my firewall. Vsync is off, nothing running in the background. I also changed a few of the values within the SOT config file (Shadows + view distance down from 3 to 1)

    Is there anything I might be missing that might need to be tried? Anything that stands out?

    Or is this laptop just not up to the task? Here's my specs. (I can post more information if needed)

    Thank you!

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  • @blkrocwednesday I wouldn't expect a Radeon 520 to run the game very smoothly, but yes, 9fps at 540p cannot be right. Have you made sure to update any graphics drivers?

  • @hannaqua Yeah everything has been updated as far as I can tell. The issue still persists. It runs super smooth at 540, even 720 sometimes, but then the fps drops down to 9. I'm at a loss :(

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