PC players using a controller get the shaft

  • With optional crossplay coming PC players using a controller don’t get to choose. Xbox players using a keyboard don’t either.

    To much time wasted on making every special snowflake happy.

    What’s next the game is to hard I want to be PL ok here is a free PL patch for anyone who isn’t!

    Wasted to much time on this game already thank god anthem is coming out the end of February

    Have fun on your private servers have fun sitting waiting in a Arnea que for pc only players. Lol que times for pc are going to be awesome!

    I am hanging up my hook and peg leg thank you for the adventures. But this is not the game that I purchased anymore.

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  • @j4l-whammer11in I was thinking the same thing, I met a guy recently who plays on PC/Controller and he wrecks other players, I love sending him out on boarding party because he gets the job done.

    I think this is a bad move for rare, there is nothing wrong with playing on the controller. When I travel I play on a controller because I hate using a laptop keyboard and I am usually in a confined space.

  • @zormis said in PC players using a controller get the shaft:

    @j4l-whammer11in I was thinking the same thing, I met a guy recently who plays on PC/Controller and he wrecks other players, I love sending him out on boarding party because he gets the job done.

    I think this is a bad move for rare, there is nothing wrong with playing on the controller. When I travel I play on a controller because I hate using a laptop keyboard and I am usually in a confined space.

    Well it will end up being an Xbox only game soon enough pc players will get sick of dead servers long que times and just not play anymore so it dosnet matter anyways. It’s just sad to see that RARE is leave the pc players behind most likely because there money maker is from the Xbox game pass and pc players are the minority. It will fun to make a video of uninstalling the game when I get home from work today.

    I did see someone posting about a refund for pc players seeing that this isn’t the cross platform game that was advertised, where do I sign up for that ?

  • You do realize rare knows the numbers if there wasn't enough pc players they wouldn't have done this

  • @j4l-whammer11in look mate, there are thousands of pc players and only 6 ships per server. For servers to "die," you would have to have fewer than 24 pc players AND all xbox players go console only. Both are not going to happen. There are plenty of reasons to not be happy about this update, but "dead pc servers" is not one of them.

  • @vorondil1 Are these 24 players, paying 24/7? Do these 24 players always want to do Arena? The math doesn't add up bro.

  • @vorondil1 said in PC players using a controller get the shaft:

    @j4l-whammer11in look mate, there are thousands of pc players and only 6 ships per server. For servers to "die," you would have to have fewer than 24 pc players AND all xbox players go console only. Both are not going to happen. There are plenty of reasons to not be happy about this update, but "dead pc servers" is not one of them.

    Let me guess your on Xbox and got killed one time so that other player who killed you must have been a pc hacker right ?

  • @zormis Apologies for the hyperbole, and good job calling me out on it :) However, the point stands that there are a lot of pc players out there. The logic would instead be "less than 24 pc players online at one time." It seems absolutely infeasible to me that this update will lead to dead servers.

  • @j4l-whammer11in I don't understand why you're jumping into attack mode? I didn't mean for my post to be aggressive. I'm actually a pc player who has never encountered a hacker, but I have had my rear handed to me by skilled pc and xbox players alike. I personally think that crossplay should have been left mandatory and a better, more subtle fix found. But I don't know why I have to defend myself to you on these points -- they are completely disconnected from the logic of my point, which is that there are enough pc players that "dead servers" will not be a problem

  • What other reason do people want this change other then to not play with pc players?

  • @j4l-whammer11in I'm not getting pulled into a full discussion of the pros and cons of this update. That should be on the main thread where it was announced. I hopped on this thread to point out one flaw in your logic, despite actually agreeing with you overall. Since you seem to be looking for a fight, I am going to leave the thread. Have a nice day!

  • @j4l-whammer11in

    What I'm hearing from the change that Rare are putting into place is something for those players who have no choice about the platform or input method they play with.

    If you're on console the main input is a controller, if you play PC, the main input is usually a keyboard and mouse, you're able to choose to use a controller, or you will be able to choose to use a kb/m on console at some point. The key word here being choose.

    I know there are some players who would fall outside these categories, but for the majority, the concern across the forums and other social media has always been that console/controller users would prefer to play with those who are using the same platform and input device.

  • @vorondil1 said in PC players using a controller get the shaft:

    @zormis Apologies for the hyperbole, and good job calling me out on it :) However, the point stands that there are a lot of pc players out there. The logic would instead be "less than 24 pc players online at one time." It seems absolutely infeasible to me that this update will lead to dead servers.

    No worries, I am at the moment not worried too much, however...

    When World of Warcraft first introduced PVP arena it was by server. My server was 20% horde and 80% Alliance. Our Queue times as Alliance were 1-2 hours and hordes was instant. I know this isn't an exact comparison but it will be interesting how it plays out. It will suck if I can't do Arena as much because of having longer queue times.

  • @j4l-whammer11in If I may suggest, relax, give it some time, and lets see if doom and gloom truly happen. Honestly, I feel console players that opt for only console/controller servers will end up with harder times filling servers than the default full on cross play servers will.

    Why, because most people that play this game play with people from all walks of gaming platforms and input devices. I personally love my console and controller that go so perfectly with my 65" OLED and lazyboy. But I also play on PC from time to time. The PC is better for PvP. But my first choice is my console. I have been and will always advocate cross platform play and I agree with @vorondil1 that I would have preferred a different approach to fix the disparage between all platforms and input devices. But it is what it is and we are here now.

    Now, having said that, let me say again, don't panic, remain calm, let's see what this actually ends up meaning when the changes are implemented.

  • Maybe it's impossible to prevent PC players from going back and forth between the two. But they can on Xbox?

  • @katttruewalker If that were true, the ability to choose Keyboard+Mouse on the console would be enough. However, that is coming soon and this is still being done, on top of that.

  • Hey folks, we've created a Feedback mega-thread concerning crossplay. Please take discussion there, and refrain from the personal attacks/name-calling.


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