How to get Legendary Thief title??

  • I just unlocked Legendary Thief grade 1 stealing an athenas chest but I checked the clothing shop and the one in the hideout but cant find the title. Do I need to steal more than one?

  • 6
  • To complete these commendations ye need to complete the grade five commentation. So basically you need to steal more then one. I think it might be five in total.

  • @biasedcarton824 said in How to get Legendary Thief title??:

    To complete these commendations ye need to complete the grade five commentation. So basically you need to steal more then one. I think it might be five in total.

    This is correct. Five are needed to fully unlock this commendation. Happy hunting, pirate!

  • @gh-gamerhitch Pro tip - if you are in an alliance they can dig up your chests. If someone not in your crew digs it - it counts as a steal. But you'll need 4 more before you get the title.

  • @biasedcarton824 hello again, Carton.

  • Trading athenas in an alliance definitely works. We had two sloops running DR athena and we would trade chests in the bar right before turning in. You get credit for it being a stolen chest and still get 50% of your own.

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