These roaming undead ships are too much

  • Seriously, this bloody things need to be toned down a few notches. Its extremely frustrating, as a solo player, to just start the game, sail not even 5 minutes, and then have one of these things spawn in, and basically utterly wreck you. Theres almost nothing you can do, besides pray they'll get stuck on a rock somewhere.

    Or at LEAST dont have the freaking galleon sized ones spawn when the player is using a bloody sloop. Its annoying, its frustrating, and its making me want to uninstall the game and call it quits.

    Same goes for the bloody kraken. Had that thing spawn on me twice almost as soon as I undocked from the island I spawned in at...

    Tone them down...

  • 25
  • @kitsunelegend69 honestly I agree that skeleton sloops should spawn against sloops however I don't see an issue with the spawn rates it seems to be every few hours or so a ship spawns.

  • @xzodeak Its just that, the game should see when a player first spawns into the game, and then not allow an undead ship to spawn until after X amount of time. Having them, or the kraken, spawn within meer minutes of the player spawning into the game and setting sail, is just utterly overkill and over the top.

    Especially when said player is running solo in a tiny sloop...

    [edit] I ALSO would like to mention, that the VERY first time I ever spawned into the game, I was almost instantly set upon by a kraken the moment I set sail. Heck, I had only been sailing for maybe 30 to 45 SECONDS before it attacked me! Seriously, what a great first impression to a new player...

  • @xzodeak said in These roaming undead ships are too much:

    @kitsunelegend69 honestly I agree that skeleton sloops should spawn against sloops […]

    Why would you want to punish sloops?

  • @kitsunelegend69 I disagree- you can outrun and evade all of the encounters if you can’t fight them.

    Eventually in time you’ll learn how to defeat them solo, until then, hone in your evading skills.

  • What I'm more annoyed by is their lame rewards. As a solo slooper I have found decent success in just ramming Skaleons, pinning them side by side with me and dumping my water onto their ship. The most resources I use is about 5 planks and that's all. But if I were to fight them legit, I could end up using 20 planks and 30-40 cannon balls before I sink it. And for what? For only 1 unique skull or chest that goes between 1300 to 1800, and 2 other low gold things? I'd rather fight any of the Megalodons and use 20 planks, 30 cannon balls for 3000 gold worth of things (just solo'd an ancient one for 7000 gold yesterday).

    1500 average for sinking a skelly sloop I'm fine with if they ever started to roam also. But please, make the risk of playing solo just a little more rewarding for the extra trouble.

    And good lord, increase the time before loot starts to sink. Even after you sink these ships they slide off into the distance far from where you actually sink them at times and you have to actively look around for that shine.

  • @thetwistedtaste I tried outrunning them. They just sail faster. Even if I keep good sail angles and such, they just match speed, pull up along side me, and shell me to death.

    As a solo player, its extremely hard to manage turning, fixing leaks, bailing water, all at the same time, even on a sloop. Especially when I get lag spikes every now and again... and then they start shooting those... drunken cannonballs or whatever... good luck doing ANYTHING while puking all over the place...

  • Ok.. another one of these posts! You are choosing to play the game in hardcore mode which is solo! Tone them down or make skeleton sloops spawn on sloops? Why punish sloops.. why make it too easy.. what about duo team sloops? Take away their challenge? .. The kraken and skele ships are very easy solo.. so take advice.. learn the mechanics, learn to sail away from danger and most importantly if you can't handle solo sloop don't play solo sloop, it is hardmode after all!
    If this game gets made even easier than it already is then there will be no challenge whatsoever 😉

  • @x5h3ar3rx I'm playing the SMALLEST bloody ship I can. How is that hard mode?

    And seriously, I ahev TRIED just sailing away from these things, but when they bloody well spawn on you, they stick to you like mud on a pig. No amount of sailing away is gonna stop them from coming.

    Like just now, I was on my way back from a voyage, and had one of these stupid things spawn on me. I spent 15 minutes trying NOTHING but to get away, and sail away from me, and ALL IT DID, WAS COME RIGHT AFTER ME! I used up all of my planks to keep my damned ship from sinking, and STILL ended up dying, because these stupid undead ships shoot magical "get you drunk" ammo. And let me tell you, trying to patch a damned hole in your ship while drunk out of your mind is next to impossible, especially when they hit WITH 4 OF THOSE BLOODY MAGIC BALLS IN A ROW.

    I lost ALL of my loot because of this. An hour and half's worth of gameplay, FOR NOTHING. Its the single most frustrating, annoying, upsetting, and BROKEN THING, in this entire bloody game. It was a mistake adding this stuff.

    As for me, I am now going to uninstall the bloody game, and am calling it quits until the devs fix this stupid mechanic.

    I am done.

  • @kitsunelegend69 I'm so sorry but salty much?

  • @closinghare208 Between being harassed by other players all day, dealing with lag spikes, and that stupid undead ship, I feel I have every god damned right to be salty.

    I just spent an hour and half doing a single damned voyage, gathered 4 measly chests (two of which were just castaway chests, the others being seafarer chests, so not much of a profit DESPITE me being high level with the gold hoarders) and then promptly LOST them all because the devs thought it'd be a fan-freaking-tastic idea to make a huge undead galleon that fires magic drunken cannon balls spawn on a bloody solo player in a tiny sloop.

    So yeah, sorry if I'm a bit "salty", but I have every right to be so.

  • @kitsunelegend69 calm down then ok

  • @kitsunelegend69 It's not the size of the ship.. it's the fact that you are playing alone! Playing alone on a ship is the games version of hardmode.. play with another crew member if you can't handle 1 Skele ship alone... simple!! 1 to repair and 1 to steer and shoot.. I have no problem taking you onto my ship and showing you that it is very simple.. all you have to do is learn.. you seem like the person that gives up too easy! You need to face the fact that you are not good enough to play alone.. play with others, no need leave the game.. it's a fantastic and beautiful game.. I could teach you but you don't seem the type who wants help!

  • Last week: Please, add more content!
    Today: Please, remove the content!

    The SoT community is the most undecided there is...

  • @kitsunelegend69

    Learn, improve and become a better pirate. There is nothing in the game that you cannot accomplish by yourself (red mermaid statues are debatable).

    Finding the game to hard? Maybe it is time to consider getting a crew member to come help out.

    Solo is the most challenging mode of the game. Because it is significantly more easy to be punished for mistakes and you can only do one task at a time.

  • I often sail solo in a sloop and have rarely had issue with the cursed crews. Most ignore me as I ignore them. If music plays, I hit them with an anchorball as they rise out of the water, and then get out of dodge. I find that sailing your sloop through narrow spaces works best. It's also worth noting that these cursed crews seem to have an area of effect - sail out of this area and they'll stop pursuing you. Defeating them, along with the kraken and meg, is generally worth it too since I always get either a skeleton captain's chest or skull, or a crate of bone dust. Those items alone are worth 2-5k in gold, and they're not even the only loot you get.

  • @kitsunelegend69 taking down 1 skelly solo isn't that hard, there's even a guy who took down 500 of them solo.

  • There is a progression involving solo vs skellie ship.

    Avoid skellie ship.

    Survive a skellie ship

    Survive and sink skellie ship.

    Survive, sink, and loot skellie ship.

    These are skills that a solo sloop pilot must focus on.

    Frankly, the title of this post denotes a lack of aggression required of a pirate.

  • Stop. It doesn't need toned down. The roaming ships won't even engage you unless you engage them. The only thing I would like changed is that there is roaming skele sloops and skele sloops would pop up sometimes instead of only being a part of the skele ship waves under the ship cloud. Other than that....everything is fine!

    FTR I play solo on a sloop a majority of the time!

  • @barnabas-seadog Stop that. Who are you to tell this guy how to pirate, just stop it.

    Tho I do agree that practice may be needed. Or maybe one of us who regularly solo's skellies on a sloop should write a guide on how we go about it.

  • @kitsunelegend69 I hope you read this and don't uninstall the game, it is worth learning as it is a great game. I very much agree that it can be particularly difficult when you start, especially if you are soloing.

    Just so you are aware the above poster is right. Playing a solo sloop is the hardest way to play the game as you literally have no safety net if something goes wrong (such as being knocked off your ship, etc) and you are frequently expected to be in multiple places at once, such as on the cannon, repairing, and sailing. Fighting skele gallys is also very time consuming usually as a solo sloop, in a duo it is easy as you can keep up fire all the time, board them, use barrels on them, etc.

    Couple of pointers that I hope may assist you:

    1. Make sure you take every resource from the outpost where you start. This should (but not always) give you enough resources to be able to handle any encounter. If you set off before you stock up then you are asking for trouble.
    2. Make sure that at every island you take as many supplies as you can find until you have more than you should ever need for any encounter (I normally stop after about 100 wood, 100 bananas, and 200 cannonballs). Also if you pass by any barrels while sailing, and your ship is heading in a straight line and not going to hit anything for the next minute, jump off and gather supplies from those barrels, then catch the mermaid back.
    3. When a skeleton ships spawns you will get the warning music before they come up. Make sure you load up on supplies from your ship and be ready. When it comes out of the water, don't shoot at it and immediately head away from it (usually 90 degrees is fine but 180 works too). Often they leave you alone if you do this, and if they don't this should give you some distance.
    4. If they do chase you, use the various obstacles around the map to your advantage. Islands, outposts, rocks, seaposts, they all work. Skeleton ships sail even worse than I did on my first voyage and I swear that they go out of their way to hit things (I once actually saw one sail over an island with a large hill on it, it got stuck on it for ages as we stopped and watched but it slowly kept pushing up and then eventually over, all in all it took it around 5 minutes but was a great show), often becoming stuck but even if they don't they take damage and water and will eventually sink if they hit enough of them (if you hear the ding sound that says they have sunk, make sure you turn around and grab the free(ish) loot).
    5. Keep any eye on them, usually they get bored / stuck / whatever and you can sail away happy but be aware sometimes that you might think you have lost them and they will come out of nowhere with a vengeance.
    6. If you are lucky enough to get a megs to spawn on you at the same time as you are playing with a skeleton ship, do your best to make her attack them. I always try to make sure I put the skeleton ship between megs and myself, and I am not sure if the skeleton ships always automatically attack her or not but it certainly seem to happen most of the time. Once they are fighting, they will both still ordinarily follow you but only one of them gets to win. One or the other will kill/sink the other and you get free loot, usually double free loot as the survivor is normally in poor shape.
    7. If you are relatively new, there is a chance occasionally that you might get sunk. If you remember to hand in your loot frequently (which you should always do every time you pass an outpost) then you are not going to lose much, there is plenty more where that came from. Remember to think back on the encounter and consider what you might have done differently and what worked.
    8. Cursed cannonballs work on skeleton ships so try and always keep a stock, especially helmballs, anchorballs, and the ones that raise the sails. These should give you an easy escape from them if you ever need it, but they are not really required.

    Honestly these days I play with them almost out of instinct, most times when solo I don't even bother sinking them; they really do get easier and more predictable the more you spend time with them. As you get more experience you should be able to sink them pretty easily, though it can take some time and I am not convinced from a time/reward perspective that it is worth it.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi I have offered this person to join my sloop and I'll show them just how easy it can be to solo sloop skele ships and the kraken! No reply.. but this person seems to give up too easy and will not take the time to learn!

    But if anybody would like a 1 on 1 teaching lesson on how to solo sloop please feel free to add me and send me a message! I have played solo sloop from launch and have some tasty tips and tricks to share! 😁

  • @kitsunelegend69
    When the Skeleton Galleon Ships Spawn
    Bail as much water and hopefully you have enough planks on deck, otherwise you might as well ride it out or try to ride it out. Shoot the lowest deck at them since they cannot bail water out. And if you did find curse cannonballs at the Outpost, then use them to your upmost advantage...if you have some.

    Here two tips, ride it out and continue to angle the sail with the wind as best as possible and let your sloop slowly leave the ink pit. Make sure you have plenty of planks and bananas and stay below deck so that you won't get suck up.

    I been through these moments a couple of times as a solo sloop. Once you have had your bad experience and learn from them and know what to do next (like some of the suggestions listed above), then you will be fine. Don't give up because of one or two things. Just make sure that you are prepared for what's coming ahead of you. The seas are not friendly and passive.

  • @kitsunelegend69 I never noticed a problem until I popped on last night to knock out some of those 500 cargo runs. I ran to my ship to find it already being shot at by a Skelly Gal.
    I used my 15 boards and said screw it and let my ship sink.

  • I think you are having really bad luck, I've been doing solo DR Athena for the past 3 days and didn't encountered any skeleton ship. True there were a few roaming around but they were peaceful.

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