I just soloed my first kraken, and you can to! (words of encouragement, not a guide)

  • My tale is hardly unique, or one that might stand out from any others. I came here to say that I just killed my fifth kraken since Shrouded Spoils dropped, and my first successful solo!

    With many posts about how difficult the emergent threats are for solo players, I wanted to encourage you all to not give up! The kraken has beaten me a few times, but with a little perseverance and picking up a few tips on this here forum, I have finally prevailed!

    They are doable, if you take the time to learn their simple mechanics you will in time being slaying krakens and sinking skelly ships with ease!

    Though this isn't a guide in itself, if any one wishes to share their tips on beating any of the emergent threats, I would love to read them.

    Please keep at it you solo scallywags....

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  • @luciansanchez82

    Aye it can be done....
    (I've posted this video before, just incase their are pirates who haven't seen it )
    from our very own forumite @PhuzzyBond
    Very helpful guide.

  • @piratecraggy Excellent stuff! Thanks for sharing matey. Can imagine many will find this useful.

  • Well, out with it. Tell me thine secrets.

  • @luciansanchez82
    No problem, it's very well done little video.
    Quite obvious really when you look back at it, but in the heat of battle, sometimes it just a matter of following those simple rules/tactics to get the win.
    Something I struggle myself with at times :) , solo is tough but a lot of fun!

  • @personalc0ffee said in I just soloed my first kraken, and you can to! (words of encouragement, not a guide):

    Well, out with it. Tell me thine secrets.

    • Shoot the evil noodles
    • Water in your boat is bad
  • @luciansanchez82 said in I just soloed my first kraken, and you can to! (words of encouragement, not a guide):

    @personalc0ffee said in I just soloed my first kraken, and you can to! (words of encouragement, not a guide):

    Well, out with it. Tell me thine secrets.

    • Shoot the evil noodles
    • Water in your boat is bad
    • Ink is poison.
  • I write a s.o.s. put it in a bottle and throw it in the sea. It reads "open crew"
    Takes less then 30 sec. For pirates to join the fight and hunt the commendations they need. Why solo such encounters?

  • @ruigtand-nl said in I just soloed my first kraken, and you can to! (words of encouragement, not a guide):

    I write a s.o.s. put it in a bottle and throw it in the sea. It reads "open crew"
    Takes less then 30 sec. For pirates to join the fight and hunt the commendations they need. Why solo such encounters?

    Some people dislike open crews. Some people enjoy the challenge and freedom of going solo. Some people are just gluttons for punishment. Plenty of valid reasons for not opening up your crew. I always prefer to sail with my own crew, but when they're not available I usually sail alone because I absolutely love it.

  • @genuine-heather

    Me2 i only open it for these encounters and then turn in loot and close it again :)

  • @ruigtand-nl said in I just soloed my first kraken, and you can to! (words of encouragement, not a guide):


    Me2 i only open it for these encounters and then turn in loot and close it again :)

    I could see that, but then you're kinda stuck with them for a while. Nah, not for me. Once in a blue moon I might join an open crew, but I wouldn't invite them onto my ship. Not unless I'm allowed to keel haul them. But alas...

  • @ruigtand-nl said in I just soloed my first kraken, and you can to! (words of encouragement, not a guide):

    I write a s.o.s. put it in a bottle and throw it in the sea. It reads "open crew"
    Takes less then 30 sec. For pirates to join the fight and hunt the commendations they need. Why solo such encounters?

    I enjoy playing solo, and I enjoy taking on these challenges solo. It's really as simple as that.

  • @piratecraggy thank you for sharing this :)

  • @luciansanchez82 Nice job and I couldn't believe it when the award came up after I battled it for at least 3 hours..........We'll it seemed that long to me.
    45 planks, 20 cannon balls, 10 bananas later and tadaaaaa. lol.
    Great job and I am here to say yes just take your time, patch and bail priority and when you get a chance shoot a cannon ball or I only shoot three max then run down stairs and shoot out the window with guns. It might take awhile, be patient and puff that chest out..but dont forget to get the floating shinies after you win.

  • @kondrites Excellent stuff matey! Feels pretty good doesn't it!

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