Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?

  • @personalc0ffee I think it does. And I live in hope that the Developers of the game listen to the most committed players. If your opinion and my opinion doesn't matter, let them tell us that.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    @cotu42 said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    @personalc0ffee said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    The comment you actually have to do it is ignoring the fact that I already did and I spent my time doing it.

    We are talking about 100+ hours of game play, so just log in... and claim your prize is just insulting. If that were true everyone would have it and not a small portion of the population.

    I imagine there will be something. They already confirmed achievement over achievers were getting something, don't see why the same wouldn't hold true here.

    Because they didn't announce it. If they would have there would be less frustration.


    That last point you hit up on is EXACTLY why I'm happy they did it this way and the biggest issue with the game as a large. There's just too many instances of being able to log on, buy the thing, and log out without a care in the world. By allowing this, players aren't being retained in the game.

    You are forgetting that these are people that have sunk hundred of hours in the game. Forcing them to redo things is a way not to retain people.

    By restricting rewards to be tied to commendations, you incentivize the carrot the stick. You want the shiny? You play the game. It is what has been needed for a very long time and I hope they continue to do so moving forward.

    I agree, but up till now they always rewarded players for sticking around. This time we got punished for already doing it. Just got a reset on the hundred plus hours spend doing it.

    People logging on to just get the shiny and leave and when they can't they throw a fit or complain. That's what I have an issue with.

    I don't need to be at 100% completion, but serious requiring me to spend another additional 100 hours to get the same thing. So 200 for me 100 for a new player... without any recognition of my initial time spent.

    Statements of entitlement like;

    "Well I already did it so where is my shiny." "Why can't I just log in, buy the thing and log out?" "I DESERVE MY SHINY" "My time's wasted!"

    Not really, no. I'm sorry but it isn't. You still have the money, memories, and experience. That wasn't taken from you just because of this update. There also wasn't anything prior to doing those quests to even track them in the first place. So literally nothing was taken away. You just aren't getting the reward you want immediately and that's why you're upset.

    No, not at all I am annoyed by the fact that if I want the shiny I have to redo something that took me months.

    They don't have the data. No amount of moaning and complaining is going to get it, either. It was never there to begin with. If there would have been commendations prior that were suddenly wiped, regressed, or lessened than yes it could be argued time was wasted but that's not the case here.

    They have the dates of when I hit legendary status and the fact I am pl10. Give me 3 chest counts for each week I was a legend or something.. it isn't close to what I did but it is better than just putting me on the same footing as a fresh pirate legend.

    It is those are the things I take issues with.

    So yes, in that particular instance I will firmly say, "Oh well."

    You play the game to have fun with the game. As I've said before. If you aren't having fun with the game, time to take a break.

    Game shouldn't feel like work. If doing 100 chests "again" is an issue to you, it's time for a break.

    Playing the game does not feel like work, being forced to start anew due to their choice does and is why I already stated ... I am not going to focus on it.

    That is what I find sad about the situation, it makes people like me not care anymore for the achievements. The achievements should feel like something to strive for, but this feels like a chore of 100+ hours as I already did it. There is no challenge, there is no innovation, just a reset on tons and tons of time spent.

  • Look we don't want to log in and just get the things.
    Most of us got ranks so we would be prepared for content that relied on the older systems and quests so we could concentrate on the newer content.
    No one is complaining about the other commendations like regular loot or The legend of the sea of thieves because the update provides a new experience to those features instead of forcing you to the same thing again.
    If they made a new type of quest for legends to do aswell as the commendations there would be no complaints.

  • @personalc0ffee If you see my post on the topic. I am not asking for a retrograde. I am requesting a Level cap increase with unlockables in the tradition of the Athena 1 to 10 journey. This would let us get the same benefit as all other players, receiving Athena Rep and Commendations for our pirate adventures. As it stands we only get half reward, commendations only, and no rep, meaning we are just watching people having a more fun, and faster level up process to reach what we already did with older content.

    Level cap increase - Item unlock per level. Thats all I am picketing for. Leave everything else as is as it is great for everyone.

    " We all have a voice here " - if you think I am implying that my voice should be louder, no thats not my intended meaning. Just hope that they listen to anyone on the forum.. if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

  • Ahoy there @Expat-Brat,

    Your reply to Mr. C0ffee triggered me as it seems to have some surprising remarks.

    we are just watching people having a more fun

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    I am requesting a Level cap increase with unlockables in the tradition of the Athena 1 to 10 journey. This would let us get the same benefit as all other players, receiving Athena Rep and Commendations for our pirate adventures. As it stands we only get half reward, commendations only, and no rep, meaning we are just watching people having a more fun, and faster level up process to reach what we already did with older content.

    I really don't see how it's "more fun" because they get reputation towards a meaningless number that you've already reached. You don't need reputation anymore, you're already freed of that grind by reaching Athena 10. You've already received the reward for reaching it with the access to the ghost ship liveries.

    The new rewards are locked behind commendations, so you get to have just as much fun doing those as everyone else. This is exactly the same as you not getting any reputation for completing GH, OoS or MA commendations, because you've already reached the maximum level.

    Item unlock per level

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    Level cap increase - Item unlock per level. Thats all I am picketing for. Leave everything else as is as it is great for everyone.

    More grinding isn't equal to more fun, at least not to everyone. It's not even more fun for everyone that's already Athena 10, because increasing the level cap and adding the items onto that will only mean more grind and less choice.

    Having the new rewards behind commendations means you can actively focus on a certain reward you want instead of having to grind a massive amount of hours towards unlocking access to it. It also allows the developers to add rewards that are themed in regards to the commendation.

    if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    " We all have a voice here " - if you think I am implying that my voice should be louder, no thats not my intended meaning. Just hope that they listen to anyone on the forum.. if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

    Have you seen the forums? There's new posts almost every second. It's impossible for the devoloper to take time to respond AND develop a game in the meanwhile. I'm sure that most meaningful posts will be read, maybe even used as input for future patches.

    Please remember the first post you should have read before posting feedback here:

    @khaleesibot said in By posting here you’re accepting the terms of this notice.:

    We don’t have any obligation to use or respond to your Feedback. We might use your Feedback, we might not use your Feedback, or we might do something (or have already done something) that seems related to your Feedback but which we created independently. In all cases, we will not pay you compensation or give you credit or be obligated to limit how we use or don’t use the Feedback.

    In the end it doesn't really matter what Rare will or will not add because there's just no pleasing everyone. I can understand that people might be dissapointed for their progress not being retroactive, however I think Joe tried his best to explain the reasoning behind it in the dev video. As for the commendations themselves, I think it's a good start and something that can be expanded on in future updates.

    Captain FishSt1ck

  • @fishst1ck said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    Ahoy there @Expat-Brat,

    Your reply to Mr. C0ffee triggered me as it seems to have some surprising remarks.

    we are just watching people having a more fun

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    I am requesting a Level cap increase with unlockables in the tradition of the Athena 1 to 10 journey. This would let us get the same benefit as all other players, receiving Athena Rep and Commendations for our pirate adventures. As it stands we only get half reward, commendations only, and no rep, meaning we are just watching people having a more fun, and faster level up process to reach what we already did with older content.

    I really don't see how it's "more fun" because they get reputation towards a meaningless number that you've already reached. You don't need reputation anymore, you're already freed of that grind by reaching Athena 10. You've already received the reward for reaching it with the access to the ghost ship liveries.

    The new rewards are locked behind commendations, so you get to have just as much fun doing those as everyone else. This is exactly the same as you not getting any reputation for completing GH, OoS or MA commendations, because you've already reached the maximum level.

    Item unlock per level

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    Level cap increase - Item unlock per level. Thats all I am picketing for. Leave everything else as is as it is great for everyone.

    More grinding isn't equal to more fun, at least not to everyone. It's not even more fun for everyone that's already Athena 10, because increasing the level cap and adding the items onto that will only mean more grind and less choice.

    Having the new rewards behind commendations means you can actively focus on a certain reward you want instead of having to grind a massive amount of hours towards unlocking access to it. It also allows the developers to add rewards that are themed in regards to the commendation.

    For us legend 10s that is exactly what the Athena chest commendation feels like. More grind, not more fun... I think it is a good addition for the people still requiring the grind, but for the people that have done it it feels like just more grind as our previous one didn't count and we have to redo it.

    if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    " We all have a voice here " - if you think I am implying that my voice should be louder, no thats not my intended meaning. Just hope that they listen to anyone on the forum.. if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

    Have you seen the forums? There's new posts almost every second. It's impossible for the devoloper to take time to respond AND develop a game in the meanwhile. I'm sure that most meaningful posts will be read, maybe even used as input for future patches.

    Please remember the first post you should have read before posting feedback here:

    @khaleesibot said in By posting here you’re accepting the terms of this notice.:

    We don’t have any obligation to use or respond to your Feedback. We might use your Feedback, we might not use your Feedback, or we might do something (or have already done something) that seems related to your Feedback but which we created independently. In all cases, we will not pay you compensation or give you credit or be obligated to limit how we use or don’t use the Feedback.

    In the end it doesn't really matter what Rare will or will not add because there's just no pleasing everyone. I can understand that people might be dissapointed for their progress not being retroactive, however I think Joe tried his best to explain the reasoning behind it in the dev video. As for the commendations themselves, I think it's a good start and something that can be expanded on in future updates.

    Captain FishSt1ck

    It is not about the retrospective data, I get it. It is the lack of compensation, appreciation and general recognition towards the top end players. Legendary pirates have been ignored for a long time and resetting their grind as if they just hit legend rank - forcing them to an additional 100 to 200 hour grind of more of the same they have been doing for months is bad. Imagine them stating everyone is now level 1 in all factions because some data was never recorded and we want to add something that changes the experience. I wonder if you would still say, chill out and just get to grinding it again.

  • @fishst1ck I appreciate the length and detail in your response. But I am getting tired of re-explaining without getting misunderstood and am starting to question my 31 years as an English speaker. I will do my best this time..

    Im glad I surprised you, that might have been exciting. Something we all need.

    "I really don't see how it's "more fun" because they get reputation towards a meaningless number that you've already reached."

    Achieving the commendations helps them to increase Athena rep. Maybe I am the only pirate on sea of thieves that enjoyed seeing that little bar fill up with experience points, but I doubt it. This provides them with added incentive and a greater payout ( loot + XP + Commendation ) .. I get ( Loot + Commendation )

    As for the " meaningless number... " .. That number to me is a goal, a representation of a journey forward. Perhaps its my conditioning through playing every other game with a leveling system that makes me wish to have this higher number and have it increase, or maybe the very game we have played all this time has conditioned me in that way also. As far as receiving the award for already getting to Athena 10, yes my Hat and Figurehead are nice and I have enjoyed using them for months now, and was hoping that by some more progress forward I would unlock some more. As far as feeling free from the grind.. All it has done is make me PVP all the time, because without that connection to the " Grind ".. the PVE element diminishes for me.

    " The new rewards are locked behind commendations, so you get to have just as much fun doing those as everyone else."

    Not true in my case as I no longer get ( Athena XP counter goes up and up unlocking levels including commendations like other players ) get XP boost, which I personally enjoyed.

    " This is exactly the same as you not getting any reputation for completing GH, OoS or MA commendations, because you've already reached the maximum level. "

    Yes exactly, and probably is the reason why I don't go out of my way to do those type of missions anymore... Athena is now like GH, OS, and MA... non advancing.

    " More grinding isn't equal to more fun "

    I agree in some ways, and i like the editions to the world they have made. But why not unlock further forward progression for those that get a satisfaction in that type of progress. Again I don't wish for them to take away any of the many great things they have released. I am asking only for an Aditional Thing.

    " It also allows the developers to add rewards that are themed in regards to the commendation. "

    Thats great. I love it. No problem. And add some more levels for me so when the commendation unlocks I get a rep upgrade like everyone else is enjoying.

    " Have you seen the forums? "


    " It's impossible for the devoloper to take time to respond AND develop a game in the meanwhile. "

    Thats a given. Regarding this topic, I think it is ok that I live in hope, better than being miserable.

    " Please remember the first post you should have read before posting feedback here: "

    Again this is a given and am not head in the clouds about that.

    " In the end it doesn't really matter what Rare will or will not add because there's just no pleasing everyone "

    Yes not everyone can be pleased. Hence why we post our grievances. I think by now the whole community can be pleased with the variation of things to do in the sandbox. I remain un-pleased about the lack of level cap increase for players like myself who find joy in reaching those " Meaningless Numbers "

    " I can understand that people might be dissapointed for their progress not being retroactive "

    Thank you. I believe when I saw it I started shouting at the telly.

    " however I think Joe tried his best to explain the reasoning behind it in the dev video. "

    Indeed he did, and he did a good job of explaining. I don't like what it means for me but I will just have to live with it. But will still fight for a level cap increase over the next few days, to further enrich my experience. So while it is doing the new tracking feature, I am leveling further instead of feeling like a re-do.

    "as for the commendations themselves, I think it's a good start and something that can be expanded on in future updates."

    Yeah nice, but we have had commendations for a while now, its not a new mechanic. It has just been applied to Athena. Better late than never does not sooth my soul. It is a nice update, and nice for those leveling up through PL Athena as it gives Them and added bonus while doing what they otherwise would have been doing anyway.

    That is my main gripe, problem, moan, etc whatever describing word you wish to apply that fits the narrative. Is that I could be getting these Commendations while progressing onward and upward as I would always do... as I have done for months... as the game has taught me to do. But now I am stuck in a Pause.

    When the next Athena Levels are released I will have to do yet more Athena chests, my commendations would have been done, and again I will be frustrated to repeat.. for the 3rd time the same process.

    It's a simple cap increase. That is all I ask. Not remove, not change, not anything else. Thats all. Wish no ill will on anyone. And i respect and appreciate all the hard work that Rare are doing and have done.

    And if not a cap increase. Let's see the new Version of Athena for those that have Completed that. It is a long time to wait.

    I encourage you to read some of my upvoted comments above where I may have been more clear.

    All the Best

  • While I can understand how some may be upset that there was not backwards compensation for what has already been completed for the Pirate Legend journey, it is not the end of the world. Yes, it is extremely unfortunate that Rare did not keep track of this very important data. It is not easy to swallow no matter how some may want to sugar coat it.

    At the bare minimum knowing that players could become Pirate Legend, they should have had the tracking in place for the future growth and health of the game. They had many months now to put something in place to lessen the blow. It is extremely sad that they did not. One would think being a major, experienced game developer you would have a plan in place for your game to grow. Well Rare did not. They said so publicly and I am sure they are just as upset for their horrible mistake. More than anything it is a huge embarrassment and a lesson very painfully learned publicly.

    Maybe they could have made calculations of what it would take to get through the Athena levels and make adjustments to the new rewards. A problem would be that Athena levels could have been earned while not being a Pirate Legend. So, there would be no way to know without the data. They decided to just start over. Not really much to do without making more mistakes and more people unhappy for different reasons.

    Should they have at least given a special reward to those already a Pirate Legend at Athena 10 like a special sail? Maybe. They are going to do that for other things. I am sure they can at least see who is currently at that rank.

    We all should know by now the sea can be a very harsh and unforgiving place. It takes a lot of commitment and repetition to earn the highest respect in all the current factions. Then in order to become a Pirate Legend you have to show even more dedication and perseverance by sailing even longer doing the same things even more.

    It was a commitment very well known. It should have been expected when everything was not finalized in stone for what it meant to become a Pirate Legend there was a big unknown waiting at the end. It was not a secret. That is why my spouse and I slowed our pace down after we became legends. We knew that there would be changes coming and we were waiting it out to chart the best voyage forward. We sail to have fun above all else anyway.

    I am glad we did. The commendations added will give more meaning to what we do going forward form this new starting point. I understand that there are many that have come before already at the currently perceived end. I do understand your frustration and pain for "having to do it all again".

    Many of the commendations can easily be achieved without doing the full journey all over again. The few that will take longer are not worth the anger and resentment. Yes, Rare should have done a much better job. They did not. Shame of them. We all make mistakes. I am not saying it was a mistake to already be sitting at Athena 10. Shame on us if we cannot forgive and move on one way or the other.

    I would think most of you already there had to really love the game and have been having a lot of fun accomplishing that feat. At least I hope so or why would you still be sailing. Take a deep breath and calm down. Reflect on what it meant to do what you did to get where you are now. I am sure if you really love sailing in this game you can find a way to still go forward.

    Life can be full of hard knocks and this is one of them. You have to decide when things like this happen, do you get back up and go on or do you let it knock you out and you give up. Rare made a very hard decision to start at zero. In reality none of us who are Pirate Legends are starting at zero. I would think we earned a lot more than a new title for all that we put into the game already. At least going forward everything new that comes to the meaning of being a Pirate Legend will be fresh and even. Hopefully, by then all wounds will heal.

  • @cotu42 said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    @fishst1ck said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    Ahoy there @Expat-Brat,

    Your reply to Mr. C0ffee triggered me as it seems to have some surprising remarks.

    we are just watching people having a more fun

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    I am requesting a Level cap increase with unlockables in the tradition of the Athena 1 to 10 journey. This would let us get the same benefit as all other players, receiving Athena Rep and Commendations for our pirate adventures. As it stands we only get half reward, commendations only, and no rep, meaning we are just watching people having a more fun, and faster level up process to reach what we already did with older content.

    I really don't see how it's "more fun" because they get reputation towards a meaningless number that you've already reached. You don't need reputation anymore, you're already freed of that grind by reaching Athena 10. You've already received the reward for reaching it with the access to the ghost ship liveries.

    The new rewards are locked behind commendations, so you get to have just as much fun doing those as everyone else. This is exactly the same as you not getting any reputation for completing GH, OoS or MA commendations, because you've already reached the maximum level.

    Item unlock per level

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    Level cap increase - Item unlock per level. Thats all I am picketing for. Leave everything else as is as it is great for everyone.

    More grinding isn't equal to more fun, at least not to everyone. It's not even more fun for everyone that's already Athena 10, because increasing the level cap and adding the items onto that will only mean more grind and less choice.

    Having the new rewards behind commendations means you can actively focus on a certain reward you want instead of having to grind a massive amount of hours towards unlocking access to it. It also allows the developers to add rewards that are themed in regards to the commendation.

    For us legend 10s that is exactly what the Athena chest commendation feels like. More grind, not more fun... I think it is a good addition for the people still requiring the grind, but for the people that have done it it feels like just more grind as our previous one didn't count and we have to redo it.

    if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    " We all have a voice here " - if you think I am implying that my voice should be louder, no thats not my intended meaning. Just hope that they listen to anyone on the forum.. if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

    Have you seen the forums? There's new posts almost every second. It's impossible for the devoloper to take time to respond AND develop a game in the meanwhile. I'm sure that most meaningful posts will be read, maybe even used as input for future patches.

    Please remember the first post you should have read before posting feedback here:

    @khaleesibot said in By posting here you’re accepting the terms of this notice.:

    We don’t have any obligation to use or respond to your Feedback. We might use your Feedback, we might not use your Feedback, or we might do something (or have already done something) that seems related to your Feedback but which we created independently. In all cases, we will not pay you compensation or give you credit or be obligated to limit how we use or don’t use the Feedback.

    In the end it doesn't really matter what Rare will or will not add because there's just no pleasing everyone. I can understand that people might be dissapointed for their progress not being retroactive, however I think Joe tried his best to explain the reasoning behind it in the dev video. As for the commendations themselves, I think it's a good start and something that can be expanded on in future updates.

    Captain FishSt1ck

    It is not about the retrospective data, I get it. It is the lack of compensation, appreciation and general recognition towards the top end players. Legendary pirates have been ignored for a long time and resetting their grind as if they just hit legend rank - forcing them to an additional 100 to 200 hour grind of more of the same they have been doing for months is bad. Imagine them stating everyone is now level 1 in all factions because some data was never recorded and we want to add something that changes the experience. I wonder if you would still say, chill out and just get to grinding it again.

    I can take all that wonder away from you good sir. I would always chill out and I would never "just get grinding". Especially in this game as it wouldn't matter a single thing if that virtual number is on 1 or on 5 million as it would still be the same game and it wouldn't make me any better or worse.

    In my opinion if you're grinding any game, you're trying to reach something as fast as possible because you want to be there first or because you want to be done with it fast. If you speed through something with only the endgoal in mind, you'll miss the fun in between.

    I think you're mistaken about "top end players", that isn't equal with those that grinded their way to the end. Top end players in my opinion are the ones like @Skulliah, @SirioNDB, @DrBullhammer, @Erinom3 or @Clumsy-George. Players that have shown to enjoy the content to the max, have the weirdest adventures and best of all don't have the need to be praised because they accomplished something by just investing more time in something than others!

    Don't forget that absolutely nobody is forcing you to grind an additional 100 to 200 hours of the same. If you want those shinies though, you'll have to put in the same work as everyone else though. My advice would be, just have fun playing the game and you'll be surprised by rewards during your journey.

  • @weakdexx said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    I will do all again! I just finished all so yeah now i have to finish again. One thing will be MONSTORIOUS hard tho.

    Sell a stolen athena chest after becoming legend. If u want the title for this one... it will be harder than grind out another 100 chests.

    That one is easy join a discord fleet they are just exchanging chest! they have been doing and doing it right this second

  • The problem I see now is those that aren’t PL and still running Athena missions. They will have to go through a second grind once they reach PL because what they are doing now doesn’t count. How well is that going to be perceived by the masses? For example I met a person that was already A8 1/4 and was only levels 40/35/19. His goal was to be Athena 10 BEFORE he turn legend so he wouldn’t have do the grind and enjoy the game. SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!

  • @fishst1ck said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    @cotu42 said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    @fishst1ck said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    Ahoy there @Expat-Brat,

    Your reply to Mr. C0ffee triggered me as it seems to have some surprising remarks.

    we are just watching people having a more fun

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    I am requesting a Level cap increase with unlockables in the tradition of the Athena 1 to 10 journey. This would let us get the same benefit as all other players, receiving Athena Rep and Commendations for our pirate adventures. As it stands we only get half reward, commendations only, and no rep, meaning we are just watching people having a more fun, and faster level up process to reach what we already did with older content.

    I really don't see how it's "more fun" because they get reputation towards a meaningless number that you've already reached. You don't need reputation anymore, you're already freed of that grind by reaching Athena 10. You've already received the reward for reaching it with the access to the ghost ship liveries.

    The new rewards are locked behind commendations, so you get to have just as much fun doing those as everyone else. This is exactly the same as you not getting any reputation for completing GH, OoS or MA commendations, because you've already reached the maximum level.

    Item unlock per level

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    Level cap increase - Item unlock per level. Thats all I am picketing for. Leave everything else as is as it is great for everyone.

    More grinding isn't equal to more fun, at least not to everyone. It's not even more fun for everyone that's already Athena 10, because increasing the level cap and adding the items onto that will only mean more grind and less choice.

    Having the new rewards behind commendations means you can actively focus on a certain reward you want instead of having to grind a massive amount of hours towards unlocking access to it. It also allows the developers to add rewards that are themed in regards to the commendation.

    For us legend 10s that is exactly what the Athena chest commendation feels like. More grind, not more fun... I think it is a good addition for the people still requiring the grind, but for the people that have done it it feels like just more grind as our previous one didn't count and we have to redo it.

    if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

    @expat-brat said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    " We all have a voice here " - if you think I am implying that my voice should be louder, no thats not my intended meaning. Just hope that they listen to anyone on the forum.. if we take the time to post, I hope they can take time to respond.

    Have you seen the forums? There's new posts almost every second. It's impossible for the devoloper to take time to respond AND develop a game in the meanwhile. I'm sure that most meaningful posts will be read, maybe even used as input for future patches.

    Please remember the first post you should have read before posting feedback here:

    @khaleesibot said in By posting here you’re accepting the terms of this notice.:

    We don’t have any obligation to use or respond to your Feedback. We might use your Feedback, we might not use your Feedback, or we might do something (or have already done something) that seems related to your Feedback but which we created independently. In all cases, we will not pay you compensation or give you credit or be obligated to limit how we use or don’t use the Feedback.

    In the end it doesn't really matter what Rare will or will not add because there's just no pleasing everyone. I can understand that people might be dissapointed for their progress not being retroactive, however I think Joe tried his best to explain the reasoning behind it in the dev video. As for the commendations themselves, I think it's a good start and something that can be expanded on in future updates.

    Captain FishSt1ck

    It is not about the retrospective data, I get it. It is the lack of compensation, appreciation and general recognition towards the top end players. Legendary pirates have been ignored for a long time and resetting their grind as if they just hit legend rank - forcing them to an additional 100 to 200 hour grind of more of the same they have been doing for months is bad. Imagine them stating everyone is now level 1 in all factions because some data was never recorded and we want to add something that changes the experience. I wonder if you would still say, chill out and just get to grinding it again.

    I can take all that wonder away from you good sir. I would always chill out and I would never "just get grinding". Especially in this game as it wouldn't matter a single thing if that virtual number is on 1 or on 5 million as it would still be the same game and it wouldn't make me any better or worse.

    In my opinion if you're grinding any game, you're trying to reach something as fast as possible because you want to be there first or because you want to be done with it fast. If you speed through something with only the endgoal in mind, you'll miss the fun in between.

    Well, I grinded myself to level 10 by just doing full Athena voyages, no speed running, no cheesing, just set out and enjoyed the game and yes I wanted to be a pirate legend 10. Though I personally didn't expect to be required to do the whole multiple month grind again to get a full legendary set as a level 10 legend.

    I think you're mistaken about "top end players", that isn't equal with those that grinded their way to the end. Top end players in my opinion are the ones like @Skulliah, @SirioNDB, @DrBullhammer, @Erinom3 or @Clumsy-George. Players that have shown to enjoy the content to the max, have the weirdest adventures and best of all don't have the need to be praised because they accomplished something by just investing more time in something than others!

    Well, that is exactly why I consider myself amongst end game players. I have invested the time and have the wacky, frustrating and epic stories to go along with it.

    Edit: btw I don't need praise, for me it is the time I personally have to invest. It is something for myself and my achievements being reflected in the options available to my character. Most pirates that meet me in game don't even know I am a level 10 legend as I tend to walk around in combinations of different clothing sets and titles that suit my outfit.

    Don't forget that absolutely nobody is forcing you to grind an additional 100 to 200 hours of the same. If you want those shinies though, you'll have to put in the same work as everyone else though. My advice would be, just have fun playing the game and you'll be surprised by rewards during your journey.

    Forcing no... nobody forces me to play a game. But the game is locking the items we legends have been asking for behind that wall of another 100 voyages of 1 to 2 hours each, while ignoring the 100ish voyages I already completed.

    Therefore stating I have to do the same amount of work is false, I will have to do double the amount as I did it once to become athena 10 and once for the legendary items while others only have to do it once.

    I personally have no intention to focus on the items, I just finished like three weeks ago the first grind that took me months to complete.

    I will keep playing the game, because the trip can be rewarding and fun. I know how rewarding the game can be else I would have quit months ago. This redo requirement of 100-200 hours to complete a set I would like to have while I just finished that exact grind, feels demoralising and anyone should be able to understand that.

  • @cotu42 Well said. Demoralising indeed..

  • @FishSt1ck

    I don't feel like I'm a "top end player" or whatever, I'm just playing the game as I like to play it and other players are playing the game as they want to play it. There is not a right way to play it and to enjoy it. Sometimes I have the weirdest adventures, sometimes I want to be serious, sometimes I just want to relax. That being said, I don't tolerate the words of people trying to devalue and make it clear that a way of playing is less important or that there is no fun in it and their opinion doesn't matter. No, it's not because some people don't like the pink colour it means everyone hates that colour and it should be prohibited. We're in Sea of Thieves where everyone is welcome and everyone's opinion is important and should be listened.

    First, I just want to say that this thread has a very interesting discussion around these commendations which cause a problem for some players. I can understand how it can be difficult for those who are not Athena 10 and have not a specific playstyle to understand why they are causing this issue but thanks to those who are trying to discuss about this topic in a calm and civilized manner and are not trying to shut someone's down because they disagree.

    That being said, it's unfortunate these commendations can't be retroactive to acknowledge what Athena 10 players or those working on their Athena's Fortune journey have already achieved. These commendations are welcome into the game and they are bringing a great value for those who are starting their journey through Athena's Fortune. Some commendations are completely new and are tied with Shrouded Spoils content which is great. Some commendations like the Skeleton Ships, Cargo Runs, Gold Hoarder, Order of Souls and Animals are quite unfortunate they can't be retroactive but some are things that I think players do quite often and will be easily obtainable in the long run.

    But there are two commendations that cause a real problem: The Sailor of Athena's Fortune and The Athena's Voyager Commendation . Because they are tied to The Athena's Fortune Voyages which create an injustice towards the players who have already done this or who already have some progress. Yes players who don't want to redo them could ignore them but they are tied with The Pirate Legend Capstan and Wheel. To me these two commendations are the ones that shouldn't have a cosmetic/reward at the end.

    Let me explain why. The Gold Hoarder commendations are meant to be for the journey to level 50 in the Gold Hoarder, those Legendary commendations are following the same rule - I believe - and are meant to be for the jounrey to Athena 10. That's where it's unfair that these two commendations are asking Athena 10 players - who have already completed their jounrey - or other players who have already a progression in it, to redo it. That's why some are asking to increase the level cap to 15 or 20, to have something to do during their journey in Athena's Fortune and not just for a meaningless grind. That's why some player are asking to make an estimation of what they could have already accomplished according to their level. But yes some would unlock the two cosmetics without doing anything. So maybe, those two cosmetics are just not in the right place and I think making an estimation of those two commendation could be a great solution without having some players to have already unlock the new cosmetics. It's just a question of recognition on what some people have already accomplished, it's not for having already unlocked cosmetics, having goals to unlock them gives a real meaning to these commendations but they shouldn't be on goals that players have already reached and because Rare didn't track them, players must redo them.

    Why do we see that it really annoys only Athena 8, 9 or 10 players? Because these are the ones who have already sold more than half of the Chest of Legend or made more than half of the requested voyages for their journey to Athena 10. Yes, to reach level 8 you need to sell 54 regular Chests of Legend, to reach level 9 you need to sell 18 more from level 8 and to reach level 10 you need to sell 21 more from 9. This is a huge time spent in the game that is not acknowlegde for these commendations that can't be retroactive.

    In short, yes these commendations are welcome and allow to reward what the PL do but by the mistake of not being able to make retroactive some of them causes a non-recognition effect for what has already been accomplished by some players and it's really unrespectful to think that it doesn't and shouldn't matter. We're in Sea of Thieves where some players have a great importance on their journey, on their adventures and the stories they make.

    "In a region where your reputation is everything, that might well be more important than wealth" - quoted from Tales from The Sea of Thieves.

    It's not right that those players don't deserve the title of these two commedantions but the rewards tied to it should be for the other commendations and not these ones to let them have a goal to unlock them.

  • @skulliah Thank you, sir!

  • @Skulliah That was very nicely put.

  • @skulliah

    Good way explaining that point of view. If it is not fair to grind out more to earn those two items, it would not really be any better to grind more levels for them. Would it? Just more levels to get a couple things that some players feel they they should already have access to. Then all the other players have more levels to go and they would not be happy. I would think we all do not want more empty levels either.

    Maybe as you mentioned a few commendations should be reworked. Just let a Pirate Legend currently ranked 10 go ahead and purchase a couple items to complete their PL themed ship if they desire to. It is just cosmetics and it would not hurt anyone. Those not there yet will get to do the same when they get there. That would be fairer and a good gesture right?

    Either just replace the requirement or replace them with something else, but allow a person already at the current cap finish the look of their ship. Surely a few looks for ones ship is definitely not worth upsetting part of the community because of an unfortunate regrettable mistake.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    Well, no, I'm not asking to get the new cosmetics already unlocked because I like to have goals like that as it feels rewarding when you succeed. But I don't like the fact two of the new cosmetics are tied with the commendations that can't be retroactive. Players shouldn't be punished because Rare didn't focus on Pirate Legend content before and ask them to redo their Athena's Fortune journey to get those two cosmetics.

    There are two sets for Pirate Legend, the Legendary and Ghost sets. I like the fact that the Legendary set is locked with the commendations and the Ghost set is locked with the Athena's Fortune levels. The new cosmetics are only from the Legendary set so I'd prefer they stay locked with the commendations but the two commendations which I think are causing an issue, shouldn't be the ones needed to unlock the Legendary Capstan and Wheel.

    Then, it would be a nice move to estimate the progress through these two commendations according to the level in Athena's Fortune. The only thing it could unlock would be the two titles those players are well deserving. If they want the cosmetics they would have some goals to achieve like everyone else which is great and doesn't make something unfair for anyone.

    That's really not much and it would make a fair experience for everyone.

  • Regardless of the fact that they don't have any data, they should be able to identify people who have the Athena 10 rank. The simple solution is to flag people who have reached A10 with 93/100 chests turned in. It's been demonstrably proven that's how many chests it takes to hit max rank.

    The idea that A10s won't have anything to do is infuriating to me. All that shows me is that you've never done the grind yourself and have no idea what you're asking people to repeat again.

  • @Skulliah

    Ok retro a few things and leave a few things to work towards unlocking. Maybe just one more level, two at the most. I recommend if Athena level is raised, adding in something new and very special as the start of the new continuing Pirate Legend journey forward. A “we are sorry and thank you” from Rare.

    I wholeheartedly agree that “Players shouldn't be punished because Rare didn't focus on Pirate Legend content before”. No company should punish their customers for their own mistakes. That is why I said there is no excuse for it. It was the shiniest thing on the horizon for many players. A feather in a pirate’s hat for playing their game.

    That is why I said shame on them. There is no good excuse for what happened from someone who should have really known better. It is also in very poor taste to say we will give others something because of making some commendations changes and then saying start over when it comes to a big mistake they made.

    However, like I said everyone should have known better. It was not really to hard to see this coming. SoT is a very good game in many respects. We all knew there was an undercurrent grind lacking traditional rewards when we started. Especially for the unfinished Pirate Legend part of the game. Rare has fumbled and stumbled a few times along the way already. Cannot say they have not as this is the biggest so far.

    In many respects Shrouded Spoils is a very solid update that really brings more of the whole game better together to really shine. It is a shame to have such an accomplishment marred by this issue.

    The best thing to do in any grievance is to explain your position and express the expectations for an agreeable resolution. You did that well. Hopefully, Rare will will reconsider and come up with a better possible decision here. It is all about reputation and theirs with the community is also at stake.

  • @crush-infinity This keeps being suggested as a solution to the alleged problem, but awarding commendation points based on Athena level is NOT a viable solution. Sure it takes 93 regular Athena chests to hit 10 - but what about earning rep through alliances? What about Devil's Roar Athenas?

    At that point the "93 chests to level 10" calculation is no longer valid because rep is being earned through different methods and in different amounts than a regular Athena chest.

    I don't know why more people don't realize that before they suggest this.

    EDIT: Just note that the calculation for 93 chests became invalid when alliances were introduced for Cursed Sails. Before anyone says anything, I guarantee you they don't know how you earned your rep if they don't have data for how many chests you turned in.

    I would suggest everyone quit grasping at straws for how there could possibly be any backlogged information that could lead to retroactive rewards for the commendations, because it isn't going to happen.

  • Apparently, I would have to start all over anyways since I never became PL, never seen a reason for it. I have the rep just never leveled up the factions. So all my progress in Athena wouldn’t count anyways. I do feel bad for others. Just like to say, Welcome to the club.

  • @chronodusk Again, it really just depends on how much data they do or do not have. Assuming they have absolutely no data at all on what chests people have turned in you may be correct. I would find this slightly surprising considering how much random data they do collect about the game and player behaviors, but it's certainly possible. However, there are still alternatives to re-balance the commendations and address the issue. I think @Skulliah has offered the best solution so far. Changing which commendations reward what items seems fair, considering the current commendations for the pirate legend capstan and wheel are focused on Athena's progress even though they are not Ghost themed items.

  • @imcreepingdeath Maybe that, but realistically I could see the Athena's Voyager commendation being amended with an alternate unlock requirement of "Reputation Level 10 in Athena's Fortune" if they decide to respond to the feedback.

  • @chronodusk That would also be perfectly acceptable in my eyes, although there are some newer players that reached level 10 before they even reached legend, which would technically mean they didn't fulfill the requirement. Honestly though, I think anyone that put the effort in to grind out 93 Athena's deserves the unlock, whether they were a legend during them or not.

  • @chronodusk Fine, how about changing the commendation ranks to every 2 Athena levels instead of the number of chest turn-ins? It wouldn't matter about the specific number of chests, in an alliance or not, and in DR or not. It would give you 5 commendation ranks and be easy to flag for people already at the respective markers.

  • @imcreepingdeath said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    From my limited play time so far it seems like the new pirate legend commendations aren't retroactive for those who have already completed them. In the very least buying an Athena's voyage didn't register all of the voyages I had bought in the past--It looks like I'll need to buy a ton more to work my way through a commendation I've already done. I assume the same is probably true for all of the new commendations.

    This means the commendations are great for those who have just become pirate legend, but honestly a slap in the face for those of us that are already Athena's 10. In essence we have to redo the entire grind again to unlock the commendations just to be able to buy the new items locked behind them. Personally, there is no way I'm grinding out another 100 Athena's, and I suspect the same is true for most A10PLs. Since these commendations don't actually add any new goals--it's all stuff we already did on the grind to A10--I see no reason why they shouldn't be retroactive. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way. When pirate legends asked for new stuff to do/new goals, this is not what they had in mind. Instead this is more of the same, forcing us to grind even more of what we've already done.

    ImCreepingDeath, it looks like the joke is on you for punishing yourself with the mindless "grinding" to get to PL/Athena 10 in the first place knowing that Pirate Legends have continued to be the lowest priority customers in this game. I have seen nothing rumored or promised that substantially rewards Pirate Legends since the Secret Hideout which came at launch and was never finished to have ships launch from the hideout waterfall. Maybe it's time for you to move on...

  • @crush-infinity Again, I think that would be fine. Once again the issue is that people have earned Athena's levels before they were legends, which technically shouldn't count towards the legendary commendations, but I don't think many people would mind if pre-legend progress counted for that commendation specifically.

  • @imcreepingdeath I don't even think non-legends should be focusing on Athena's Fortune. I understand if they passively earn rep for it here and there by playing with Legends, but I don't have a lot of sympathy if someone is looking for retroactive points for something they did before they reached legend.

  • @xxcorvetteguyxx There are plenty of posts here from people in my exact situation that got to PLA10 before this update because they found that to be a fulfilling way to play the game, just like me. It doesn't seem right that this effort shouldn't be recognized. I think you mistake our progress for playing the game only as a mindless grind. I didn't only commit myself to the grind, but I played regularly since launch, and so I reached the endgame. Most people that have played regularly since launch and did voyages somewhat consistently are in the same situation.

  • @chronodusk That's exactly why some people would be opposed to making it based off your Athena level instead of amount of chests, as you mentioned as a possibility. It would fix the issue for high Athena's level pirate legends, but it would also make it significantly easier for those that have grinded Athena's with legends since they started playing. Personally I wouldn't mind, but it could upset some people that such players would get the same progress as them when they reached legend at an already high Athena's level.

  • @chronodusk said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    @imcreepingdeath I don't even think non-legends should be focusing on Athena's Fortune. I understand if they passively earn rep for it here and there by playing with Legends, but I don't have a lot of sympathy if someone is looking for retroactive points for something they did before they reached legend.

    NO, i never even saw an athenas mission before i hit legend, before doubloons and alliances so retroactive points for the PL that got PL then AThena 10, that's what we are talking about!!! Not non PL athenas....
    you have to think if someone hit Athena 10 that's 200+ hours of game play (2 hours a mission 93+ missions) so is it that crazy to think that they may have hit PL before doing this. and the fact that in that time line there weren't so many PL to just give out athenas seeing how PL are the only ones to buy them!!!

    So lets all think about the current situation and the people that have to do 200+ hours of game play again equaling 400+ hours! to get what players are now going to get in there first try of 100+ hours,

    Its fine i have come to the conclusion RARE wants to punish there dedicated players for finishing there game to early!!!

    so just think before posting this is obviously a delicate situation that clearly alot ALOT of players are upset about and quitting the game over

  • @j4l-whammer11in said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    @chronodusk said in Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?:

    @imcreepingdeath I don't even think non-legends should be focusing on Athena's Fortune. I understand if they passively earn rep for it here and there by playing with Legends, but I don't have a lot of sympathy if someone is looking for retroactive points for something they did before they reached legend.

    NO, i never even saw an athenas mission before i hit legend, before doubloons and alliances so retroactive points for the PL that got PL then AThena 10, that's what we are talking about!!! Not non PL athenas....
    you have to think if someone hit Athena 10 that's 200+ hours of game play (2 hours a mission 93+ missions) so is it that crazy to think that they may have hit PL before doing this. and the fact that in that time line there weren't so many PL to just give out athenas seeing how PL are the only ones to buy them!!!

    So lets all think about the current situation and the people that have to do 200+ hours of game play again equaling 400+ hours! to get what players are now going to get in there first try of 100+ hours,

    Its fine i have come to the conclusion RARE wants to punish there dedicated players for finishing there game to early!!!

    so just think before posting this is obviously a delicate situation that clearly alot ALOT of players are upset about and quitting the game over

    Jesus C****t, my comment sidetracked slightly from the original topic, no need for an emotional breakdown. Frankly your post wasn't very coherent, so I'm not really sure why you're upset with me if I'm being honest.

    Quit overreacting about a video game.

  • It's a tricky thing and I definitely understand the disappointment, as well as I understand the technical limitations they had in implementing this (lack of data tracking). :/

    The only realistic alternatives would have been to either make the commendations for some other accomplishments (ones that aren't impossible to accurately reward retroactively) OR grandfather in the players that have reached certain Athena Levels (even if all of them have not truly earned it the way in which these commendations require).

    I understand the way that Rare went with this and it's fine with me. I wouldn't begrudge some current players getting more than they earned, if it rewarded those that did earn it. Just anyone up to this point (grandfathered in) and not beyond this point.
    In the end, it's probably cleaner to do it the way that they have... but I also wouldn't hold it against Rare if they made any changes for it and dished out retroactive rewards in some way.
    These new commendations are good for the future players of the game, and I like what they've done (although, I would have preferred the normal legendary items were unlocked at PL, and further things were earned with commendations).

    Like others said... even if they gave the rewards of half your current Athena Level.

    All that said... again, I'm fine with the way it is (easier for me to say, as a PL AL 8, as levels 9 and 10 are about as many voyages as I've done already).

  • @xxcorvetteguyxx Seems like such a mean spirited comment against PL10s. :(

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