PvP commendations

  • I know rare doesn't want to make this game strictly pvp based. But hear me out. I think we should get commendations for the amount of ships we sink and to make pvp worth doing. I feel like this would help with the bordem that people feel sometimes. For example, these could be some of the commendations. Like maybe sink 50 gallions with the reapers mark up or something like sink this ship in a certain way. Along the lines of that.

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  • I personally dont really like PvP most of the time... but i agree that this should be a thing... I mean the whole aim originally was to 'Be the Pirate Legend you want to be' and if you wish to be a PvP legend... then you should be acknowledged as it.

  • Players are just going to take the path of least resistance to obtain these commendations, which means sinking new players or newly spawned ships at Outposts. This is why you probably won't see any PvP rewards.

  • The biggest reason this has not been done yet is very simple. It could potentially lead to toxic behavior. While PvP is part of the game, it is not the sole purpose of the game. Sadly PvE get more attention, partly because it is easier to come up with PvE content that doesn't create toxic environments than adding anything for PvP. Rare does try to increase PvP though through smaller things. Such as when we first got CCB's, they had a commendation for hitting another crew with several types of CCB's. While I know a lot of players cheated on this and simply hit a friend, while they hit you back, the fact is that it was meant to increase reasons for natural PvP.

    I do believe that something needs to be done to increase PvP, but it needs to be organic and part of the game flow. You don't want servers with 2-3 ships that only want PvP going around hunting the PvE players. certainly not to the point of making them scuttle their ship or leave the server. While I am not sure what the answer really is to do this, I don't think that commendations for PvP are the answer.

  • @youngch0p at least for the upcoming boat customizations i feel pvp should be needed to unlock cannons and what not

  • @ajm123 It should be that way, but based on how Rare has done everything up till now, it will all just be dumped in the shop and you will just buy it with the gold you have stored up.

  • @betsill hard to say. The game seems to change around events and generally stops after the "goal is achieved". Like Alliances for the hungering deep. People generally do the goal and go about how they normaly play. Alone or being a pacifist but give them a goal that unlocks cool cannon upgrades i think the fish will bite

  • @youngch0p It's not simply that they don't want the game to be strictly PvP based; they want the PvP to be simply for the sake of PvP - which is what PvP sink/kill commendations would lead to. The intended aim of PvP is theft, just as one of the intended aims of PvE is to put loot on the seas to be stolen.

  • i think that will be a wasting of the potential of the game, this game should evolve in terms of lore and quest not in terms of pvp i know it's just only comendations but that is not the sea of thieves's soul

  • @YoungCh0p I have thought about this a lot. At first I sided more with the no camp. However, I have come to feel that all the commendations are very one sided. There was a tiny bit of this that came with cursed cannonballs. Like @D3ADST1CK said the path of least resistance was taken. I mostly saw ships sitting at an outpost swapping one of each cursed cannonball back and forth. So boring and wimpy for pirates.

    I think something along the lines of what @Bran-the-Ent said. Have commendations tied more to pirate life as we sail with and against each other. Could at least have commendations for chests, skulls, and gold stolen. Could have ones for the number of times you manage to drop an opponent’s ship anchor in battle. Even one for stealing ships away even though it may be briefly before it is scuttled. If they could add new things like a dueling contest, we could get more player versus player challenges in.

    I would agree that commendations are very one sided right now. The game intends for there to be PvP encounters happening. So there needs to be a balance of commendations to earn. It has to be done in a way though that it does not tilt the game too much in one direction. One could argue that has already happened with the content up to now in the opposite way. Rare even said everyone’s behavior changed that way.

    @NoFears-Fun is right it needs to be controlled and well thought out. Too much would cause the fun of many to deteriorate at the expense of others. It needs to be organic, but the PvP encounters are not growing on their own.

    The game is a blend of both worlds, PvE and PvP. It needs to recognize both pirate play styles. I do not think having some commendations more centric to PvP would hurt the game. I think it would be fair. Rare just needs to find a natural fit without changing the heart and soul of the game

  • @youngch0p Based on what I’ve seen, that admiral looking guy from the art that rare showed recently may be a hint to a pvp faction that may come out in the future, and if that’s the case then I’m sure there would be commendations tied to it.

    P.S. where is you profile pic from I recognize it

  • @x-crowheart-x Well said, I agree 100% about what you said. I understand not everybody likes to pvp. But it's annoying how people just run from you for no reason. I think having an even balance would be a great idea.

  • @sytoki It's from darker than black lol.

  • @leonewgate said in PvP commendations:

    i think that will be a wasting of the potential of the game, this game should evolve in terms of lore and quest not in terms of pvp i know it's just only comendations but that is not the sea of thieves's soul

    I agree that it should not grow in one particular way. However, it needs to grow in both ways. There is no reason that one side of the game should be excluded from quests. Also from what I see all expects of being a pirate is in the lore. Cannons are canon. : )

  • @leonewgate sea of thieves not sea of lore lol but seriously Rare already had a go with lore and it doesn’t seem to be catching as much peoples attention as they hoped so give something pvpers might enjoy.

  • @sytoki said in PvP commendations:

    @leonewgate sea of thieves not sea of lore lol but seriously Rare already had a go with lore and it doesn’t seem to be catching as much peoples attention as they hoped so give something pvpers might enjoy.

    I think many like the lore. Enough of it is not delivered through the experience while sailing within the game. When it is it is not retained well because all the content so far has been short lived and fades away too quickly.

    The lore needs to be brought to life within the game. Comics and novels are great. However, players need to feel it and live it most when they are playing the game. The external sources expand upon the world and link players back into the game.

    The lore in Sea of Thieves needs to be the heartbeat that breathes life into the world we are playing in. The game needs more lore injected into the players through the game than is happening. It cannot and should not be left up to the players to make the most of it feel alive in the game. So far players are not coming together enough within the game to make that happen.

  • @x-crowheart-x The lore is quite interesting, but the way it is delivered diminishes its effect on the player. The game has great lore, but when it’s delivered in the same monotone expression as “I used to be an adventurer like you then I took an arrow to the knee”, it makes people not care. Even just a storyline/campaign would be neat to have in the game just to guide new players to explore around the map, like a long tutorial but more fun. Basically introduce players to sea of thieves and why there are skeletons, how important the kraken and meg are, and what you as a player can do to spread your legacy. None of that is in game, I think the very start of the game sort of tells you how to purchase a voyage and that’s about it.

    Granted some could argue that this takes away from the “discover things on your own” experience but at a certain point people get past that and just want some substance to what they’re doing and why. I’ve been delivering hundreds of skulls to the order of souls lady and to this day I don’t know what she does with them or if I should even be indulging her.

  • @sytoki said in PvP commendations:

    @x-crowheart-x The lore is quite interesting, but the way it is delivered diminishes its effect on the player. The game has great lore, but when it’s delivered in the same monotone expression as “I used to be an adventurer like you then I took an arrow to the knee”, it makes people not care. Even just a storyline/campaign would be neat to have in the game just to guide new players to explore around the map, like a long tutorial but more fun. Basically introduce players to sea of thieves and why there are skeletons, how important the kraken and meg are, and what you as a player can do to spread your legacy. None of that is in game, I think the very start of the game sort of tells you how to purchase a voyage and that’s about it.

    Granted some could argue that this takes away from the “discover things on your own” experience but at a certain point people get past that and just want some substance to what they’re doing and why. I’ve been delivering hundreds of skulls to the order of souls lady and to this day I don’t know what she does with them or if I should even be indulging her.

    So true! Totally agree with you on this.

    Hey at least the “arrow in the knee” game had full voice acting. Although a lot of it came from the same few actors and a lot from one guy. Voice is a good way to deliver the story, but lots of challenges, especially keeping it up.

    I too wish that the kraken and meg meant more on an ongoing basis. Rare talks a lot about stories, but so much if left out. Hard to get the story that is there conveyed in a few spoken words or grunts followed up by a few sentences.

    Hopefully more substance and added meaning to what we endlessly do for the lady in the dark tent will come in time. Let’s hope that this festival becomes an annual thing.

    Unless things become more relevant and permanent a lot of people will not care. Otherwise everyone is sadly just clicking buttons and keys in an blank and empty world.

  • @d3adst1ck

    Players are just going to take the path of least resistance to obtain these commendations, which means sinking new players or newly spawned ships at Outposts. This is why you probably won't see any PvP rewards.

    Or even: Find another crew wanting to do the same thing, and cooperatively sinking each other's ships in turn.

    and also this

  • @youngch0p people don't 'run from you for no reason'...they run because they don't want to PvP. That is a reason

  • Commenedations for sinking ships anywhere in the world will lead to "toxic" behaviour as stated here, I loath that word but its the best way to describe it.

    However I suggested pvp commendations relating to forts, which to me are and always should be the zones where pvp is expected or even encouraged but got all but shut down because it wouldn't be fair to have pvp only commendations because the completists who aren't good at pvp wouldn't be able too easily unlock them and they're to exclusive...

    Speaks volumes about the state of this game and its playerbase, the silver spoon-fed among them are being rewarded and anyone that likes an actual challenge are tossed aside. We've all but been given pve servers, by hiding forts behind skelly ships and allowing alliances competition in this game has basically been neutered, its the doldrums if you enjoy PvP in this game.

    I haven't logged on since the new update, I might be suprised but I doubt it, thats if I even bother.

  • Just lurk and hunt pirates. Let them run then catch them off guard later. And in the case of server wide alliance, infiltrate and betray. No need for commendations. Have fun with pvp.

  • The reward from PvP should be getting loot from other pirates. If no one is carrying loot, that is the issue that Rare should be addressing.

  • @youngch0p No reason? Are you trying to rob or kill them? No reason - lol.

  • @bran-the-ent I'm trying to have fun. When I pvp I always have loot on the line so it's more risky.

  • @youngch0p Your reasoning doesn’t have to be shared by anyone else playing the game. To say “no reason” to run from someone trying to kill/sink/rob them is patently absurd. Those are reasons.

  • @sytoki what lore man there no significant lore in the game to follow like in other games how it's possible that there is a lor of more lore in the comics than in the game, or better there is more lore in the speculations of Captain Falcore that in the hole game

  • @youngch0p said in PvP commendations:

    I know rare doesn't want to make this game strictly pvp based. But hear me out. I think we should get commendations for the amount of ships we sink and to make pvp worth doing. I feel like this would help with the bordem that people feel sometimes. For example, these could be some of the commendations. Like maybe sink 50 gallions with the reapers mark up or something like sink this ship in a certain way. Along the lines of that.

    interesting concept to reward only if the sunken boat had a Reaper's mark up. Let me ask you this.. You're on your sloop with 2, and a galleon with 4 bests your effort and then climbs the mast and raises your reaper flag, then sinks you to get a commendation. Is that part of the plan? Can you raise flags on someone else's boat?

  • @sprungnickel427 No you can't mess with other boats flags at all.

  • The difficulty with commending a crew for sinking a ship is that players don’t sink ships.

    Water sinks ships.

    There are several ways in which a ship can fill with water, including holes in the hull, rain, bucketing water in, and the chest of sorrows.

    Players may help this process along with cannonballs and powder kegs, or steering a ship into rocks; but nothing they do will directly and immediately sink the ship.

    Water sinks ships. Not players.

    This is difficulty with assigning credit for a ship sinking to a crew. A ship may fill with water for a number of reasons. Even if it sinks just because it has holes, the holes may have been caused by the number of things: enemy action, island cannon fire, running aground, Meg, storms, etc.

    For example, you fire on a ship and hole it, and it starts to fill with water. The solo sailor on board starts to repair your holes. Just as he repairs the last hole, rain fills his ship and it sinks. Should you get credit for that?

    What if you board an empty ship, and raise its anchor, sending it sailing into a rock. Then you return to your own ship. How do you get credited, when the empty ship finally succumbs to the water?

    Players don’t sink ships.

    Water sinks ships.

  • @surveyorpete That's really dumb what you just said. Players cause the holes in the ships. Or they board the ship and slaughter everybody so they can't repair.

  • @youngch0p I think you misread or didn't read what Pete had said. What happens if say you hit a rival ship with a helmsball and they run into the a sandbar and sink because of it? Do you get credit for it even though you never physically put a hole in the boat? Gotta look at all the ways ships sink and not just a simple cannon volley that sends them down.

  • @youngch0p

    Players cause the holes in the ships

    Yep, they do. Every time. That is, except the ones caused by:

    • The Megalodon or Kraken
    • Lightning
    • Skeleton cannon fire
    • Running aground, or into a rock
    • Sailing into the Devil's Shroud (the red sea)
    • Volcanoes in the Devil's Roar
    • Gunpowder kegs floating randomly in the sea
    • Collisions with another ship
  • @surveyorpete I guess you could technically also include scuttling. I'm sure that would be a thing - scuttle your ship just before it sinks :)

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