Happy World Octopus Day! 🐙

  • Let's use this day to celebrate our dear friend Karen.

    What was your most beautiful (or saddest) memories from Karen encounters?

    Mine was probably when I wanted to unlock the Xbox Achievement where one has to play a shanty with 4 other pirates. I had found another Galleon but they were not very friendly and were about to ram me. Karen was not very much in agreement with this idea and devoured them. Well, I played my shanty while watching this spectacle.

    Fun fact: do you know that an Octopus has 3 hearts? I wonder how many our lovely Karen has? ❤❤❤


    Kraken hugs to all of ye!

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  • @skulliah our very first night in the live public servers on release day was amazing for our crew.
    We sailed around completing early voyages and getting to grips with the ship (only 2 of us had been in the beta) and then the Skeleton cloud appeared! We went straight for it and managed, after almost an HOUR (yes... we were THAT new to the game) we completed it and loaded the ship.

    Not 2 minutes on our journey to the Outpost did we see the waters go ink-black... the tentacles appeared and away we went!
    We had at Karen for a few minutes, cannonballs aplenty we sent her reeling backing into her murky depths, but in my eagerness to test the game (still laden with fort loot) I span the ship around and went back in again!

    We survived and cashed in, so in our very first play session we had managed to not only tackle one of each voyage type, but also completed a fort and Kraken!

    It took me 2 months to take on a fort again once the hardcore grinders slowed down a little and I learned how to face them properly, but beating Karen on day 1 was epic!

  • @sshteeve

    That sounds like an epic adventure with an awesome reward! :D

    My first encounter ended in Davy Jones' Locker 👀

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