Sea Of Thieves on sale now!

  • With the release of Forsaken Shores just on the horizon, like the shop keepers during the cursed sails event...Microsoft has cut the price of Sea of Thieves and it’s currently on sale on the Microsoft/Xbox store!
    So if you have been wondering if you should hop into the game nows your chance to forge your legend with abit of a discount worthy of any pirate.

    Unfortunately as I own the game I can’t actually see the price though Pmsl! But in the UK there is £17.50 discount and America’s is $21.
    I will update the prices on this page when someone is kind enough to share them with me :)
    Here’s the links:

    United Kingdom:

    United States:

    And as always Sea Of Thieves is available through the Xbox game pass for a subscription. You can also get a free trial if you are still not sure.

  • 5
  • yea i just picked it up for 35% off in the online store. So happy since Forsaken Shores comes out soon.

  • Soon it'll be 19.99 just like all the games that flop

  • @norwaysday Cough
    Game doesn't flop
    Joins insider program

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