Discussion: Egos are getting annoying

  • some sort of bounty system needs to be implemented. Ships that sink others get a bounty on their heads. similar to the reapers mark, they would also be visible to the server (easy to avoid them). It's been discussed many times. Lots of good ideas on this forum.

    We cant loose PvP - its part of the core gameplay.

    I sailed solo for the majority of my play time, and all I found it takes is a watchful eye on the horizon.

    If you see a ship, sail away.

    The aggressive players don't like to waste time sailing. If you are too far away, they don't usually bother you, in my experience. Then once you see that the coast is clear - head back to your objective and finish up.

    Park on opposite sides of islands to the ships you see.
    scan the outposts before heading there.
    don't stop using the anchor, so you can get away fast if needed.
    You have to be smart about your choices.
    Keep watching! - we have a spyglass for a reason :)

    I actually like the defensive play that potentially aggressive ships put me in - it makes the voyage feel more rewarding - real stakes.

  • @vyx said in Discussion: Egos are getting annoying:

    If I fully understand what you are proposing, I think this is also very worth exploring. That is one of the more appealing aspects of this game, in my opinion. The ability it has to evolve, grow, and adapt. Anything that funnels people, as you put it, creates the same effect. Which, does nothing but enrich the experience for everyone.

    Part of what I'm proposing is trying to keep the fight around loot instead of making a completely different experience around PvP. I think the basis of the game needs to be right before other layers are built on top.

  • change your hull, sails, figure head every time you go to a port. Most people only know the look of a ship and don't pay attention to the names of the players.

  • @jeremep OH! thats a good idea - never thought of that. :)

  • @jeremep I also use the clothing randomizer a lot when boarding ships while playing solo. It only takes a second upon respawning and has a pretty funny effect on people during PvP.

  • @jeremep indeed...this is a good point/tip. I spent the first half of my Sea of Thieves adventures as a solo slooper...exploring and adventuring. Always kept my eyes to the horizons...and mostly stayed clear of other vessels...but would have certainly added this to my kit bag had it occurred to me (though truth be told I don't spend a lot of gold on sails and hulls).

    The second half of my adventures on my way to Pirate Legend has been with an exceptional crew that always has my back...even so it's still a good tactic to keep in mind :-D

  • We often switch our looks if we are PVPing too. It's gotten us out of some funny situations.

    People literally came up to us looking for a guy in a white shirt, but we had changed our looks and acted dumb and it 100% worked. (We had just kegged their ship lol)

  • @vyx It's actually amusing to me, I don't get upset over games. My and my wife PVE but if a PVPer comes at me and I kill them I taunt the heck out of them, esp if they are pirate legend because I have only been playing a month.

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