Change your character with out losing progress

  • In case you leveled up to far with a bad looking characters that you don’t like i feel like you should be able to change your character one last time to make sure you get a good character that you really like

    Maybe you get a ghost ticket that can transform your character into a new One without losing your progress but only once

    Something like that

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  • @greenfirefists Yup, that should be in the game.

  • Yes. This should be in the game.

  • It shouldn't be free. It should cost gold, doubloons, or real money. Dont care which but I think it should be there.

  • @greenfirefists Aye, I always said they should have a mirror in the PL hideout what you can approach and pay some gold or something else where you can have another go on the IPG if you wasn’t happy with your selection.

  • The problem is conceptual. In an effort to maintain the IPG's integrity I'm sure there are technical limitations as well - though I can't be sure what those might be. Which is why it seems good logic to me that a whole new round on the IPG would be good form - call it a polymorph potion if ya must... who knows...

    Even if assuming new faces or body shapes aren't technically limited we're dealing with the whole vision statement of "Make a pirate, live their adventures", we are even tied to our Xbox user names which, perhaps it's because I'm used to more RPG's and also many MMO's which this is NOT specifically... but I am one who loves naming my character as much as creating their look.

    I've wondered if it would be a bad idea to allow us multiple characters under one account, who simply share the gains and loot, meaning the titles are more closely assigned to the player versus the character and the characters would be our "crew" allowing us to pick and choose whom we sail as at our hearts content.

    Even if a bad idea that sort of inclusion would provide some depth to character insofar as to say if I wanted to play more one way versus another I'd play character X... but if I was in some sort of contrarian mind I might play a different toon...

    Sure, actions such as reporting, or whatever might get meddled with a tiny bit... and naming would be troublesome in some ways as well since now 4 million reported players or more now have maybe 5 names each.....

    But we're talking about video games... we can send people to the moon, and generate electronic worlds from a batch of code... I'm sure even this could be figured out...

    Even if it's just looking into a mirror and fine tuning our look.. even something as simple as skin color should be tweakable, even if not a whole cloth character generator... a mere slider for partial concerns like body size, eye color, skin color alone would do wonders for players like me...

    Who happen to be tired of playing the ultra thin scurvy ridden pirate I am... and have much fun playing my obese jolly and simple looking fellow once in a while.

    He'll never make legend since I don't buy upgrades for him.. but he's almost a millionaire in his own right... to bad few will ever know him.

  • I'm in agreement here. I think they should implement a way to have a second character in the game, so everyone can play as the pirate they really want to play as.

    Some people had not realized that their choice of pirate would become an issue later, and I've heard of some players having their pirate chosen for them somehow.

    Adding a new option to either buy a second character slot or find an incredibly rare item in-game that lets you Re-Roll your pirate at no loss to your gold, stats, or reputation, would be interesting to see.

    However Rare decides to implement this feature, it needs to be heavily restricted by putting a pay wall in the way, and making it so everyone can only either change appearances once or only have one spare character slot per account.

    Personally, I'd rather have an extra character slot that I have to pay for with real money, and always be able to have a second pirate to play as.

  • @cpt-vunderbar slightly off the topic of support for the idea.. but I wonder if a pay wall or any gateway is really needed...

    There's no such thing as affect or economy between each player, we're islands unto ourselves and the existence of one pirate versus another is literally based on a per session field. So who cares if a player changes looks a billion times.. or once... the immersion is literally not a thing affected by if you look different today versus yesterday... as you and I will likely never meet on the seas excepting on purpose, with personal intervention by our actions.

    I mean I can see them adding an in game price to it.. and if micro transaction do become a thing eventually I can understand how need for money might trump the generously free content offering...

    But there's no reason not to allow the change hourly if we wanted, is there Yet there's always some talk of costs real or imagined... I really don't know why that'd be needed except because we as players are used to being penalized for fun?

  • @blooddoll22
    I guess my point was that allowing players to change their looks frequently would kind of take away from the whole thing of having to choose a pirate and stick to it. It kinda makes the IPG a bit of a joke if it can just be reused over and over again.

    That's why I was thinking about a secondary character slot instead, that you could pay for. Personally, I think they should just give us 1 extra pirate slot with no penalty, as in no loss of rep or gold or anything. Adding the ability to delete and create a new pirate would be nice as well.

    All this said, I spent around 30-45 minutes just deciding on a pirate I liked, and I was very happy with the choice I made. But I would like to have at least a second character slot as well, so I can play something different from time to time. I'd be willing to pay for that though, since I can kinda understand why Rare wouldn't want to allow everyone to constantly reroll their pirates.

    Still, there needs to be something added to address this problem.

  • @cpt-vunderbar The more I too think about it the more I prefer merely adding slots for allowing the assembly of your personal crew. I would love to be able to play as a female and a male as my whims demand. I buy cosmetics that I think look good in varied match-ups, already. So I wear everything even dresses on occasion. @PersonalC0ffee or @Onogork
    (or someone) woke me up to the silly fun of hitting random assortments for my clothing and vanity items a while ago and seeing how I look each time I play. I found that even with few items the random assorments are kinda neat. But once in a while I would like to be a 'different pirate' altogether.

    As it sits, the only option is playing my alt, who would be my second legend eventually (not long from now actually) but I don't buy rank ups for the character. I am further dissuaded from playing that character because I have lost out on that character having some of the event driven cosmetics, which although I don't like many of them, does matter to me in a small way. I also dislike having to associate that alt with a whole 'nother Xbox user account...

    Having the ability to chose from my whale of a pirate who reminds me of a kindly simpleton with an unhealthy but hearty smile, versus my rail thin slenderman of a villainous and scarred seadog, and wearing the cosmetics I've earned as a player since launch on either of them, and being able to name them independently of my username, and should I make yet another character one day down the road, also being able to tweak something like my skin tone or body shape at the minimum would keep me as a player quite happy.

    I can understand the philosophy of making one pirate to represent us as a personal avatar and creating a bond with that pirate as we sail the seas and tell that pirates 'story'.
    But I think the game lacks enough infrastructure or allowance of players to affect the global play field, let alone the environment itself, for that to actually be a reality here. Just like the "Legit Legends" whose value and influence on the game extends only as far as perhaps their fleet, these forums, or perhaps reddit, assuming anyone knows who they are or are not in the first place. Or the streamers whose name only reaches as far as their audience and those players who indulge in such viewership. These sorts of players affect the game in some way, based on personal reputation, sure.

    But how many pirates do you persistently interact with whom you've met before, that you didn't arrange the later meetings to for? How many of us ever really just meet one another on the seas and know whom one another are. It happens, surely. But the truth from what I've noticed... nope... not often... I meet another pirate in the game and I can hands down almost always assume I've never heard of them, nor they I.

    Yet, any of us could have been around since pre-launch, played daily for hours, and so on....

    So why cleave to the notion of a single pirate and their private stories, when those stories aren't being remembered all that well openly? Does anyone really think they'd remember seeing me on the open seas? I don't think so. Maybe based on forum rep I might have a few, and surely I'd have made friends thanks to the game. But I don't know a single one of my friends who would care if my in game name were also my username for Xbox.

    So yea, I'm right there. Let us customize our characters a bit more, or if technically too difficult or costly, let us have more than one slot.

    Maybe that too is too much for this game based on how it was built initially.

    If not now.. then perhaps for SoT2... which might take years before it develops but if we've learned anything it was that SoT 1 was too thin on content and has been fighting to recover from that rep since launch. SoT2 could be done right and well from inception. But that's still years down the road to be sure.

  • This a great idea

  • This now exists in the form of the Pirate Appearance Potion in the Pirate Emporium.

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