The true legend's code

  • Hi there after a long time sailing on the high seas with me fateful ship the endurance. me and me mates finally hit pirate legend 2 days ago. one of the first things we did after checking out the tavern and the quest was find other crews on the server and help them out with voyages and maybe drooping a legend quest or 2.

    at first it was great people where great full for help form a legend crew and it was quite fun to help them with the event we had already completed, that was until yesterday when we where just cruising around the server casually doing a legend voyage until i ran into a predicament with 4 gp skellys and one thing lead to another and me entire crew ended up on the ferry.

    while waiting to re spawn we sore another crew on there who started chatting to us and other players asking if we wouldn't mind finding em and drooping em a quest since they never done it before now us being the true legends we are agreed to meet on snake island and as we where attempting to put the alliance flag up the island shot at them and they instantly started attacking us. at the time i though well this could just have been them being careful and misunderstanding the situation so we decided to float back over to em and explain that we didn't shoot them but we can forgive them if though thought something was up. turns out they where legends and they where running a con where they trick other players into coming to them thinking they will work together and then just sinking em and taking there loot.

    now i understand the game has pvp but there is a right way and a wrong way we didn't mind being sunk all we lost where some cages "and personally we are not a pvp crew id sooner just sink the ship myself than have to deal with the pointlessness" but tricking kind players into combat they neither want nore asked for just seams a bit scummy to me i mean yea sure take the loot but dont just stand on the ferry offering to help out new or low lv players and then stab em in the back iv seen alot of family play this game who would have a encounter like that and never want to come back to the game again witch is a shame cus of how unique sea of thieves is when it comes to being able to work with other players instead of shooing everything in a 5 mile radius like every other game with pvp.
    in my opinion the title of legend is something that isn't just a meaningless title that u get for playing the game enough i think its more of a thing u have to earn though your experiences in the game. for example during hungering deep me and me crew was on for almost the full 2 weeks helping new players complete the event then fight meg it wasn't just fun to do but the feeling that even though they could have shot us at any time they didn't and after whatever they needed help with they went about the business without another word. another event i remember was completing 9 fleets in a row in a sloop with no players helping that is actually why our ship is called the endurance.

    so after that bad encounter me and me crew got to talking and we though wouldn't it be a neat idea if we had some sort of code like the one u see in the tavern when u first log in this could be something that all true legends could learn to follow well all true legends anyway cus i be leave anyone who ruins the game for other crews doesn't deserve the title.
    some rules we though of where
    1 a true legend will never use slimy tactics when taking on other crews such as befriending them or attacking unannounced
    2 a true legend only attacks other crews if provoked or with good reason such as they have a stronghold chest on board and wont alliance. never for meaningless reasons
    3 a true legend attempts to help deserving crews with anything that they might need assistance with such as fleets, forts and events like summoning meg.
    4 a true legend avoids toxicity whenever possible
    5 a true legend (this one is more just because i think it can spoil the game for some people it did a bit for my crew but depends on who u with) never opens the entrence to the legend tavern to anyone outside there crew this is more so because they arnt aloud past the waterfall anyway and dose give away some of the reword for reaching 50 50 50.

    and at the moment that's all we can think of. it would be interesting to hear what other people think of this idea its less of something u have to follow more.. well as a great pirate captain once said "the code is more guidelines than actual rules" it would also be interesting to hear if anyone else has any rules that they would add to the code that we couldn't think of.
    cheers if ye made it though all me waffle i will end of a quick joke
    What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches?
    A nervous wreck. :P

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