Logged back in for the first time in a month... Went as expected...

  • Yeah, took a break from the grind after reaching PL... Logged back in today and after two hours of clumsy UI and doing a scavenger hunt for cursed cannonballs I said frill this and logged off. Nothing but toxic cursing PVP'ers and boring content... Back to staying away until some actual content drops...

  • 11
  • @xrekkoffx okay...

  • @marsmayflower said in Logged back in for the first time in a month... Went as expected...:

    @xrekkoffx okay...

    I like your style lol

  • @xrekkoffx said in Logged back in for the first time in a month... Went as expected...:

    doing a scavenger hunt for cursed cannonballs

    Oh well there's your problem. You're playing the wrong game. This is the Sea of Thieves forum. Not sure what scavenger hunt game you're talking about though...

  • You non stop advocate for solo servers or safe servers..

    I'm not sure what you expected out of a primarily cannonball based update, as far as not engaging in PvP goes.

  • Can I have your stuff?

  • I would like to have your 75 gold you got before logging off and complaining how everyone is a [Mod edited]

  • @xrekkoffx come back on the 19th and see what your think of Forsaken Shores matey.
    I have to say I've had one battle since the update and we went looking as both our crews had our reapers mark up and it ended as who was the better crew with the Cursed balls never really changing the fight in any way.

    As for a few other posters here, yeah the OP is looking for a reaction, but no need to swear or make derogatory comments towards him, he hasn't singled anyone out in his post after all!

  • @xRekkoffx As the opening post of this thread does not contain material for discussion, it will now be locked. Please ensure that topics you create foster legitimate, constructive discussion with the community rather than incite argument.

  • @El-Dth-Taco Please refrain from the baiting and trolling other users, as well as the use of derogatory language. Both are violations of our forum rules, and your post was removed accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    @JacketedLawyer6 Please refrain from use of inappropriate language, including using symbols to represent calling others names. Your post was also edited.

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