An Official ''Sea of Thieves'' Movie

  • Lets be honest and say this isnt the craziest idea ever but the most ''out there'' idea ever. With how popular and cherished the game has become, it honestly doesnt seem to bad of an idea. Throughout gaming history, only a handful of games ever saw the big screen by fan demand. If this idea actually sailed, I think it would be a box office blowout in the animated films department as something original but also very different. Only the film would need to be as great as the game is! That means keeping in the slightly mild adult humor and adding more comedy and of course a serious plot line with some unforgettable moments. Epic ship battles, crew encounters, memorable bonds of friendship. Maybe even loss and tragedy, like how the cursed sails storyline was kind of sad and dark, or tell the tale of a bumbling band of drunken pirates who embark on an epic adventure of buffoonery, only to be brought closer together by the open sea and clowning their way out of bad situations. One can do much with the vast array of of storylines, or tell multiple! Focus on 3 crews of different aesthetics and characteristics, tell their stories back to back and coincidently have them all meet! Or make a mini series instead of a movie!! Is this a great idea? I think so, what are your thoughts?

  • 18
  • @salems-reject Let's be honest, game adaptations have a bad record when it comes to movies. Sure not all of them were mediocre or flopped, but it's high risk.
    Assuming every SoT player would go to the theater and pay 20 bucks to watch it … really small budget.

  • Here is my list of good video game movies:

    Annnd here is my list of video games that should be made into movies:

    Miniseries, cartoon shorts, and comic books are normally all really great ways to expand game universes. Which I enjoy immensely. Mainly because these are cheap easy to make and target the actual gamers. Once you try to put it into a theater you are now aiming at a larger audience, and everything goes South fast. And I mean South South like past Lookout point into the Devil's Shroud South.

    @Crimsonraziel I wouldn't say they have a "bad record" I'd say they have a perfect record... Of being bad! HAHAHA!

    2nd Edit: @Salems-Reject A miniseries on how the ghosts in the legendary hideout became not living would be pretty epic.

  • @crimsonraziel You do present a very valid point but sometimes a risk may turn into success. Kind of off topic but look at Star Wars, in a backwards perspective that was a HUGE risk for Lucas. No one wanted to hear the idea or read the script and it almost didnt happen and almost 40 years later, its turned into merchandise of all kinds. Ranging from animated series to toys, clothes, movie extensions, video games, ETC. It thrived because the right minds were behind the story and it targeted everyone then. Now it targets mainly fans, gamers, enthusiasts, con communities, ETC and has created a hub around the globe as something that will never die...a risk it was once called. Halo did the same thing, only now turned around from game script to movie script. And it did thrive for awhile. Even if its meant to target gamers, it'll still be somewhat successful, especially since Pirates of the Caribbean was a fan hit and became a game. Lovers of the POTC community might just stop to take a gander at what this animated pirates film is all about more so than an average patron whose never even heard of Sea of Thieves. Plus it is kid friendly to an extent and like VEGGIE TAILS a curious parent might want to see if their kid might enjoy it, maybe even play the game after. Anything is possible, you just need the right minds and creativity to create something that might actually go from a risk to something doubted.

  • @ecljpse Read my comment to crimson and yes, that would be pretty neat.

  • @salems-reject At what point is Star Wars a video game adaptation?

  • horrible Idea. They barely fleshed out the world enough to make a c****y game. They would have zero source material. Most VG movies flop because they have too much source materials to work from and for some reason they choose the c*******t story line out of all of them. This games movie would have they opposite problem. No source material so you would get stuck with a c****y movie that had zero to do with the game.

  • @crimsonraziel LOL read it again! Its vice versa as an example my friend.

  • @violator776 Yes, and that is your opinion but again with the right minds, anything is possible :)

  • @salems-reject said in An Official ''Sea of Thieves'' Movie:

    @crimsonraziel LOL read it again! Its vice versa as an example my friend.

    Exactly. This is a non-argument. Turning a movie franchise into a game is not the same. It doesn't matter how well that worked for a franchise. If you are trying to do the opposite you face a totally different set of obstacles and difficulties.

    And then Sea of Thieves doesn't have the fanbase Star Wars has/had and it is a fresh IP. Sure they could make a low budget animated movie, but there would be no box office blowout because it wouldn't even hit theaters.

  • @salems-reject

    You know they already set the stage for something like this with the 'Museum of More Pirate' trailer series?

    I could really see Sean hosting a series of swashbuckling tales from the Sea of Thieves :D

  • @crimsonraziel Box office blowout figuratively, as I stated in my first reply ''view it at a backwards perspective'' Yes different obstacles, though considering the gaming fan base and how many people enjoy it, you may never know. Especially a few years down the road, if a mini series hit for fans to watch as online enjoyment exclusively, it may just expand beyond that point. Anything is possible!

  • @katttruewalker @Crimsonraziel Thats what im talking about! Anything is possible and with the right minds, its worth spending a few dabloons. That trailer was. actually pretty good. Even it doesn't hit a theater, it'll still make a worthy impression. #BeMorePirate #GooniesNeverSayDie

  • @salems-reject Anything is possible … You can keep saying that as much as you like, it doesn't make a valid argument, it's just a scream of "I have beliefs, stop confusing me with reasoning".

    I never called it impossible, but a huge risk most likely not worth taking any time soon.

    Sidenote: "Anything is possible" is also a mediocre movie from 2013.

  • @crimsonraziel I'm not arguing anything, just simply stating that; Im gonna say it again, anything is possible XD As well, theres no need to assert reason on an idealistically creative topic. We're allowed to have ideals and beliefs without reason and logical sense, why? Because that in itself is all that it really is...just an idea that hasnt been embarked upon. Rather it may or may not be pursued though, is totally up to those who share that same vision. Oh, and uh as for that movie you mentioned, ''Anything is Possible'' I think i'll give it a look and be the judge myself on how it is, thanks :)

  • I think that it should be a live movie and Jack Black Should be the captain of the crew

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