So I beat the game last night woot woot

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  • @algaram sagte in So I beat the game last night woot woot:

    I hit level 10 Athenas, I have the full Athenas ghost ship and 2.5 mil to spare in gold. time to go pvp I guess.

    No you Beat the Game with 180/180 Commendations in the 3 Trading Companies and all Current Bilge Rat Commdndations!

  • I'm really looking forward to that day more and more bored kids like you hitting PL, with nothing better to do but make our lives miserable. That'll be the time when I'll be quitting the game.

  • @algaram dijo en So I beat the game last night woot woot:

    @nd3e I don't understand whats wrong with finishing the levels in all factions and wanting to go pvp in a pvp based game

    People dont unterstanding that this game is a a pvevp and dont wanting to fight players. I loved the first weeks of the game where a lot of people tried to steal me my s**t, now only the new players engage (and they obviously get wrecked) so I hope more and more people go full pvp to spice a bit the journeys. Because if not, this game is about charming snakes and slicing dumb skellies...

  • @algaram sagte in So I beat the game last night woot woot:

    I hit level 10 Athenas, I have the full Athenas ghost ship and 2.5 mil to spare in gold. time to go pvp I guess.

    You beat the game with 1000/1000 Gamerscore. Good luck.

  • @algaram Wanda said it in the preCursed Sails patch, "this is not a parade of being hand in hand", but some people dont understand that XD

  • @algaram hope to see you at the skull forts

  • Grats man! Thats alot of work lol GG on the commendations. And if you want to go PvP go for it! You bought the game and you are entitled to play it how you wish. Dont let others dictate or guilt trip you into there own playstyle, you do you.

  • I dunno, if you want to PvP go ahead - rank never was a gateway to PvP if you want to do it, do it. But as a fully vested PL I presume there's friends you've made who aren't PL help them rank up? If not, alliance with others and grind gold perhaps? Or finish bilge rat adventures you might have missed, if any? Complete whatever you might have left of Cursed Sails, if anything? Or, work on achievements you might be missing? Or make friends of others either with or without the alliance system for future content which may be multi-crew dependent? Or get creative and start a twitch stream/Youtube/whatever that does random silliness that isn't copied from others such as how Falcore makes "upsettingly" funny noobisapien videos and such.

    Let's not even discuss the things you might get out of being a more social pirate.

    Do all this and PvP.

    But to presume that simply because you've 'finished' the game all that is left is PvP is to remark clearly how little interest the game offers you. Which is the game's problem, I admit. This isn't even accounting for the millions required to buy everything in the game, which I can understand, since cosmetics are a flavorless carrot for many.

    I'm not 'mad' that you finally feel liberated to PvP without loss. But I worry that you clearly fail to see the other virtues offered by playing the game without a PvP focus. Yet, again, no one's loss. The game could use deeper content that isn't a revolving door of events, hopefully additions such as Forsaken Shores provides that. I do know they've mumbled about a new faction in that update - hopefully it's a decent one.

  • @algaram and use thier skull fort key on empty forts

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