Cursed sails is really a good DLC, but ...

  • Between today and last night it is the second time that we have won the battle with the skeleton ships, we wait for minutes and minutes, and we do not find any treasure / reward skull. Did we make mistakes or bugs?

    P.S. Allow me to express a suggestion on the barrels that spawn at sea during the battles, as soon as you approach them sink immediately without the possibility that they remain afloat for a few seconds, it is really very annoying.

  • 12
  • There are 2 ships on the final wave one regular and one with all the loot. You have to make sure the one with the loot is the last one to sink or you’ll most likely never see the loot

  • @josephweasley Ahoy matey!

    One thing to look out for, you have to search for treasure after sinking the captain's ship, it's not always the last ship you sink that spawns the treasure. Keep an eye out for the captain (the skeleton with the red tag) and follow his ship for the loot.

  • @josephweasley with each ship there is usually one to three items of loot that floats up after the ship sinks. But the captains ship(final ship) is the one you have to jump and see if any loot is floating up to the surface. I've seen typically four bone captains chests, four captains skulls, and some random loot mixed in with that.

  • Thank you all for the answers!

  • @josephweasley My big suggestion that solves everything. First thing is that the ship with a captain that has a red name will drop the treasure. The treasure can only be taken by sinking it. Once it is sinking have someone follow it down into the depths until it despawns or pops, as I like to say. The player you sent will see treasure rising from the popped ship. Have him come up from the water in a spiral form and raise a lantern so you know where it will rise. You have two options now, you can wait for it to rise to the surface and then put it aboard or swim down and speed up the process.

  • @josephweasley is this something you're still experiencing this week? We made some changes in the second week to address this.

    @khaleesibot said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.2.1:

    Patch Notes - 1.2.1

    • Cursed Sails Resources - Treasure items and Barrels of Plenty will now float for longer. This allows greater opportunity to find resources and treasures mid-battle.
  • Havnt had any issues at all really i did get the no skelly spawn on ships the week before but thats be addressed n had no issues apart from it been a bit glitchy when more ships come to fight with you

  • I actually had that as well... we definetly killed the captain ship and there was loot on the ship before it sank....but after it despawned the loot was gone (and yes we checked underwater as well ;) )

    maybe the sunken ship went too deep and the game actually despawned the loot :(
    And I really want the no skelli bug to happen to me too :P I only get the very very aggressive meg :D

  • @zz-emerz-zz
    It happened also during the last week, both to me and to my fellow sailors. Time to stop the ship and the barrels sink, without really being able to stock up.

  • @zz-emerz-zz Am I understanding the relevance of this remark? Because my crew and I speed by barrels while in, say a brigantine, and 9 of 10 times as soon as they get to the barrels... they're sinking as soon as my crew gets within anywhere near reach of them.

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